Chapter 2826
When Liu Mingzhi heard that the gift Sakai Hoshino had prepared for him was clothes, he immediately felt regretful in his heart.

Taking a glance at Sakai Hoshino's mature and graceful figure with well-proportioned curves, Liu Mingzhi's gaze landed on the bundle on the table and silently sighed.

I just waited so long in my heart for so long, the so-called gift for a long time turned out to be just a piece of clothing.

clothing?It's actually clothes?Wasn't this damn self excited just now?
Really kidding, will I, Liu Mingzhi, lack a piece of clothing to wear?
Alas, I was so excited.

Sakai Hoshino naturally didn't know Young Master Liu's feeling of regret and loss, so he stretched out his hand and gently untied the burden on the table, took out a sky blue robe and handed it to him.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino saw that you liked wearing this kind of robe the most, so Hoshino bought you a sky blue Confucian scholar's robe as soon as he arrived in Dalong territory.

Hoshino didn't know what size Liu Jun you were wearing, so I described Liu Jun's figure and physique according to my memory of Liu Jun and the owner of the tailor shop.

After listening to Hoshino's narration, the boss confidently recommended this robe to Hoshino, and then Hoshino bought it and prepared to give it to you after meeting Liu Jun.

Although our mission has brought a lot of rare treasures to present to Mr. Liu, those are all for the purpose of expressing respect for you, Mr. Liu.

And this robe represents Hoshino's own wishes, I hope you will like it, Mr. Liu.

Liu Jun, although this robe is not very valuable, it is Hoshino's wish, please accept it. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino who was holding the clothes in front of him with both hands and handed them to him. With a complicated expression, he closed the folding fan and took the neatly folded sky blue robe in her hands.

"Since it's Hoshino's wish, then I won't be polite."

"Liu Jun, try on the clothes first to see if they fit. If they don't fit, Hoshino will modify them and send them to you."

"Okay, then I'll try."

Liu Mingzhi put the engraved jade fan and robe on the table, and in front of Sakai Hoshino, he took off the belt around his waist without hesitation, and took off his outer robe.

"Liu-jun, Hoshino will help you."

Sakai Hoshino picked up the robe he bought and flicked it lightly, walked behind First Young Master Liu and helped him put the robe on his body deftly.

Liu Mingzhi straightened his clothes, looked up and down the robe on his body, and looked at Sakai Hoshino who was staring at his pretty face with surprise.

"Hoshino, I didn't expect you to have such a good eye. The robe you bought fit me perfectly. You have a heart."

Sakai Hoshino also did not expect that the clothes he bought would fit Liu Mingzhi so well, and he immediately smiled after hearing Young Master Liu's satisfactory words.

"Just as Liu Jun likes it."

After about half a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi changed into his own clothes again, looked at Sakai Hoshino who was putting the folded robes into the bag, and frowned slightly for a moment.


"Hey, Mr. Liu?"

"Hoshino, you told me in the gazebo in the courtyard earlier that it was because I sold the military equipment of the Japanese royal family Tailong that your brother faced this difficulty.

right? "

When Sakai Hoshino heard that Liu Mingzhi had turned the topic to serious business again, his expression immediately became gloomy. She gently tidied up her baggage and nodded to Young Master Liu with a gloomy expression.

"That's right, that's what Hoshino told you."

"Hoshino, even though I sold the military equipment to your Japanese royal family without knowing it, I remember that your Sakai family also purchased a large amount of excellent military equipment, and the amount of military equipment purchased by your Sakai family is compared to There are [-]% to [-]% more people in the royal family.

Your elder brother has already controlled half of the country of Wa with the military equipment you bought back from Dalong back then. The last time your mission returned to the country of Wa, the number of military equipment in his hands exceeded that of the royal family by about [-]-[-]% .

With this kind of advantage, he should be victorious in the struggle against the royal family.

Even if your brother loses due to some unforeseen factors, with these soldiers in hand, he can at least remain invincible.

