Chapter 2832 Tracking
Ishibashi Taro lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards Sakai Ka.

"My lord, although they can't see His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, they can see Lord Wang of Honglu Temple, and Lord Wang is the kind of official who can directly enter the palace to meet the Great Dragon Emperor!
You said, could it be? "


Sakai He suddenly took a breath, and looked at Taro Ishibashi with suspicious eyes.

"You mean that the Goguryeo Kingdom has tripped us up with Lord Wang, and then it has reached the ears of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor?"

"It's not impossible, after all, they are on the side of the royal family, and now we are in a hostile relationship!"

"Yes, there is indeed such a possibility. Immediately send an order to Matsushita and the others to send additional personnel to monitor Goguryeo. We must not let them see the Dragon Emperor before us."

"The subordinate understands, what about the request for military equipment?"

"Wait, we can only wait honestly now.

You must closely monitor every move of the Goguryeo Mission. Even if we cannot see His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, we cannot let them see it.

Once there is any clue, you will immediately come forward to sabotage it, as long as you don't break the rules set by Honglu Temple for us, you can act freely. "

"Yes, this subordinate understands. Do you have any other orders, my lord?"

"No, let's pass the order."

"Subordinates retire."

After Taro Ishibashi left, Sakai Ka, who was about to drink a cup of tea, seemed to remember something, hurriedly put down the cup and walked out of the room.

"Huh? Where's Sister Yingzhi? Did she go back to Aunt Hoshino? But why didn't I see her on the way back?"

Sakai Ka wanted to go to see his aunt Sakai Hoshino, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he returned to the room with a wry smile.

"Forget it, this girl may have wandered in some yard again, after all, this is not the first time."

After Sakai Ka returned to his room, he picked up a stack of papers from the bedside, sat on a chair and carefully looked through them one by one.

At the corner of the street outside the gate of Liu Mansion, Liu Mingzhi, who was walking silently, stopped suddenly, looked up at the rising moon in the sky, and smiled.

"Little girl, I'm going home soon, how long do you plan to stay with me?"

After Liu Mingzhi's words fell, it took about a cup of tea, but there was still no movement behind him.

There was no movement behind Liu Mingzhi, but a few familiar young men walked up the street in front of him.

"Uncle Liu? Shall I meet Uncle Liu?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the children in the neighborhood in front of him, smiled and waved his hands.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Uncle Liu."

"It's so late, you brats can't stay at home and rest well, what are you doing together at this time?"

"Go to Tianxiang... Mmmmm..."

One of the boys covered the mouth of the first boy who spoke, nodded and smiled at Young Master Liu a few times.

"Hehehe, Uncle Liu, we brothers just went to the street for a walk."

"That's right, that's right, didn't you just have dinner, and you're bored at home, so we're going to go to the street to digest food."

"Uncle Liu, you came back a bit late today, it seems that the business of the Gua stall must be very good."

"Dong Kun, Mr. Liu, he came back so late, he must have not eaten dinner, so let's stop chattering and delay Mr. going home to rest."

"Yes, yes, look at the sharp eyesight of the boy, Uncle Liu, you can go back to eat first, and we brothers will not delay you."

"Uncle Liu, let's take our leave first, see you later."

Five or six young men waved their hands and ran away without waiting for Young Master Liu to respond.

Young Master Liu watched the backs of the young men gradually go away, shook his head and sighed with a frown and a smile.

"Oh, it's nice to be young!"

After sighing casually, Young Master Liu looked at the stone lion outside the gate of Cai's house more than 20 steps behind him with a half-smile.

"Little girl, are you really not going to come out? If you don't come out again, I will go home?"

Young Master Liu's words fell behind for a while, and a small head poked out from behind the stone lion. Under the light of the lanterns outside Cai's house, she was timidly looking at Young Master Liu who was staring at her with a half-smiling smile. Anxiety was written all over her little face.

This little head is none other than Sakai Hoshino's obedient daughter Hanagi Sakuraori.

When Liu Mingzhi saw Huaqi Yingzhi sticking his head out from behind the stone lion, there was no surprise on his face. Not long after he left Honglu Temple, he realized that someone was following him.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi didn't expect that the person following him would be the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi at the beginning, he thought it was someone else in the Japanese mission!

When he was about to reach the main street, Liu Mingzhi squatted down and pretended to straighten his boots, and took the opportunity to observe the person who was following him. Only then did he realize that it was the little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi.

This little girl's ability to track people is really not very good. The journey is full of loopholes. The distance is either too far or too close. If I hadn't waited for her to follow, I would have dumped her when I first arrived at the intersection. Lost.

Because of this, Liu Mingzhi was certain in his heart that it must be her own idea that this little girl followed her, not Sakai Hoshino or anyone else's instruction.

Liu Mingzhi observed Huaqi Yingzhi's surroundings vaguely, and after confirming that there was no one else but her, he happily squatted down and waved to the little girl.

"Little girl, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you come out soon?"

Hua Qi Yingzhi hesitated for a moment, walked out of the stone lion and walked towards First Young Master Liu.

Slowly stopping in front of Young Master Liu, Hua Qi Yingzhi's fingers were only intertwined, and she gave a blessing to Young Master Liu with a small face embarrassed.

"First... sir."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and reached out to pat the little girl's forehead.

"Sakura Zhi, it's getting so late now, you don't stay in Honglu Temple to rest well, why are you following Mr.

Seeing Young Master Liu's cheerful smile, Huaqi Yingzhi also understood that he was not angry because of her stalking, and the uneasy expression on her little face immediately eased a lot.

"Sir, Sakura... Sakura... Sakura followed you just to see what Dalong's palace looks like."

"What? You followed me just to see what the dragon's palace looks like?"

Huaqi Yingzhi nodded hurriedly when she heard the words: "Yeah, my mother told Yingzhi since she was a child, how magnificent and majestic the palace of the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty is, Yingzhi listened The more I got, the more I slowly remembered it in my heart.

This time, Yingzhi followed her mother across the ocean and came to Dalong, so she wanted to follow her mother to see what the Dalong Palace she told Yingzhi was like.

But mother, she has gone to the palace several times, and she didn't take Yingzhi to see it every time.

After Yingzhi saw Mr., he knew that you are the emperor of Dalong, Mr., thinking that you must be living in the palace, so I secretly followed out without telling my mother.

Sir, I'm sorry, Yingzhi also knows that it is wrong for me to do so, but I just want to see what the palace looks like, whether it is as powerful as what my mother said. "

The moment Liu Mingzhi opened Huaqi Yingzhi's explanation, he kept looking into her eyes with a light smile.

Liu Mingzhi could see from her eyes that this little girl was not lying, she was really just curious about the appearance of the palace.

Looking forward to seeing the palace behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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