My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2833 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 2833 The ignorant is fearless

After Liu Mingzhi knew the reason why the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi followed him, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

After he found out that the little girl was following him, he repeatedly thought about many possibilities in his heart, but he never thought that it would be because of this reason.

Looking at the little girl's childish and innocent face, and her eyes full of longing, Liu Xin felt a little embarrassed.

If it was on weekdays when I was not busy, it would not be a big deal to take this clever little girl for a walk in the palace, but now I have very important things to go home and think about carefully.

Moreover, it is not daytime now, and night has fallen for a long time. Even if you go to visit the palace at this time, many pavilions, towers and pavilions cannot be seen clearly under the reflection of the lights in the palace.

In this case, it is better not to watch.

Huaqi Yingzhi saw Young Master Liu's frowning and silent appearance, his slender fingers were tightly hooked together and twisted, and her young heart suddenly became uneasy again.

"Sir, Sakurai knew it was wrong, I shouldn't have followed you without your consent, sir, don't be angry, okay?"

Hearing the little girl's apologetic words, Liu Mingzhi immediately reacted from his thoughts, and looked up at Huaqi Yingzhi, whose face was full of self-blame.

Seeing the little girl's well-behaved and sensible appearance, the thought that he had when he first saw her came to Young Master Liu's heart again.

It would be great if this little girl is not from the Wa country, otherwise she is definitely one of the best candidates for her to be her daughter-in-law.

What the hell, what the hell!

"Little girl, you don't have to be afraid, sir, I'm not angry."

Huaqi Yingzhi suddenly raised her head and looked at First Young Master Liu, her small face showed genuine surprise.

"Really? Sir, are you really not angry with Sakuraori?"

"Of course it is. What are you doing lying to me, sir?"

Hua Qi Yingzhi hesitated for a long time with a small face, Ling Fan looked hopefully at Liu Mingzhi who was smiling slightly.

"Then, sir, can you take Yingzhi to the palace to have a look? Don't worry, sir, Yingzhi can assure you, I will just take a look, and after taking a look, Yingzhi will obediently go back to Honglu Temple to find her mother."

Liu Mingzhi stood up straight, and pointed to the starry sky with the bright moon hanging above his head.

"Sakura, it's not sir, I don't want to take you to the palace to have a look, but it's already so late now, even if sir takes you to the palace now, you won't be able to see anything clearly.

Moreover, the place where the husband is going back now is my home, not the palace, so even if you go back with the husband, you will not be able to see what the palace looks like. "

Huaqi Yingzhi first followed the movements of Young Master Liu's fingers and looked up at the bright starry sky. After hearing what Young Master Liu said next, the deep expectation on her little face was instantly replaced by disappointment.

"Ah? Sir, you are His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong. Shouldn't His Majesty live in the palace?"

"Hehehe, Yingzhi, although the emperor lives in the palace, he doesn't have to live in the palace, it depends on the emperor's own thoughts.

For example, sir, I, the emperor, don't particularly like living in the palace. "

"Why? Mother and Yingzhi talked about the palace so well, sir, why don't you like living in it?"

"Then there are many reasons, you won't understand even if my husband told you Yingzhi, Yingzhi, you are destined to be disappointed today.

How about this, when sir is free one day, I will take Yingzhi to the palace with you, okay? "

Liu Mingzhi didn't feel the slightest bit of impatience in his heart, instead he patiently explained to the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi.

Although Huaqi Yingzhi was very disappointed, she still nodded obediently: "Alright then, then Yingzhi will thank you in advance, sir.

Sir, let's make a deal, Yingzhi is waiting for you to take Yingzhi to the palace to see and see. "

"It's a word."

"Yeah, sir, then Sakurai will go back first."

"Be careful on the road, by the way, do you still remember how to go back?"

Huaqi Yingzhi's innocent face suddenly froze, she turned around and looked around the street, the little girl's expression suddenly became panicked.

"Sakura...Sakura...Sir, when Sakura came here, he kept silently remembering which way he took, but after talking to you for so long, Sakura forgot the route."

Seeing the little girl's expression of panic and embarrassment, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"You little girl, you are really ignorant and fearless!"

"Huh? The ignorant are fearless? Sir, what does that mean?"

"It means that you don't know anything, so you have no fear."

"Oh, Sakuraori knew it was wrong, really knew it was wrong."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, reached out and patted the little girl's hair on the temples, turned and walked towards Liu's mansion.

"Little girl, sir has no time to send you back to Honglu Temple now, so you can follow me back to the mansion first, and I will send someone to notify your mother when we both return to the mansion."

Hua Qi Yingzhi originally wanted to say something, but seeing Liu Mingzhi had already walked more than ten steps away, looking around at the quiet street around her, the little girl shrank her neck and hurriedly trot to follow.

"Sir, wait for Sakura, Sakura is a little scared?"

"Little girl, so you still know to be afraid? Knowing that you are afraid, you dare to follow Mr. without making a sound?"

"Sir, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, there's no need to say more about apologizing, just follow up, you slipped out without even saying hello, I don't know how anxious your mother is now."

"Sir, don't worry, mother must not have started looking for Yingzhi yet?"

"Oh? How did you know that?"

"Because it's not the first time that Yingzhi didn't go back so late, since arriving at Honglu Temple, Yingzhi has been wandering around the courtyard of Honglu Temple for a long time every night.

At the beginning, my mother scolded me a lot, but gradually she got used to it, and it has not been long since we ate, so my mother must not have started looking for me yet. "

"You, you really will find something for your mother to do!"

The little girl waved her hands carelessly, jumping up and down and following Young Master Liu.

"Oh, sir, let's not talk about these things. The big deal is that Yingzhi will be beaten on the butt after returning home. Mother, she just looks fierce when she gets angry. In fact, she is not willing to beat Yingzhi hard.

Sir, how long will it be before we get to your house? "

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at the carefree appearance of the little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi, and he finally knew why he didn't dislike this little girl anymore.

Because from this little girl, he saw what his good daughter Liu Luoyue looked like when she was a child.

They are all so clever and weird, but so heartless.

This little girl, if she teaches her carefully, she will definitely be extraordinary in the future!

"Don't worry, the front is my home, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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