Chapter 2822
As soon as Liu Mingzhi's questioning voice fell, Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's eyes and suddenly became resentful.

Sensing Sakai Hoshino's resentful gaze, Liu Mingzhi was startled, wondering what it meant for this woman to suddenly look at him with such eyes.

"Hoshino, are you okay? Just say what you have to say, why are you looking at me like that?"

Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's questioning words, and the resentment in his beautiful eyes became more obvious, and he wrinkled his nose resentfully. Sakai Hoshino's eyes could be described as tender and resentful, as if Young Master Liu What a sorry thing for her.

"It's not all because of you, Mr. Liu."

"Because of me, Hoshino, where did you say that?

Hoshino, you must know that your Wa country is separated from my Dalong by the vast ocean. My young master, I am already in my early forties this year, but I have never set foot in your Wa country. What can I do to affect your Sakai family.

I think, is there any misunderstanding in this? "

Sakai Hoshino shook his head with an extremely firm expression: "There is no misunderstanding, it is because of you, Liu-kun."

"Hey, Hoshino, what you said is a little too decisive, right?

Then Hoshino, you should explain to me, young master, what is it because of me that made your brother face this difficulty. "

Sakai Hoshino was about to say something when Liu Mingzhi suddenly walked towards the door, shaking his folding fan.

"Hoshino, I'm tired of standing at the window all the time, let's go out and take a walk in the yard, and talk while walking."

Liu Mingzhi is the master of the world of Dalong, he has said so, Sakai Hoshino can only do as he pleases.

What's more, I still have to ask others!

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi who had already walked out of the room, and hurriedly ran after him.

"Liu Jun, slow down, wait for Hoshino!"

"There is only such a big space in the yard, can I still run away?"

After Liu Mingzhi walked into the courtyard, he walked around the small courtyard contentedly, looked sideways at Sakai Hoshino who was following him and asked softly: "Hoshino, tell me, because I What caused your brother to come to such a situation."

Sakai Hoshino picked a leaf from the branch and gently turned it in the palm of his hand: "Mr. Liu, a few years ago, the mission of our Sakai family and the Japanese royal family went to Dalong together. Liu Jun, do you remember?

No, Liu Jun, you definitely won't forget, you told Hoshino about this just now! "

"Well, of course I remember, and then?"

"Liu Jun, what did you do after our two missions went to Dalong to visit you, His Majesty the Dalong Emperor?"

Young Master Liu paused slightly, thought for a while, and seemed to have realized what Sakai Hoshino meant by what he said earlier.

Sakai Hoshino said that Sakai Kazuko faced difficulties because of his own reasons, and nine out of ten it was because of the incident that he sold weapons to both sides of the Japanese embassy.

I vaguely remember that, apart from Japan, Goguryeo, Annan, Siam... and other countries seem to have sold them a lot of military equipment that the imperial court has eliminated.

Thinking of this, the embarrassment on Young Master Liu's face disappeared in a flash. If Sakai Hoshino didn't bring it up again, he would have almost forgotten about it.

Although Liu Mingzhi had fully guessed the cause and effect, he could only pretend to be confused.

Although Sakai Hoshino definitely didn't dare to say anything to complain about him, and he was not afraid of what she said, but he still wanted face after all.

This kind of matter can be left alone, of course Liu Mingzhi still hopes that it will be left alone.

Thinking of this, Young Master Liu pretended to be confused and looked at Sakai Hoshino who was silently playing with the leaves.

"I just received their pilgrimage in the Qinzheng Hall of the palace normally, and I didn't do anything else?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi's bewildered look, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless in her heart. She didn't know if Liu Mingzhi pretended to be confused, or if he really forgot about selling him to the Royal Dragon Army up.

After hesitating for a long time in his heart, Sakai Hoshino still planned to tell this matter.

After all, this is the root of the whole thing.

"Mr. Liu."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Liu Jun, if Hoshino says something that shouldn't be said later, you are not allowed to get angry with Hoshino."

Young Master Liu glanced at Sakai Hoshino's curvy, exquisite and graceful figure, and smiled narrowly.

"No problem, we are good friends, as friends, we should be honest with each other.

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, who made us old friends?Naturally, I still hope that you, Hoshino, can be honest with me. "

"Really? Liu Jun, are you sure you won't be angry?"

"a man of his words."

"Hoshino knew Liu Jun that you were the best... the most..."

Sakai Hoshino was thinking of complimenting Liu Mingzhi, when he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the way he looked at him.

Sakai Hoshino didn't know why, so he carefully recalled what Young Master Liu had said earlier.


Is the candid meeting that Liu Jun said just now, the candid meeting that I understand?

Could it be that Liu Jun wants to?
These four words flooded into her heart, causing Sakai Hoshino's Fang to tremble uncontrollably, and the blush on her delicate face that had just faded away rushed back to her face in an instant.

"Liu Jun, you are bullying Hoshino."

"Hey, ah, Hoshino, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When did this young master bully you?"

"You... you... Liu Jun, what you said just now was obviously bullying Hoshino.

You must know that I have never slack off learning Dalong's Chinese in the past ten years. The idiom you just said is not what Hoshino understands at all. "

"My young master's words are correct and full of meaning, so what do you mean by Hoshino?"

"You're talking about letting Hoshino take it off... Bah, Liu Jun, you are too bad, anyway, you are bullying Hoshino."

"That's right, what Hoshino says is what he says, can't I stop arguing with you?"

When Sakai Hoshino heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words, he immediately felt angry. What Liu Jun meant by what he said, why did he seem to be wrong?
He wanted to have a debate with Liu Mingzhi, but when he thought about the business, Sakai Hoshino had no choice but to keep Liu Dashao's words of molesting him deep in his heart.

"Liu Jun, since you said you won't be angry, then Hoshino will say so."

"Well, let's talk."

"Liu Jun, after you received the royal mission, did you sell them the excellent military equipment of the dragon?"

Liu Mingzhi heard that Sakai Hoshino directly asked about the original matter, and knew that it was impossible to continue pretending to be confused.

Looking sideways at Sakai Hoshino's resentful expression with red lips pouting instinctively, Young Master Liu nodded with a sneer.

"It seems that there is such a thing."

"It's not like, it's there."

(End of this chapter)

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