Chapter 2818

Seeing Sakai Hoshino's righteous indignation, Liu Mingzhi picked up the teapot and poured her a cup of hot tea again.

"Hoshino, is it convenient for you to tell me about the general situation of the feud between your Sakai family and the Japanese royal family? If it is convenient, I will listen attentively. If it is not convenient, then forget it.

I'm just a little curious, but I haven't reached the point where I have to know. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi pouring tea for him, Sakai Hoshino hurriedly got up and reached out to take the teapot in his hand.

"Liu Jun, it's good for Hoshino to come by himself, don't dare to bother Liu Jun."

"Hey, it's just a cup of tea, don't bother me if there's any trouble."

"No, no, Hoshino comes by himself, Hoshino comes by himself. Liu Jun's tea should be cold, and Hoshino will give you another cup of tea."

Sakai Hoshino poured two cups of new tea one after another, put down the teapot and sat down opposite Young Master Liu in an elegant manner again.

"Since Mr. Liu wants to know the grievances between our Sakai family and the royal family, then Hoshino will give you a general account, Mr. Liu.

If what Hoshino said is not good, if Liu Jun has any doubts, just interrupt Hoshino, and Hoshino will explain the specific situation to Liu Jun in detail.

By the way, Liu Jun, wait a moment, Hoshino will bring you some snacks. "

Sakai Hoshino didn't wait for Liu Mingzhi's consent, he got up and walked behind the screen in the room.

After a few breaths, Sakai Hoshino turned back holding a paper bag with both hands.

"Liu Jun, these are the peanuts that Hoshino bought on the street a few days ago, Dalong is so kind, he even has something as delicious as peanuts, Hoshino is really envious of Liu Jun.

Liu Jun who only drank tea must feel bored, Liu Jun, you can eat some peanuts to pass the time when Hoshino is talking about things. "

Liu Mingzhi reached out to take the paper bag from Sakai Hoshino, and sighed silently when he saw her gentle, considerate, well-behaved and sensible appearance.

This woman, Sakai Hoshino, can satisfy all a man's fantasies about the woman he likes. She is the best choice in terms of beauty, and also the best choice in terms of personality. In terms of virtue, I still haven't found any shortcomings in her.

However, such a woman who can penetrate into a man's heart comes from the Wa country.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino sitting on the chair again, Liu Mingzhi picked up a peanut with his fingers, threw it into his mouth and nodded with a light smile.

"Hoshino, you have a heart, you can continue talking."

"Liu Jun, do you still remember the time Hoshino and elder brother came to Dalong's pilgrimage 19 years ago as the Japanese dragon envoys?"

"Well, of course I remember. If I had forgotten, I wouldn't have asked you the question just now."

"Liu Jun, when you took Hoshino and eldest brother to the Dragon Palace to meet His Majesty the Emperor, you suddenly disappeared.

Not only did Big Brother look for you many times, Hoshino also looked for you many times, but we didn't find Liu Jun for about half a month.

Hoshino also told Liu Jun before, but we only found out that Liu Jun had left the capital of Dalong after we asked Master Wang of Honglu Temple.

Hoshino and his brother don't know how you can return to the capital, Mr. Liu. After waiting for a long time but no results, you have to set sail and rush back to the mainland of Japan.

That time we returned to the native land, we brought not only the Dalong specialties bestowed upon us by His Majesty the Dalong Emperor, but also the various Dalong specialties that our members of the mission bought in the major squares and cities in the capital.

As for what's in it, Hoshino can't remember clearly after so many years.

Hoshino only remembered that there were many, many things that our country did not have, and those special products of the dragon were filled with dozens of big ships.

Although Hoshino and his brother regretted not saying goodbye to Liu Jun, they were very excited because of these Dalong specialties.

Because we created an era and created a precedent.

But Hoshino and his brother never thought that when we returned to the Wa country, what greeted us was not cheers, not admiration, but greed.

Endless greed.

The royal family got the news of our envoy to the Dalong Dynasty from nowhere, and when we returned to the family for less than seven days, the royal family sent people to come.

After they arrived at the family, they couldn't help asking their elder brother for the rare treasures bestowed on us by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor at that time, as well as the special products of the Dragon that we never had in Japan. "

First Young Master Liu paused slightly for throwing peanuts into his mouth, and looked at Hoshino Sakai with an expression of indignation on his delicate face, frowning slightly.

"Didn't they find some excuse?"

Sakai Hoshino nodded heavily, got up, grabbed a handful of peanuts from the paper bag in Young Master Liu's hand, and sat down again.

Popping a peanut into Cherry's mouth, Sakai Hoshino gritted his teeth and began to chew.

"I found it, someone from the royal family said that my brother is an envoy to the Dalong Dynasty in the name of the royal family, so the Dalong specialties bestowed by His Majesty the Dalong Emperor should belong to the royal family.

Because the elder brother had just regained the lost land of the family, and the family power had stabilized not long ago, so he didn't want to have any trouble with the Japanese royal family, so he discussed with the royal family.

You must know that all kinds of rare and rare treasures presented by our mission to the Dalong Dynasty are all treasures collected by our Sakai family at a great price, and have absolutely nothing to do with the Japanese royal family.

Therefore, how can the special products of Dalong that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor rewarded us because of our contribution to the treasure belong to the royal family?

It's just that people in the royal family have said that we successfully went to Dalong Heavenly Dynasty in the name of the royal family.

Hoshino's elder brother told the royal family that he was willing to give the royal family [-]% of the dragon treasures and special products that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor bestowed upon us in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

Without any effort, you can get a few large sea ships and treasures of the great dragon that the country of Wa has never seen before. This is a beautiful thing that can only be found in dreams.

My brother thought that the people in the royal family would readily agree to it. After all, the things the royal family got were no different from those they picked up.

However, my brother never thought that people from the royal family would—"

Sakai Hoshino's breathing suddenly became a little disordered, and the expression on Qiao's face also became resentful.

Young Master Liu saw Sakai Hoshino gnashing his teeth, and roughly guessed what happened afterwards, but he still asked.

"What happened?"

"People in the royal family are not greedy enough to swallow an elephant."

"Huh? What does Hoshino mean by that?"

Sakai Hoshino picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, panting heavily with his silver teeth biting lightly.

"Liu Jun, you don't know how hateful the royal family is.

My brother thought that they should be satisfied with offering them [-]% of Dalong’s special products, but they didn’t expect that they were not satisfied with [-]% of the treasures at all, and they wanted all the Dalong’s treasures we brought back.

People from the royal family opened their mouths so loudly, my brother would definitely not agree to such a rude request from someone from the royal family.

But my brother didn't want to have an antagonism with the royal family, so he started bargaining with them.

However, the people in the royal family were too greedy. Later, the elder brother agreed to give them [-]% of the treasures, but they were not satisfied.

In the end, the elder brother was forced to be helpless, so he gritted his teeth and agreed to give them [-]% of the treasure.

My brother thought that he had already made such a concession, and the royal family should be more relaxed.

However, my brother was wrong. The people in the royal family have no limit to their greed. They always killed us and asked us to donate all the treasures of the dragon. "

Young Master Liu frowned, and silently threw the peanuts from his fingertips into his mouth.
"In this way, you people of the Japanese royal family are really greedy and not as greedy as snakes.

So, have you two turned against each other because of this matter? "

(End of this chapter)

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