My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2806 Great learning

Chapter 2806 Great learning

After Liu Mingzhi's master and servant returned to the mansion together, Liu Mingzhi handed over the reins to Liu Song.


"Master, what are your orders?"

"After you send the horse to the stable, you will wait for me at the gate of the mansion after changing your clothes.

During these days, Master Ben has been busy with the issue of the army's expedition, and the two of us haven't set up a stall for a long time.

Today's weather is not bad, so the two of us will set up a stall to earn some money for tea. "

"Master, it's okay to be young, but didn't you say that you are a little tired? Why don't you go back to your room and rest for an hour or two before we go to set up a stall?
How about calling you when the time is almost up? "

Liu Mingzhi stretched his arms high, and walked directly towards the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion.

"It's okay, it's the same for my young master resting on the recliner when there are no guests.

That's it, you go to settle the horses first, we will meet at the gate of the mansion later. "

"Hey, little one understands."

Liu Mingzhi rushed all the way to Qi Yun's courtyard, and started yelling at the top of his voice before he reached the door.

"Yun'er, Yun'er, are you in the room now?"

Qi Yun heard her husband's yelling in the room, trotted out of her boudoir, and greeted her husband walking towards her with a smile.

"Here, husband, are you back?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the smiling Qi Yun, raised his hand, took off his helmet and handed it to the beauty.

"Come back, the [-] troops have officially set out for the battle half an hour ago.

During these days, my husband went out for the army. I couldn’t eat well or sleep well. Now that the [-] troops have set off, I can finally feel relieved. "

Qi Yun followed her husband into the boudoir while arranging the scattered red tassels on the helmet.

"It's good to go out, it's good to go out.

Husband, you have worked hard these days, and you can finally take a good rest. "

Liu Mingzhi untied the Heavenly Sword from his waist and put it on the table, walked up to Qi Yun with open arms and stopped.

"Yun'er, hurry up and take off your husband's armor. I haven't worn armor for many years. Today, I suddenly feel heavy and tired when I wear armor for my husband. I feel a little unaccustomed to it.

When I was a husband and I was young, I didn't think it was a problem to wear armor for ten days and nights without taking it off.

Sometimes when the war is urgent, the husband doesn't take off his armor once a month, and he has to lead the brothers to fight in the north and south. At that time, I don't feel tired at all.

It seems that my husband is really old now. "

Qi Yun put the helmet in her hand on the table and rolled her eyes angrily.

"What nonsense, my husband, you are only in your early forties, and you are at the peak of your spring and autumn, so you are not old."

"Come on, lady, you can do whatever you want, and my husband will listen to you."

Qi Yun gently unfastened the armor on Liu Mingzhi's body, and leaned over to Young Master Liu's cheek with her beautiful eyes and kissed it lightly.

"Bad husband, don't you know whether you are old or not? Don't you sisters know?
Let the sisters who are concubines say that you are even worse now than when you were young! "

Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, looking at Qi Yun's charming face, he instantly understood the deep meaning in the beauty's words.

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right, you're so right, Yun'er, you said this for the sake of my husband not to argue with you, because my husband is indeed not old now, not at all."

Qi Yun looked at Young Master Liu's proud expression, smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Stupid virtue, I won't know what my last name is after a few compliments, it's really a good deal to be a good boy.

If you hadn't relied on the two supreme secret books of Taoism that the mysterious Taoist sold you, you would have hidden in a corner and shivered for a long time. How confident are you now? "

"Yun'er, what are you talking about, as a husband, you are seeking truth from facts!
Although as a husband, it is because of the Yin-Yang Harmony and Great Compassion Endowment and the Sutra of Yiqi that I can fight against you big goblins so as not to fall behind, but that is also because of my own blessings!
Otherwise, why didn't that Taoist sell the two Taoist secret books to others, but why did he sell them to Wei Fu?
One's own fortune is also part of one's strength as a husband! "

"I know you're stinky, you're still panting if you say you're fat."