In this way, how can he face the difficulties you mentioned? "

The tone of Liu Mingzhi's last sentence already contained a hint of questioning.

Sakai Hoshino raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and pointed to the courtyard next door with an indignant expression on his face, as if he didn't notice the change in Young Master Liu's tone.

"Mr. Liu, they are all bastards from Goguryeo. If it weren't for them, Hoshino and his brother wouldn't be in such a predicament."

First Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked out of the room in the direction of Sakai Hoshino's finger.


"Yes, it's all due to those bastards from Goguryeo. If they hadn't been a hindrance, even if our Sakai family didn't unify the Wa country, it would be almost the same."

"It seems difficult for your Japanese country to deal with Goguryeo? What does this matter have to do with them?"

"Mr. Liu, among the kingdoms of the Dragon Dynasty that you sent as an envoy three years ago, is there Goguryeo?"

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's question, First Young Master Liu immediately showed displeasure.

"That's right, they did have their Goguryeo country. At that time, that son of a bitch Goguryeo country was envoys of gold, and the toad wanted to eat swan meat. I hope that my young master can marry his daughter to the lord of their Goguryeo country.

Damn it, don't take a pee and take pictures... Forget it, let's continue talking about your previous grievances. "

"Liu Jun, you don't know something. Three years ago, the royal mission and the Goguryeo mission hooked up on the way back from the capital.

My brother and Hoshino don't know what kind of shady agreement they have reached. Anyway, when our war with the royal family was in full swing, around August last year, those bastards from Goguryeo appeared in Wa Kingdom at some point , suddenly attacked the rear of our coalition forces.

Originally, our coalition forces were in full swing in the battle to attack the royal city, and we were advancing all the way, and we were about to be done, but the bastards from Goguryeo suddenly made such a move.

Their sneak attack caused heavy losses to the rear of our coalition forces, and almost lost the foundation to continue to attack the last territory of the royal family.

If they only sneaked up for a while, my brother would still continue to attack by gritting his teeth. However, after those Goguryeo bastards attacked us, they harassed our rear one after another.

Brother, he really had no choice but to withdraw his troops and return to the original territory.

Brother and the others originally thought that as soon as they withdrew their troops, those bastards in Goguryeo would run away immediately.

But we never expected that they would turn around and return to the territory controlled by the royal family. Only then did we know that Goguryeo and the royal family were actually united.

Because of their sneak attack, the strength of our coalition forces can be said to have suffered heavy losses, and we will not have the strength to attack the royal family's territory again in a short time.

And after the royal family got the bastards from Goguryeo to join, they even launched a counterattack against us.

With the addition of the Goguryeo bastards, the strength of the royal family has increased instantly, faintly surpassing the strength of our coalition forces and gaining the upper hand.

Although his brother did not fail under their attack, the situation he faced was already quite critical.

In desperation, my brother could only send a mission to Dalong to find Liu Jun and you for help.

It's a pity that the news of our mission still leaked out. Those bastards in Goguryeo may be afraid that we will get your help, Mr. Liu, so they also sent a mission to make trouble.

Liu Jun, the cause and effect of the matter is like this. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and groaned for about a few cups of tea before he completely digested what Sakai Hoshino had said.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder I heard Sakai He and the missions of Goguryeo keep arguing as soon as I entered the courtyard just now."

"Mr. Liu, the royal family and the Goguryeo Kingdom are colluding, and the situation Hoshino is facing is very bad.

For the sake of our friendship and the fact that we are a subsidiary state of the Dalong Celestial Dynasty, Mr. Liu, please help our Sakai family.

Please, Hoshino, please reward us with a batch of excellent military equipment from the Great Dragon. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's pleading eyes, frowned and remained silent for a long time.

"Hoshino, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that this matter is not a small matter, and I can't make a hasty decision.

How about this, you give me a few days to discuss this matter carefully with the civil and military officials in the court, and I will give you an answer to Hoshino as soon as possible.

It was getting late, so I went back first. "

(End of this chapter)

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