Chapter 2827

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he casually picked up the package on the table and walked straight towards the door.

When Sakai Hoshino saw Young Master Liu saying that he was about to leave, he immediately panicked, and instinctively ran to him and opened his arms, intending to block Young Master Liu's way.

Liu Mingzhi also didn't expect that Sakai Hoshino would do such a thing to him, and he was caught off guard and directly hit the beauty Wen Xiangruyu's chest.

Sakai Hoshino couldn't help moaning softly, and under the slightly stronger force, he involuntarily took a small half step back before stopping his body.

Liu Mingzhi no longer had the heart to appreciate the touch of the collision, and looked helplessly at Sakai Hoshino, who was still standing in front of him with his arms open, and sighed: "Hoshino, what are you doing?"

If it were just now, Sakai Xing's pretty face would have already been stained with a layer of blush when she had such an intimate contact with Liu Jun, but now she also has no time to think about what this intimate contact has brought to herself. How does she feel now, she just wants to stop Liu Mingzhi and beg him to help her.

Sakai Hoshino raised his eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi who had a rather helpless face, stretched out a pair of white jade arms and walked gently in front of Young Master Liu again.

"Liu Jun, on the eve of Hoshino's mission from Japan to Dalong with our mission, brother was already facing a very difficult situation.

It can be said that if Hoshino stays in Dalong capital for one more day, the situation that his brother will face will be severe by one day.

Now you go back and discuss this matter carefully with Dalong's civil and military officials. I don't know how many days it will take to get a result.

Liu Jun, it's not that Hoshino doesn't want to wait, but he really can't afford to wait.

You are His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, not to mention the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in the court, even the whole world must obey your orders, Mr. Liu.

Hoshino believes that as long as Liu Jun gives them an order to help Hoshino, they will definitely agree to this matter.

Mr. Liu, you are the Emperor of the Great Dragon, the Emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, they dare not disobey your orders. "

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's compliment, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and sighed inwardly.

You really know me.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi still frowning and not agreeing to his request, Sakai Hoshino felt very anxious in his heart, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was burning with anxiety. Thinking of the situation his brother might face now, Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu immediately. Xuanran wanted to cry.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino has spent several months crossing the vast ocean to come to Dalong, and now I don't know how my brother is doing in the land of Wa.

If he was delayed in the capital for another ten days, half a month or even longer, Hoshino was really worried that his brother would not be able to withstand the pressure brought by the bastards of the royal family and Goguryeo.

Hoshino really can't wait anymore, Liu Jun, please Hoshino, please help us!

You should take pity on Hoshino, an old friend who had a good friendship in the past, and reward us with some big dragon armaments to take back to support my brother and the others.

You are the Emperor of the Great Dragon, rewarding us with some military equipment is not worth mentioning to you, Mr. Liu, but to Hoshino, this is a major event to save the lives of our entire Sakai family and all the coalition forces of more than [-] people .

Our Sakai family is a subsidiary of the Dalong Dynasty, and we are also your subjects, Mr. Liu!

Liu Jun, Hoshino please help us, Hoshino knelt down and begged you, okay? "

Sakai Hoshino said that he would kneel down and beg, but he really knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Liu Jun, please help Hoshino."

Liu Mingzhi also didn't expect Sakai Hoshino's belief to be so firm, he looked down at her helpless kneeling in front of him with tears in his eyes, and hurriedly bent down and reached out to help her up with a complex expression.

"Hoshino, what are you doing? Get up, get up."

After Sakai Hoshino got up, he looked at First Young Master Liu with joy.

"Liu Jun, have you already promised Hoshino?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino with complicated eyes, the joyful expression that he thought he had agreed to her request, and could only sigh silently in his heart.

After all, she was happy too early.

Don't even think about wanting to reward them with the military equipment of the Great Dragon of the Japanese Kingdom for free. Sakai Hoshino would not agree even if she said flowers.

What I said just now was really not perfunctory Sakai Hoshino, but the matter of military preparations is indeed no small matter, and I have to think carefully about it.

Things like military equipment are not things like gold, silver and jewelry, they are just valuable, and the impact they can bring must not be underestimated.

Although Dalong's military equipment is powerful, but the cost is also high, despite the fact that Dalong's treasury is already quite rich, but in the matter of casting military equipment, the imperial court also needs to be careful and save money.

After all, there are too many places in the world that need money. In addition to casting military equipment, the treasury's silver also has to take care of the people's livelihood and government affairs in the world.

For me, the king of a country, the people's livelihood and government are no small matter!
The imperial court spends a lot of money to cast excellent military equipment and rewards others for free, that is something a fool would do.

Is it not good to equip these soldiers with your own soldiers?
Under Sakai Hoshino's delighted eyes, Liu Mingzhi looked at her and shook his head gently.

"Hoshino, I'm really sorry, I really can't promise you right away."

Sakai Hoshino's joyful expression froze suddenly, and the tears in his eyes suddenly slid down his cheeks, and the appearance of being about to cry directly turned into tears.

"Why...why? Liu Jun, why is this?
Isn't this a very simple thing for you?
Is it because the royal family is a legitimate subsidiary country of the Wa Kingdom?If it's because of this, Mr. Liu, don't worry, after my brother unifies the Wa Kingdom, we can also become a subsidiary country of the Dragon Dynasty.

And our Sakai family will respect the Dalong Dynasty more than the royal family, and obey the orders of the Dalong Dynasty even more.

We can pay tribute to you every year, Mr. Liu, and worship you every year. If you say something, Mr. Liu, as long as we can do something, my brother will never dare to refuse. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's crying pear blossom with rain and shook his head lightly, took out a handkerchief from his cuff and wiped the tears on Sakai Hoshino's face a few times: "Hoshino, if it's because of this, the envoy of your Sakai family The regiment will not live in my Dalong's Honglu Temple."

However, just as Liu Mingzhi wiped away the tears on Sakai Hoshino's face, more tears welled up in her eyes.

Sakai Hoshino's eyes kept shedding tears like a spring, she looked at Young Master Liu choked up with tears in her eyes and asked, "Why is that?"

Liu Mingzhi wiped away the tears on Sakai Hoshino's face again, put away his handkerchief, raised his feet, staggered away from Sakai Hoshino who was blocking him, and walked slowly towards the outside of the room.

Sakai Hoshino saw that Liu Mingzhi did not intend to leave directly, this time she did not stop him again, but followed silently with a low sob.

"Hoshino, it's been about half a month since you came to Dalong Capital this time, right?"

"Well, counting today, Hoshino has been here at Honglu Temple for fourteen days."

"I've been here for fourteen days. If you want to come to Hoshino, you must have heard about my dispatch of an army of [-] on the street, right?"

Although Sakai Hoshino didn't know why Liu Mingzhi asked him about this matter, he still nodded obediently and replied softly: "Liu Jun, Hoshino not only heard about it, but when the army went out today, Hoshino went to buy it for Sakura Zhi on the street. When I was making jewelry, I even stopped by to look outside the city gate!"

"Since Hoshino knows this, it's fine, and I don't need to explain it to you in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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