Liu Mingzhi took off his wristband and threw it on the table, and approached Qi Yun with a smile.

"Yun'er, shall we discuss something?"

"whats the matter?"

"Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Yunyao, Rongrong, Lingyi and the others call you here to play mahjong at night?"

"Okay, but if you add concubines, there are only seven people, which is not enough for two tables... two tables..."

As Qi Yun spoke, she seemed to understand something. Seeing her husband licking and laughing, she immediately used the two-finger Zen magic skill to greet Young Master Liu's soft flesh on the waist.

"Virtue, you are not tall, but you have a big heart. Why don't you go to heaven?"

Liu Mingzhi casually slapped the beautiful woman's buttocks, and walked towards the wardrobe behind the screen with a smile.

"That's it. I'll let you sisters know that I'm not just a big-hearted husband."

Qi Yun's delicate face spat furiously, and her watery eyes rippled layer after layer, and followed Young Master Liu.

"I know... I know."

Liu Mingzhi opened the closet and rummaged for a while, then turned his head to look at the beautiful woman following behind with doubts on his face.

"Yun'er, where is my husband's light white Confucian robe embroidered with cloud patterns? I remember it was placed here with you!"

Qi Yun went directly to the closet and squatted down to search in the closet. After a while, she took out the Confucian robe that Young Master Liu said.

"The cuffs of the robe are stained with a lot of ink. After I washed it, I folded it and put it under the closet. Come, I will help you put it on."

Liu Mingzhi laughed and nodded, opened his arms and walked directly in front of Qi Yun.

"it is good."

After Qi Yun waited on Liu Mingzhi to put on the clothes, she realized it belatedly.

"Husband, didn't you just say that you were too tired wearing armor?

Now that the army of one hundred thousand has already set off, what are you going to do if you don't take a good rest at home and change into your clothes? "

Liu Mingzhi waved his arms and moved his waist a few times, walked to Qi Yun's dressing table and took the carved jade fan of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains on the table in his hand.

"I've been busy with the army's expedition these days, and I haven't gone to the hexagram stand to earn some tea money for a long time.

Now it's finally relaxed, my husband wants to go with Liu Song to set up a stall outside the restaurant of Bizhu and Lingyi and their sisters to earn some money for tea.

Speaking of tea money, Wei Fu is still a little thirsty, Yun'er, pour Wei Fu a cup of herbal tea to moisten his throat. "

"Hey, I'm going here."

Qi Yun poured a cup of herbal tea from the pot and handed it to Liu Mingzhi who had already stepped out of the screen.

"Husband, earning tea money is not bad for a day or two.

You are so tired, why don't you take a good rest at home today, and it won't be too late to set up a stall when you have enough energy!

Why are you so anxious to set up a stall?Just the few copper coins you earned by fortune-telling are not enough for Sister Bizhu and Sister Lingyi to take care of your meal money!

You are so busy every day, people who don't know think you are making money every day! "

Young Master Liu chuckled, took out a few copper coins from his cuffs and tossed them in front of the beautiful woman, then held a copper coin and gestured a few times in front of the beautiful woman.

"Silly lady, do you really think that as a husband, I am full and have nothing to do, just thinking about earning some money for tea?"

"Ah? So you are my husband?"

"Yun'er, don't underestimate this small copper coin, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

It can reflect too many things, and it can tell too many things.

I told you that you don't understand, so you can continue to work on your own affairs, and my husband will go to set up a stall with Liu Song first. "

"Okay, husband, you go early and come back early."

Young Master Liu left Qi Yun's boudoir and went straight to the gate of Liu's mansion.


"Master, you are here."

"Go, set up a stall."

"Okay, please, master."

After Liu Mingzhi's master and servant left the gate of Liu's mansion, they talked and laughed all the way to Penglai Restaurant.

"Small... young master."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Look at the person standing in front of the jewelry booth, does it look familiar?"

"which one?"

"Just that one, the one playing with the jade hairpin."

"Hiss, it looks familiar! Where have I seen it before?"

(End of this chapter)

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