Chapter 2821
Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's soothing tone, and his heart that had been hanging in the air suddenly fell.

Perhaps it was because she wanted something from Liu Mingzhi, Sakai Hoshino was very worried in her heart that he would feel dissatisfied because of this matter.

Although Sakai Hoshino knew that it was 19 years ago that her brother bought military equipment in the market, and the incident at that time had little to do with Liu Jun, but she still couldn't help feeling worried in her heart.

After all, Mr. Liu is the current His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the one who is currently in charge of the Great Dragon.

Sakai Hoshino knew in his heart that whether he could help his brother solve the difficulties he was facing now was entirely up to Liu Jun's thoughts.

If Liu Jun agrees to the mission's request, the difficulties faced by his brother will be resolved soon. However, if Liu Jun refuses his request, then his brother will be in danger in the mainland of Japan.

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi's handsome profile, and gently reached out his hand to grab his sleeve and shook it
"Liu Jun, Hoshino's brother is in a very critical situation now, Liu Jun, you are the only one who can help him through this difficult time, Hoshino please, please help Hoshino, help brother, reward Give us the Japanese embassy a batch of excellent military equipment from the Great Dragon Dynasty."

Listening to Sakai Hoshino's soft and pleading words, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, squinting his eyes silently and lost in thought.

Seeing the expression on Liu Mingzhi's face, Sakai Hoshino immediately stopped shaking Young Master Liu's sleeves, looked at Young Master Liu's profile with clear eyes full of hope, and waited quietly.

She knew that Liu Mingzhi was thinking about whether to agree to her request.

And the only thing I can do now is to forcefully suppress the anxiety in my heart, and quietly wait for Liu Jun's reply.

Are you not in a hurry?I am more anxious than anyone else, but on this matter, no matter how anxious I am, what is the use?
If Liu Jun didn't agree, it would be of no avail even if he died in a hurry.

As for forcing Liu Jun to agree to his request, it can be said that he never thought about doing so.

Firstly, he didn't dare to have this idea at all, and secondly, Sakai Hoshino knew that he had no right to force Liu Jun to do something.

My left and right are just ordinary Japanese women who followed the mission to Dalong, but who is Liu Mingzhi?He is His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon.

Compared with his identity, his own identity is a world of difference.

Sakai Hoshino is very clear that he is no longer the little girl who was inexperienced and knew nothing 19 years ago.

Yao remembers the time when the family suffered a sudden change. At that time, I followed my elder brother to the end of the world. I first arrived in Dalong after traveling across the ocean. At that time, because I was not deeply involved in the world, I really didn't understand many things.

But now it's different, I have experienced so much ups and downs with my brother, I understand all the things I should understand, and I understand all the things I shouldn't understand.

Today's me is no longer the little girl who didn't even know what a noble existence His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is.

Let yourself go to force His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor to agree to your request, how can I have such qualifications!
Liu Mingzhi didn't know Sakai Hoshino's complicated mood now, he was thinking carefully about what she just said.

Consider how much of that content is true and how much is false.

In my own impression, this woman Sakai Hoshino is quite a simple woman, so simple that she will feel ashamed because of some of her words at every turn.

However, this is just the her in my impression, the one she was 19 years ago.

Whether she still maintains the pure heart of the past remains to be seen.

About half a stick of incense passed, the silent Liu Mingzhi suddenly turned his head and looked at Sakai Hoshino next to him.


Sakai Hoshino, who was feeling flustered and waiting quietly for Liu Dashao's answer, heard Liu Dashao called his name, and hurriedly turned his head to look at him.

"Mr. Liu?"

"Hoshino, you told me just now that your elder brother Sakai Ichiko used the special products brought back from Dalong to attract many big families from your Wa country, and dozens of big families from the Wa country to the south of Okayama became your Sakai. An ally of the family, right?"

Sakai Hoshino nodded without hesitation when he heard the words: "That's right, that's what Hoshino told Liu Jun just now, what's the matter, does Liu Jun have any questions?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, threw off the jade fan in his hand and shook it lightly, calmly observed the expression on Sakai Hoshino's delicate face, looked at the sincerity in her eyes, the heart of Liu Mingzhi Doubt faded a bit.

"There are indeed some doubts. The Okayama land of your country seems to be south of Kyoto, right?"

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's words, a flash of surprise flashed in his clear and beautiful eyes.

"Yes, Okayama is just south of Kyoto. Liu-kun, how did you know that? Hoshino remembers that he never told you about these things."

Seeing Sakai Hoshino's surprised expression, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a noncommittal chuckle: "Hoshino hasn't told this young master about these things, but others have told me about these things."

"Ah? Who told you Liu-kun? Did Hoshino's nephew Sakaiga tell Liu-kun you?"

"No, a few years ago, the envoys of your Japanese royal family and your nephew Sakai He went to Dalong Tianchao together, and it was the envoys of your royal family who told me these things in private.

It's been so many years, I've almost forgotten about these things, but Hoshino, you suddenly mentioned this just now, so I have a vague impression again. "

Liu Mingzhi half-truth answered Sakai Hoshino's doubts. It doesn't matter whether this woman believes it or not. With the current relationship between the Sakai family and the Japanese royal family, she has no way to prove anything even if she doesn't believe her own words.

The most important thing is that she has absolutely no need to verify this matter, after all, this is not a secret matter.

Hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, Sakai Hoshino immediately nodded with a clear expression, looked at Young Master Liu with admiration in his beautiful eyes and said softly: "So that's it, Mr. Liu, your memory is really good, even a few years ago I can still remember a little thing, if it was Hoshino, I would have forgotten it all."

"Hehe, needless to say some compliments, let's continue talking about your Sakai family and the royal family."

"Yeah, Liu Jun, if you have any questions, just ask, Hoshino will definitely tell Liu Jun everything he knows."

Liu Mingzhi roughly recalled the appearance of the Wa country on the map in his mind, looked at Sakai Hoshino and asked softly: "Hoshino, if your brother has already drawn all the families south of Okayama to form allies, how can this be done?" If so, the power of your alliance is comparable to that of the Japanese royal family.

It can even be said that your brother Hoshino has already controlled half of the country of Wa.

Controlling half of the country, this is a great thing!
Coupled with the excellent military equipment you brought back from Dalong to the Wa Kingdom, your Sakai family should have been invincible in the face of the pressure from the Wa royal family.

If that's the case, how could your brother be in such a precarious situation? "

(End of this chapter)

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