Chapter 2819 Two points and one line

Sakai Hoshino shook his head with grief and indignation, his delicate face was a little blushing, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the table.

"If that's all it is, my brother won't be on the point of completely fighting against the royal family.

Liu Jun, you don't know how greedy and hateful the people in the royal family are. They are simply a group of hungry wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones. "

After the words fell, Sakai Hoshino gasped for a few times, feeling like he was uttering something quickly.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino's angry appearance, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly picked up the teapot and refilled her another cup of tea.

"Have a cup of tea to calm down, don't let emotions affect your thoughts, it's still early, I'm not in a hurry, Hoshino, just take your time."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

"It's just a cup of tea, it's just a trivial matter."

Sakai Hoshino picked up the tea and took a sip, silently calming down the anger in Fang's heart.

"Hoshino, you just said that if that's all, it won't make your brother and the royal family completely turn against each other. In this way, did the members of the royal family do anything too much later?"

Sakai Hoshino nodded without hesitation when he heard the words: "Mr. Liu, you really have sharp eyesight, and you guessed the crux of the problem at once. As you said, Mr. Liu, the people of the royal family did go too far later. things.

In the beginning, my brother had a long discussion with the people from the royal family, but there was no result that was satisfactory to both parties. The people from the royal family insisted on asking my brother to donate all the treasures of the dragon, and they had no intention of letting go.

The elder brother was really helpless, so he told the royal family to discuss this matter with Hoshino and important figures in the family.

The people from the royal family agreed to the elder brother without any hesitation, as if they had the chance to win, knowing that the elder brother would definitely agree to their rude request in the end. "

First Young Master Liu was silently listening to Sakai Hoshino's explanation of the past, his brows suddenly frowned, and he hurriedly bent down and vomited forcefully at the copper basin on the table.

"Oh, phew, phew."

Sakai Hoshino was stunned for a moment, and with a panicked face, she hurriedly got up and trot to Liu Mingzhi's side and stopped, stretched out her hand and patted him on the back lightly.

"Liu Jun, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Don't scare Hoshino."

"It's okay, tea, tea, Hoshino, pass me my teacup quickly."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's palm groping on the table, his expression of confusion suddenly became enlightened, and he reached out to pick up the teacup and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Hoshino knows, Liu Jun, have you eaten bitter bad peanuts?"

Liu Mingzhi took the tea and took a big gulp, rinsed with his neck up, and then spit it into the copper basin.

After the bitter taste in his mouth subsided, Young Master Liu grinned and let out a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect Hoshino to know that my young master had eaten bitter bad peanuts. It seems that Hoshino, you have had it too." Had the same experience as me.”

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, the restlessness on Sakai Hoshino's delicate face immediately eased, Liu Jun just ate bad peanuts, if it was because of other problems, it would be a big trouble.

Sakai Hoshino's heart was very clear, if Liu Jun ate the peanuts he gave him and something went wrong, not only himself, but the entire Japanese diplomatic mission would be in doom.

"Yeah, Mr. Liu is right, Hoshino has also eaten bad peanuts, and his mouth was bitter at first."

Liu Mingzhi drank a few mouthfuls of tea and rinsed his mouth again, and he straightened up only after the bitter taste was completely gone from his mouth.

However, Sakai Hoshino was leaning on his willow waist to pour tea for Young Master Liu, when he got up suddenly, his face directly hit Sakai Hoshino's warm and fragrant chest.

When the time came, Young Master Liu and Hoshino Sakai were both stunned.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help smelling the faint fragrance in front of him, and his mind couldn't help being a little confused.

Sakai Hoshino looked down at First Young Master Liu with his forehead in his arms with slightly parted lips, his heart jumped up suddenly, and his arms stiffly supported Young Young Master Liu's shoulders, and he didn't know for a while What should I do.

