Chapter 2820 Unbearable
Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, thoughtfully patted the crumbs on his hands a few times, and untied his pipe from his bosom.

After skillfully packing the shredded tobacco, Young Master Liu lit it with a torch and silently breathed out a few puffs of smoke.

"Hoshino, go ahead and let me open my eyes to see what shameless actions people from the Japanese royal family have done to your brothers and sisters."

"Liu Jun, after hearing this, you will definitely feel aggrieved for Hoshino and our brother and sister.

After all of us deliberated, my brother agreed to the royal family's rude request under pressure, and thought that the matter could be completely settled, but who would have thought that the royal family would not be satisfied.

In addition to the Dalong treasures bestowed upon us by His Majesty the Dalong Emperor at that time, they even wanted the Dalong specialties that our mission bought from the major squares and cities in the capital with silver taels.

Liu Jun, the rare treasures that we presented to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor were originally collected by us at a great price. We first presented the treasures to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, and then His Majesty the Emperor rewarded us with many great treasures. Treasures of dragons, and specialties of dragons.

The people of the royal family asked for all the treasures of the dragon, and our Sakai family has suffered enough. Agreeing to their rude request, the pressure on my brother is already great enough.

However, our brothers and sisters have already regressed to this point, but they are still not satisfied. They even want to swallow up the Dalong specialties that we spent a lot of money in the capital.

Liu Jun, tell me, are the people in the royal family a little too deceitful? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face with furrowed brows, and gently exhaled light smoke from his mouth with a complicated expression.

"Greedy, it really is you people from the Wa country... Cough cough, you people from the Wa royal family are really shameless, it really opened my eyes to my young master!
I want to come to your Sakai family, and this is the reason why you have officially turned against the royal family. "

"Liu Jun is right, the root cause of my brother's enmity with the royal family is because of this incident.

We must know that even if Hoshino and his brother didn't spend all the wealth in the family in order to buy many special products of the Dalong Dynasty, they are still not far behind.

Our Sakai family risked being buried in the belly of a fish at any time, and traveled across the vast ocean to serve as an envoy to the Great Dragon Dynasty. Only we know the hardships involved.

But the despicable and shameless royal family didn't even think about how much Hoshino and his brother had spent to successfully send out the Dalong Dynasty. They just thought about daydreaming and plundered our hard-won achievements effortlessly.

Bullies are not so bullying!

Facing the greedy, shameless and demanding royal family, his elder brother really couldn't bear it, so he broke his face with them.

It's just that the strength of the royal family has never been comparable to that of our Sakai family. At the beginning, my brother could only pretend to agree to their request.

After the royal family relaxed their vigilance, my brother used the vintage wine we bought from the Dragon Dynasty to get all the royal family members drunk.

After confirming that no one from the royal family would leak the news, my brother sent someone to put them in a bag...and throw them into the sea.

Brother, he knows in his heart that this is at best a stopgap measure. Once they delay their return, the royal family will definitely notice something is wrong, so brother uses the special products we bought from Dalong to win allies around.

After the royal family reacted, Hiroshima south of Okayama, Fukuoka, Miyazaki... and dozens of big families from the Wa Kingdom became allies of our Sakai family.

At the beginning, they did not agree with this matter, because in the minds of Japanese people, the royal family is the spokesperson of the gods and an irreversible existence.

In desperation, the elder brother told the patriarchs of these families the specific reasons for his antagonism with the royal family.

And my brother didn't force them to agree immediately, and gave them time to send people to investigate the truth of the matter.

When those families knew the truth of the matter, they all sympathized with our family for the unfair treatment they suffered, and they were tempted by Dalong's special products, so they agreed to my brother's request to form an alliance with them. "

Liu Mingzhi slowly exhaled the light smoke from his mouth, leaned over and knocked the ashes from the smoke pot into the copper basin.

"It's just that those families agreed to your brother's alliance request? I'm afraid it's more than that?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's radiant eyes, hesitated for a moment on his pretty face, bit his red lips lightly and nodded silently.

"Liu Jun is really unpredictable, Hoshino admires him so much.

Indeed, more than that, my brother also promised those families that once the army and horses of the alliance captured the territory of the royal family, half of the territory would be divided among them, so they were moved and agreed to my brother's request for the alliance. "

Liu Mingzhi sneered a few times, and slowly wrapped the pipe in his hand: "Hoshino, I guess you haven't finished talking, there should be other reasons besides this, if your brother doesn't come up with something to convince them , they will definitely not agree to your brother's request so easily.

I guess, in the hands of your brother, there must be something that makes them think that your Sakai family has the strength to conquer the Japanese royal family, so they will really agree to your brother's alliance request.

Otherwise, if it was just some verbal promise from your brother, they would definitely not have responded to your brother's call so happily, and chose to follow your brother to rebel against the royal family.

Hoshino, how are you?Is what Master Ben said right? "

Sakai Hoshino's pretty face was startled, he stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling lightly, and instinctively nodded his head.

After reacting, Sakai Hoshino hurriedly looked away from looking at First Young Master Liu, and his eyes were evasively entangled with his two white and slender fingers.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino... Hoshino..."

"Okay, in fact, Hoshino, you don't need to tell me, I have roughly guessed what made those family patriarchs believe in your brother."

"Ah? Liu Jun, you guessed it all?"

Liu Mingzhi showed an inscrutable smile, got up and walked towards the half-open window in the room.

Seeing this, Sakai Hoshino immediately got up and followed Young Master Liu.

"Liu Jun, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Mingzhi put his hands on the window sill and patted it lightly a few times, staring at the unique and beautiful scenery outside the window and sighing faintly.

"Those things are military equipment, and they are the excellent military equipment of the dragon, am I right?"

Sakai Hoshino's tender body trembled, looking at Liu Mingzhi with a calm expression, he nodded silently.

"Well, Mr. Liu's guess is absolutely correct. It is indeed Dalong's excellent military equipment? Those military equipment were bought back by my brother who spent a lot of money in shops in the capital."

"Can you tell me, what kind of equipment do you have?"

Sakai Hoshino's fingers were tightly intertwined, and he said without hesitation: "Swords, swords, bows and crossbows, and many excellent weapons that Hoshino can't even name."

Young Master Liu's indifferent pupils shrank suddenly, and his fingers tightly grasped the window sill: "Where's the armor? What kind of armor are there?"

Hearing First Young Master Liu's question, Sakai Hoshino shook his head without thinking this time: "There is no armor, and there is not even a single armor in the armaments of several ships."

"No armor?"

"Yes, I don't have any armor. Every time my brother said that he wanted to buy armor, the expressions of those craftsmen in the workshop immediately changed.

Some of the more polite craftsmen said they couldn't make it, and they didn't dare to make it, while those craftsmen with a bad temper cursed and kicked their brothers out without any explanation. "

Liu Mingzhi loosened his ten fingers holding the window sill suddenly, and let out a silent breath while looking at the quiet scenery outside the window.

"So it is."

(End of this chapter)

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