Chapter 2817
Sakai Hoshino pursed his red lips and pondered for a moment, as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

After the cup of tea was over, Sakai Hoshino took a sip of his own tea, and looked up at Young Master Liu's watery eyes with deep longing.

"Mr. Liu, the reason why Hoshino is anxious to see you as soon as possible is because he hopes that Mr. Liu can reward us with some of the military equipment of your Great Dragon Dynasty."

Young Master Liu's movement of shaking the carved jade fan suddenly stopped, and his eyes seemed to look thoughtfully at Sakai Hoshino whose delicate face was full of pleading intentions.

"What? I didn't hear very clearly, Hoshino, can you say it again?"

Although Sakai Hoshino didn't know if Liu Mingzhi really didn't hear clearly, or if he just didn't hear clearly, he still repeated what he said just now.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is anxious to see you, and hopes that Liu Jun, you can reward us with some great dragon equipment."

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, and did not immediately agree to Sakai Hoshino's request, nor did he resolutely reject her request, but asked softly: "Hoshino, you should also understand that military preparations are not trivial matters. ! Can you tell me why you want me to reward you with Japanese military equipment?"

Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's question and nodded without hesitation: "Mr. Liu, my elder brother Sakai is in a lot of trouble now, and urgently needs a group of excellent soldiers to tide over this difficulty.

Although Hoshino doesn't know much about military equipment, he also knows that Dalong's military equipment is the most powerful and sophisticated among all countries in the world.

When Hoshino was still in Japan, his brother told me more than once that Dalong's military equipment was the best he had ever seen.

Liu Jun, brother Hoshino is facing a crisis, he was forced to send a mission to Dalong Tianchao for help.

When his elder brother was about to send Sakai He as an envoy to Dalong to seek help, Hoshino went to bring them tea and overheard it outside the door.

My brother said that if anyone in the world can help him through this difficult time, it must be the Dragon Dynasty, and it must be Liu Jun, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.

Hoshino is just a teacher who teaches the people of Japan to learn the culture and knowledge of Dalong. After knowing the crisis that his brother is facing, even if he wants to help him a little bit, he is powerless.

The last time Sakai He came back from a successful mission to Dalong, he told Hoshino that he met Liu Jun in Dalong in his spare time.

It was also at that time that Hoshino knew that after so many years, Liu Jun, you have become His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty.

Hoshino knew about his brother's critical situation, but he couldn't help him with anything, so Hoshino thought of you, Liu Jun.

Hoshino waited until the retainers had left one after another, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to ask his brother to come to Dalong Tianchao with the Japanese mission to ask for help.

After careful consideration, my brother really had no choice but to agree to Hoshino's request.

Liu Jun, brother, he really urgently needs the excellent military equipment of the Great Dragon to tide over the difficulties. I hope that Liu Junnian can reward us with some of the military equipment of the Great Dragon in the name of our friends. "

As Sakai Hoshino spoke, two lines of clear tears suddenly slipped down from his beautiful eyes, and dripped down his cheeks onto the table in front of him.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino really has no choice, Hoshino please.

Please help Hoshino, please help Hoshino's brother. "

Sakai Hoshino's sudden tears made Liu Mingzhi frowned instinctively. Seeing her somewhat helpless expression, Liu Mingzhi closed his folding fan and sighed softly.

However, even though this happened, Liu Mingzhi still did not immediately agree to Sakai Hoshino's marriage proposal.

I have lived most of my life, and I have seen too many things where women shed tears in front of me, pear blossoms with rain, and showed a delicate and helpless appearance in front of me.

The scene of Sakai Hoshino suddenly crying with pear blossoms and rain did not make him lose his ability to think.

The matter of military preparation is no small matter, if you just see a woman crying with a sad expression and saying some pleading words, you will become soft-hearted.

Then, I am not worthy to sit on the chair that governs the world.

What's more, this woman is still a woman from the Wa country.

Liu Mingzhi admitted that he was not particularly disgusted with Sakai Hoshino, and he couldn't even say that he had any disgust. However, this did not mean that he would have a good impression of Waguo.

In my opinion, Sakai Hoshino can't represent Wa country, and Wa country can't represent Sakai Hoshino either.

When the two are not mixed up, I can still talk about the old days with her in a good voice, and talk about the little friendship that I forged unintentionally back then, but once the two are mixed up, I have no choice but to talk about the matter.

I have never been the kind of person who is emotional when it comes to big issues.

This is not because I am really that kind of ruthless person, but because I know better what is——

Do something, don't do something.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip, took out his handkerchief from his cuff and stuffed it into Sakai Hoshino's hand.

"Hoshino, don't cry, you should at least tell me what kind of difficulties your elder brother has encountered?"

Sakai Hoshino picked up Young Master Liu's handkerchief and wiped the tears on his cheeks, resisting the tears from falling down: "Thank you Liu Jun for your handkerchief, Hoshino knows Liu Jun is the best."

"You're welcome, tell me about your elder brother first."

"Liu Jun, since our Sakai family has been helped by Dalong, our family's influence in the Wa country has become stronger and stronger over the years.

Hoshino's eldest brother is a man of great talent, and with the help of Dalong Tianchao, his eldest brother has gradually annexed many families in Japan over the years.

As the power of our Sakai family gradually expanded, it gradually violated the interests of our Japanese royal family.

Therefore, in order to protect their own interests, the royal family began to suppress our Sakai family. "

"and many more."

"Huh? Jun Liu, what's the matter?"

"Hoshino, the last time we met in the 27th year of Xuande, I remember your elder brother Sakai Kazuko once told me that you two brothers and sisters have become guests of the Japanese royal family since they returned to the Japanese kingdom from Dalong.

Since you have become guests of the Japanese royal family, you should have a good relationship with your royal family.

In this case, how did your Sakai family end up having an affair with the Japanese royal family?

I remember a few years ago when your nephew, Sakai He, led your Japanese delegation to Dalong for the New Year's Offering. At the same time, your Japanese royal family also sent a delegation.

Although they were very calm in front of this young master, I can see that the conflict between them is not so big!

At that time, I was a little puzzled, what happened between your Sakai family and the Japanese royal family, and how did they become incompatible? "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's curious question, his neat white teeth clenched and creaked.

"Because the royal family is too greedy, the royal family doesn't give my brother and Hoshino a living at all, so our Sakai family and the royal family have gradually embarked on a path of alienation.

As long as the royal family speaks a little bit of truth, things will not turn out like this in the end. "

(End of this chapter)

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