My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2805 The Birth Of The Hanging Force

Chapter 2805 The Birth Of The Hanging Force
Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Xia Gongming thought for a while, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty, this question of yours is really embarrassing for me.

Although the veteran has been in the temple for decades, he is only a civil servant with a pen after all.

Regarding the matter of marching and fighting, if the veteran said he didn't know anything about it, it was really unlikely, but compared to those military officers' colleagues, it was really nothing for the veteran to know.

To put it in a slightly self-deprecating sentence, it is difficult to be elegant.

So, this old minister really doesn't know how to answer His Majesty.

The old minister can't solve your majesty's worries and problems, so I hope your majesty will forgive you. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Xia Gongming, who had a self-deprecating expression on his face, sneered, raised his finger and shook it a few times.

"Hehehe, oh, you old fox!"

Xia Gongming saw Young Master Liu pretending to be annoyed, and the nervousness in his heart gradually disappeared.

Based on his understanding of First Young Master Liu, he knew that Liu Mingzhi was not really dissatisfied with his answer, so he immediately felt much more relaxed.

"Your Majesty, you have really wronged the old minister by saying this.

The veteran didn't want to pretend to be confused, but the veteran really didn't know much about marching and fighting.

If you ask the old minister to help you put forward opinions, the old minister can tell the reason, but I can't guarantee whether it will be useful or not.

Since it was [-]% to [-]% of the situation, the old minister thought about it carefully and felt that it would be better to say less.

The old minister still understands the truth that too many words will lead to mistakes. "


"Of course."

"In this case, what you said, sir, does have some truth.

Then, my lord, you might as well explain it to me, when did I say you pretended to be confused because you understood?Are you trying to cover up what you said just now, are you not pretending to be self-inflicted?
I originally thought that since you don't know much about marching and fighting, my lord, then forget about this question, but now that I hear what you say, I have to ask you to explain why. "

Xia Gongming looked at the teasing expression on Young Master Liu's face, subconsciously recalled what he said just now, the corners of his mouth trembled a few times, and the gray beard on his chin also trembled involuntarily.

Alas, the old man is not wrong, as expected, too many words will lead to mistakes.

Young Master Liu looked at Xia Gongming's embarrassed face, and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"What are you thinking, my lord? Why didn't you say anything? I'm still waiting for your kind words, my lord!"

Xia Gongming heard Young Master Liu's questioning words, and the expression on his face suddenly became more embarrassed. He turned his head to look at Young Master Liu's expression of "hiding a knife in his smile", and laughed a few times with a distressed expression.

"Old minister, old minister, old minister, Your Majesty, these are completely unintentional words of the old minister!
How dare an old minister pretend to be ignorant in front of His Majesty? The old minister really doesn't know much about marching and fighting. I hope His Majesty will learn from you! "

"No, old fox, you have to tell the truth today. Otherwise, I will punish you for the crime of deceiving the emperor."

"This...Your Majesty, aren't you making things difficult for others?"

Xia Gongming muttered softly with a tangled expression, as if he had thought of something, he instinctively glanced at Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun who was watching the play next to him.

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks it is more appropriate for you to ask Rong Weihou about this matter. After all, he is now the head of the court's military attache, and he definitely has more say in this matter than the old minister."

Cai Jun, Marquis of Rongwei who was standing aside watching the play, suddenly became unhappy when he heard that Xia Gongming had brought disaster on him.

Seeing Xia Gongming's reaction of dodging his eyes, Rong Weihou rushed to Xia Gongming's body, and gave him a staring stare.

"Xia Gongming, you old bastard, you are going too far.

The two of us have no enmity in the past, and we have no grievances in recent days. On weekdays, when the old man sees you, he is still polite and respectfully calls you Xia Shoufu.

The old man asked himself, did he offend you?Your Majesty asked you about something, what are you talking about on this old man?
You old bastard, on the surface you look like a dog, why don't you do anything?

For the sake of how many years older you are than the old man, this time the old man will not be as knowledgeable as you. If you dare to stumbling me, the old man will never end with you.

Others are afraid of you, Xia Gongming, but I, Cai Jun, am not afraid of you. "

Rong Weihou scolded Xia Gongming for a disagreement, and seeing Xia Gongming's smirking expression, he retreated angrily to the original place.

