My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2804 Swan geese fly south, soldiers expedition

Chapter 2804 Swan geese fly south, soldiers expedition

Liu Mingzhi nodded and drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, and gestured around with the wine bowl that was barely left.

Duan Dingbang's generals, civil and military officials, and a hundred thousand troops all lifted the wine to their mouths and drank it down.

"Long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi directly put down his right hand holding the wine bowl, turned around and walked straight to the table on the stage.

Putting the wine bowl on the table, Liu Mingzhi sighed with emotion, and pulled the sandalwood box containing the tiger charms to him.

"King Wuyi."

"The minister is here."

"The seal of the Commander of the Three Armies."

"My minister obeys."

Song Qing punched First Young Master Liu, turned around and galloped towards his horse under the stage, took out something wrapped in yellow silk from the harness on the horse's back, and turned back.

"Your Majesty, Shuai Yin is here."

"Put it on the table and open it."

"As ordered."

Song Qing carefully placed the commander's seal wrapped in yellow silk on the table, and then gently untied the silk cloth outside, revealing the commander's seal of the three armies carved from beautiful jade inside.

Liu Mingzhi held the three-army watermark with both hands, and looked up at Duan Dingbang who looked excited.

"Duan Dingbang."

"The minister is here."

"The commander-in-chief of the three armies can command the three armies, and it represents the lives of the soldiers.

It is said that once a general succeeds, all bones will wither.

I am a soldier, and I take this sentence seriously.

I don't ask too much of you, I hope you can bring back all the soldiers who accompanied you on the expedition. "

"Minister Duan Dingbang, follow orders."

"You don't need to be under too much pressure, just do your best!
Printing. "

"My minister obeys."

Duan Dingbang walked up to Young Master Liu solemnly, and took the seal of the commander of the three armies from Young Master Liu's hand with both hands with a respectful expression.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, then stretched out his hand and handed the two tiger talismans that fit together perfectly to Duan Dingbang from the box.

"Tiger Talisman."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Lv Chen, Ge Gonglu, you and others go forward to receive the Tiger Talisman."

"My minister obeys."

Liu Mingzhi picked up two more tiger charms of different styles and handed them in front of the two.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Cai Yan, go forward and receive the Tiger Talisman."

"My minister obeys."

After Liu Mingzhi handed out the Tiger Talisman to everyone, he glanced majestically at the many generals in front of him.

"After the expedition, you must assist Duan Dingbang well."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the ministers will definitely assist Marshal Duan with all their best."

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his armor, grabbed the command flag on the table and walked steadily towards Dian Jiang's stage.

The six little cute brothers and sisters who had returned, Duan Dingbang, the generals, and all the civil and military officials didn't know what Liu Mingzhi wanted to do, so they had to stand at a distance and wait.





Liu Song trotted a few steps away, took the rein of the horse and sent Feng Xing to Liu Mingzhi.

"Master, the horse is coming."

Liu Mingzhi got on his horse, pulled the reins and galloped towards the phalanx of the [-] troops.After a few breaths, Liu Mingzhi had already galloped to the position of the central army.

Wandering on horseback in the criss-crossing open space of the three-army phalanx, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the three-army soldiers in front of him, and violently waved the command flag in his hand.

"The soldiers are mighty!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"Soldiers, brothers, what is the purpose of this expedition, I know it in my heart, and you also know it in your heart.

I still say the same thing as before, I want you to level up the world, I want you to level up the world, I want you to lay down a vast territory, and I want you to lay the foundation of my Great Dragon Dynasty forever.

I believe you can do it, answer me loudly, can you do it? "

Listening to Young Master Liu's high-spirited words that contained internal strength, the hundred thousand soldiers raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

"Long live."

"Long live."

"Long live."

Hearing the familiar, deafening shouts, Liu Mingzhi immediately showed a hearty smile on his face.

What a familiar voice, what an inspiring voice.

What an exciting sound.

Liu Mingzhi let out a long breath, held up the command flag in his hand and waved it vigorously a few times.

In an instant, the [-] troops immediately quieted down, staring intently at Young Master Liu who was riding on a horse at the position of the Chinese army with fanaticism in his eyes.

"Soldiers, I can tell you frankly that this time I have traveled thousands of miles from my hometown to conquer the barbarians.