The two of them kept this posture stiff for about a dozen breaths, Sakai Hoshino finally came to his senses, pushed away Liu Mingzhi who was sticking to his chest, and staggered back two steps.

Sakai Hoshino stabilized his figure, raised his hands and rubbed them gently on his hot jade cheeks a few times, his beautiful eyes dodged again and again and glanced at Liu Mingzhi, who also had an unnatural expression, and asked softly: " Liu... Liu Jun, what are you doing?"

Looking at Sakai Hoshino's shy expression, Liu Mingzhi rubbed the tip of his nose, which still had a faint fragrance, and laughed a few times.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, just now I was only focused on rinsing my mouth, I didn't know Hoshino you were standing next to me.

Besides, you, Hoshino, know that my young master just sat motionless on the chair, and I didn't do anything frivolous or anything like that! "

"You said it!"

"That's right, don't talk about it, young master, can I not talk about it? Hoshino, sit back in your own chair and continue talking about your brother."

Sakai Hoshino gave Young Master Liu a tender and resentful look, stretched out his hand to straighten the front of his clothes, walked to his seat and sat down.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pot and poured himself a cup of tea, and inadvertently glanced at Sakai Hoshino's chest that was still heaving due to panting.

Obediently, you don't know if you don't touch it, but you'll be shocked when you touch it.

I thought Sakai Hoshino was at best comparable to Ying'er, Qingshi, Lingyi and the others, but now I know that I still underestimated her a bit.

Two o'clock on the line.

Properly two points and one line!

Yao remembers that 19 years ago, when he took his brother and sister to the palace to open their eyes, he personally searched Sakai Hoshino outside the gate of the palace. At that time, he did not feel that she had such a magnificent scale.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, when we saw each other again, this woman turned into a look that even surprised me.

Could it be because she was still young and her body was still developing?
Other than that, Liu Mingzhi really couldn't think of any other reasons.

Liu Mingzhi thought that he was secretly observing the beautiful woman on the opposite side, but he didn't know how aggressive his gaze was to Sakai Hoshino.

Sakai Hoshino looked helplessly at First Young Master Liu who was silent and staring at him intently, his heart that had calmed down a little bit became disordered again.

Liu Jun is too bad, why do you keep staring at yourself?

Sakai Hoshino murmured to himself, the blush on her delicate face not only did not fade slowly, but became more and more obvious.

"Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu!"

"Ah? What? What's the matter?"

"Don't keep staring at Hoshino, otherwise, Hoshino won't be able to calm down and tell Liu Jun about your eldest brother."

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's coquettish tone, Liu Mingzhi hastily averted his eyes, picked up the tea and began to taste it carefully.

"It's hard to be yourself, it's hard to be yourself, Hoshino, go ahead and talk."

Sakai Hoshino took a few breaths, and gradually stabilized his messy mood.

"Liu Jun, after the royal family came to agree, my brother gathered Hoshino and some important people in the family together.

We sat together and discussed for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion, that is, the situation of the Sakai family at that time was not suitable for antagonism with the royal family.

My brother believed that the foundation of the family was still unstable at that time, and if there was an antagonism with the royal family, all our hard work would be in vain.

Although those important people in the family felt sorry for the treasures bestowed by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, they could understand the difficulties and pressures that the elder brother and Hoshino were facing, and had no choice but to agree with the decision made by his elder brother.

That is to agree to the rude request of the royal family to ask for all the treasures bestowed by the Dragon Emperor.

Although the elder brother was equally unwilling, he was powerless.

Because at that time, we brothers and sisters really had no other choice. "

Liu Mingzhi stopped throwing peanuts, and looked at Hoshino Sakai with a somewhat amazed expression.

"Based on what you said earlier, Hoshino, it seems that the royal family has really done something that you, Hoshino, and your brother Sakai couldn't bear."

Sakai Hoshino nodded heavily and said softly, "That's right, that's why Hoshino said they are greedy and hateful, they are a group of hungry wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones."

(End of this chapter)

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