Xia Gongming knew he was wrong, seeing that Cai Jun had stopped saying anything, he sighed bitterly, but he didn't refute anything.

However, Cai Jun took out the dry pipe and just filled the tobacco pot with shredded tobacco, and rushed towards Xia Gongming cursing.

"Hey, you old bastard, the more I think about it, the more I get angry, I really can't swallow this breath.

The old man recruited you or provoked you, why do you burn the fire on the old man?No, the old man managed to catch the opportunity today, so he has to vent his anger. "

Xia Gongming looked at Cai Jun, the Marquis of Rongwei who came to him angrily and cursed again, and his expression gradually became bad.

"Old man, you're almost done.

The old man just said that because he is a few years older than you, as an elder brother, he doesn't have the same knowledge as your younger brother, but don't deceive others too much.

Old man, when did I set the fire on you? "

"Hey, old miscellaneous hair, you are too thick-skinned, how long have you forgotten what you said just now?

Your Majesty asks you a question, and you let the old man answer. This is not burning the fire on the old man, so what is burning the fire on me, the old man? "

Xia Gongming looked indifferently at the bearded and staring Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun, raised his hand and gently stroked the gray beard on his chin a few times.

"Marquis Cai, the old man asked you, did your majesty just ask about marching and fighting?"

"So what?"

"I'll ask you again, now that Duke Hu is insolent, and Gong Ye of Yong'an...they are no longer in the capital, are you, Marquis Cai, the head of military officers in the court?"

"That's right, so what?"

"The old man also asked you, you have made great military exploits throughout your life, are you dozens of times better than the old man, a literati with a pen, in matters of marching and fighting?"

"You're an old miscellaneous... huh, even Xia Shoufu, you still have some self-knowledge."

Seeing Rong Weihou's gradually complacent reaction, Xia Gongming put down his right hand that was holding his beard and coughed lightly twice.

"Your Majesty just asked about marching and fighting, and you, Marquis Cai, are the head of military officers in the court, and your experience in arranging troops is dozens of times better than this old man.

That being the case, I suggest that Your Majesty ask your Majesty if there is something wrong with you, the head of the military attache, to the questions that the literati can't answer. "

Rong Weihou didn't realize Xia Gongming's language trap at all, and instinctively followed Xia Gongming's words and said what he thought in his heart.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't ask our military officers about marching and fighting, can you still ask you civil servants with pens?"

Xia Gongming clapped his hands lightly, smiled lightly and shrugged his shoulders at Rong Weihou.

"That's right, the old man is just talking about the facts, why did you set the fire on you, Marquis Cai? Think about it carefully, is this the truth?"

"Well! If you put it this way, Xia Shoufu, what you said is really just talking about the facts.

Ok?its not right!its not right! "

"What's wrong? It's completely justified."

"Old man...Old man..."

Hou Rongwei looked at the reasonable Xia Gongming incoherently, wanted to say something but couldn't.

He obviously felt something was wrong, but he just couldn't tell what was wrong.

Xia Gongming looked at Rong Weihou's speechless expression, and a smug look flashed in his eyes.

Old man, playing tricks with this old man will not kill you.

After muttering to himself, Xia Gongming bowed respectfully to First Young Master Liu who was watching the play cheerfully.

"His Majesty."

When Young Master Liu heard Xia Gongming's words, he immediately put away his cheerful gaze and glanced at Xia Gongming lightly.

"Huh? Boss, have you thought about how to answer me?"

"Your Majesty, if you ask about the return date of the soldiers, it is more reliable to write to Zhang Shuai and Nan Gongshuai, the two military commanders, than to ask the veterans."

Liu Da frowned, and turned his head thoughtfully to look at the soldiers who had turned into black spots on the official road.

After the black spot completely disappeared, Liu Mingzhi turned around and walked down the tower.

"Let's go back."

"I will obey your orders."

"When it's time for you to go and do your own government affairs, go and do your own government affairs. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to the mansion to rest."

"I will send you to Your Majesty."

"Liu Song, go home."


Liu Mingzhi and Liu Song rode back to the mansion without haste, but he didn't know it.

This time, after a farewell, a threat that swept across the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa and deterred the barbarians for decades was born.

(End of this chapter)

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