Some of you may die on the way to the expedition due to unforeseen reasons, and some of you may die in a foreign country due to unacceptable conditions.

Some of you may die before you start your battle, and some of you will die in battle, under the sword of the enemy.

And once this happens, it means that you will never see your family back home.

Those of you who are not married cannot see Gaotang, and those who are married cannot see their wives and children.

Facing this unknown journey ahead, where life and death are unpredictable, tell me loudly, are you afraid? "

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"To die for one's country is to die well."

"To die for one's country is to die well."

"To die for one's country is to die well."

"Okay! You are all good-looking, and you are all the hot-blooded sons of my big dragon.

I am proud to have elite troops like you hot-blooded men.

The world is prosperous with young and generous soldiers like you.

Dalong will prosper forever for having you brave and vigorous men.

Soldiers, you are right. We soldiers, we die for our country, for righteousness, and deserve to die.

However, I don't want you to die in battle, I hope you can come back alive, I hope that all of you can make contributions and return to your hometown.

I hope that all of you can triumphantly triumphant and honor your ancestors.

Soldiers, no matter how difficult and dangerous the journey ahead is, don't be afraid.

Even if you are unfortunately seriously injured and disabled, or you die in battle, you are not afraid.

Your family is my family, and your wives and children are the wives and children of the Dalong court.

I can assure you that no matter what happens, the imperial court will never treat them badly, and will never let them be wronged.

I, the imperial court, and the people of the world are your strongest backing. "

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Soldiers, set off with peace of mind and go all out to make contributions.

I tell you that I built a Lingyan Pavilion in the palace, and now I will explain to you in detail what that Lingyan Pavilion is for.

The Lingyan Pavilion was built to display statues and portraits of those who made meritorious service in the imperial court.

Everyone who entered there can be immortalized forever, everyone can be famous through the ages, and everyone can be immortal.

I hope that one day, you will be able to enter Lingyan Pavilion after a hundred years.

Let the descendants of Dalong pass on the praises through the ages.

I hope that one day, I can tell you.

Please go to Lingyan Pavilion temporarily. "

"I would like to expand the territory for His Majesty, and I will never hesitate to die, long live long live."

"I would like to expand the territory for His Majesty, and I will never hesitate to die, long live long live."

"I would like to expand the territory for His Majesty, and I will never hesitate to die, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the soldiers of the three armies whose morale had reached the peak, waved his command flag and galloped towards Dianjiangtai.

Liu Mingzhi climbed onto the platform again, and threw the command flag in his hand to Duan Dingbang.

"Dingbang, we are about to go to war, let's boost our morale."

"As ordered."

Duan Dingbang walked up to the Dianjiang platform holding the command flag, and waved the command flag in his hand a few times vigorously.

"Brothers, if you travel thousands of miles to your hometown, if you advance, you will make great achievements, and if you retreat, you will be infamous forever.

Benshuai and you, work hard to share the fame. "




Duan Dingbang put down the command flag, turned around and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, send an order to go out."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the soldiers of the three armies for the last time, and took a deep breath.

"Beat the drum, let's go out."

"The orderly."


"Your Majesty has an order to beat the drums and go out."


"Your Majesty has an order to beat the drums and go out."

"Your Majesty has an order to beat the drums and go out."

"Your Majesty has an order to beat the drums and go out."

A moment later, there was a heavy and heroic battle drum sounding straight into the sky in the camp, mixed with the melodious sound of horns.

"Your Majesty, the minister is waiting."

"Let's go."

"I bid farewell to Your Majesty, long live long live long live."

When the sun is high and the sky is high, the sound of war drums falls and the sound of horns goes out.

One hundred thousand soldiers and soldiers of Dalong Second Route went home for an expedition.

After half a day.

Liu Mingzhi stood on the tower and looked at the long black line on the official road gradually receding. He looked up at the swan geese flying southward and honking in the air, and sighed heavily.

"The weather is getting colder, the swan geese are flying south, but the soldiers are on an expedition.

Elder Xia. "

"His Majesty?"

"My lord, tell me, how long will it take them to return to their hometown?
three years?five years?ten years?

Or, for a lifetime? "

(End of this chapter)

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