Chapter 2835
In the main hall of the Liu family, the whole family who were having dinner heard Eldest Young Master Liu's voice, and all got up and bowed to Liu Mingzhi who walked into the hall.

"No courtesy, no courtesy, no courtesy, sit down and continue eating."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, and directly led the little girl Hua Qiyingzhi towards the dining table.

"Sakura, you haven't eaten yet, have you? Just sit down and eat together."

Huaqi Yingzhi nodded lightly, and replied with a voice like a mosquito: "Well, thank you sir."

Huaqi Yingzhi followed First Young Master Liu silently, secretly observing the large group of family members of the Liu family in the hall, her innocent little face showing a faint sense of embarrassment.

Hua Qi Yingzhi was secretly observing Qi Yun and the others, Qi Yun and his group of sisters, Liu Chengfeng and his brothers and sisters, and others, and they were looking at the little girl who was following Young Master Liu in amazement.

Qi Yun and the other sisters had the same thought in their hearts.

Who is this little girl?Could it be that the stinky husband is messing around outside behind her sister's back and others?

Judging by the age of this little girl, the stinky husband must have been cheating for a long time, right?At least eight or nine years, maybe even longer.

Especially Xue Bizhu, she vaguely remembered seeing this little girl in a restaurant during the day.

This little girl was following a charming woman at that time, and that charming woman often attracted the attention of the guests in the restaurant.

Could it be that the charming woman I met in the restaurant during the day is also one of my good sisters?
Liu Chengzhi, his brothers, sisters and others had exactly the same thoughts as his own mothers, and they all guessed the identity of Huaqi Yingzhi in their hearts.

Obediently?Are we going to have another sister?
Um?This young lady looks a little older than us, shall we call her sister later?
Liu Mingzhi looked at the astonished expressions of a large group of people, and he didn't know what they were thinking. He walked to the main seat and was about to explain Huaqi Yingzhi's identity to them, but the little cutie went ahead. He tugged on his sleeve and pulled him aside.

The cutie looked back at Huaqi Yingzhi's appearance again, and looked away at the puzzled old man with narrow eyes.

"Stinky old man, are you going behind your mother's and aunts' backs to get rid of... Uh huh, are you going to be romantic?"

Liu Mingzhi originally thought that Little Cutie had something serious to say to him, but when he heard her question, he sighed angrily, turned his head to look at the cheap expression on Little Cutie's pretty face, and directly pointed at her He flicked hard on the forehead.

"Smelly girl, you just know nonsense. Who do you think you are? Go back to eat."

The little cutie let out a cry of pain, and immediately raised her hand and rubbed it on her flawless forehead hissing.

"Stinky old man, you are too cruel, are you my real father?"

"Ask your mother."

Young Master Liu replied to Little Cutie angrily, turned around and walked towards the dining table.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you sit down and eat, aren't you hungry?"

Qi Yun, her sisters and others looked at each other, and sat down on the stool one after another with full of doubts.

Liu Mingzhi sat down on the main seat, and pointed to the vacant seat next to the cutie.

"Sakura, you can just sit there and eat whatever you want, and if you can't reach it, let your elder sister Yue'er bring you food."

"Yes, sir."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the rice bowl, picked up a chopstick of cold dishes and put them in the bowl.

"Stop thinking about it, Yun'er, let me introduce the identity of this little girl to you as a husband.

Her name is Huaqi Yingzhi, and she comes from Wa Kingdom, one of Dalong's vassal states. Her mother is an old friend of my husband many years ago. Because of some special reasons, this little girl came to our house with my husband. We are a guest. "

When Qi Yun and the other beauties heard Young Master Liu tell the identity of the little girl Hua Qiyingzhi, the weird feeling in their hearts disappeared instantly.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding!

Qi Yun even vaguely recalled something from her husband's words, pursed her red lips and pondered for a moment, then Qi Yun immediately turned her head and looked towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, this girl is not the daughter of the Japanese girl who was drunk or starred back then?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for so many years, Yun'er, you can still remember the Japanese girl we met back then. You are right, Yingzhi is Sakai Hoshino's daughter. "

Qi Yun heard her husband's answer, and her beautiful eyes looked again in surprise at Huaqi Yingzhi who was sitting diagonally across from her, motionless.

"My God, it's really her daughter."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the shy little girl sitting across from him, pouted his mouth and gestured to the little girl.

"Sakura, don't be polite when you arrive at your husband's house, you can eat whatever you want."

"Yue'er, you pick up vegetables for Sakura."

"Hey, Yue'er knows."

"Sakura, right, just tell my sister what you want to eat, and my sister will pick it up for you."

Huaqi Yingzhi first looked at First Young Master Liu, and then nodded shyly at the cutie.

"Thank you pretty sister, Sakura can eat anything, beautiful sister, Sakura can eat whatever you pick."

When the little cutie heard Huaqi Yingzhi's address, she immediately picked up a piece of roasted duck meat with chopsticks and put it on the plate in front of the little girl with a smile on her face.

"Sakura Zhi, this roast duck is one of our delicacies in Dalongjing, please taste it quickly, you can use sister's for dipping sauce, let's eat together."

"Yeah, thank you pretty sister, you eat too."

"Father, Yingzhi is really cute and sensible, but it's a pity that she is not my sister."

"Anyway, I'm much more sensible than you. Let's eat your meal quickly. You can't keep your mouth shut with so many dishes. Why are you talking so much?"

"Hmph, just eat it."

The little cutie made fun of herself, snorted and picked up her bowl and chopsticks and started to eat in big mouthfuls, as if chewing the food in the bowl like a stinky old man.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the peach blossom wine, then he seemed to remember something, raised his head and scanned the dining table for a week.

"Yun'er? Where's the girl Xuan'er? She hasn't left yet, has she?"

Qi Yun immediately put down the dishes that were handed to her mouth, looked at her husband and shook her head: "I haven't left yet, but it's almost too soon. Before you come back, my husband, my little sister took a few mouthfuls of food in a hurry and went back to the room Yes, he said he was going back to pack up and salute.

The concubine asked her which day she planned to leave, and she told the concubine that she planned to leave tomorrow.

The concubine was about to tell my husband after dinner, but I didn't expect my husband to ask first. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and put down the wine glass, just picked up the bowl and chopsticks but put them back.

"This girl, my husband told her to let her stay at home for a while, but I didn't expect that I planned to leave home tomorrow, my heart is getting wilder and wilder.

It's almost time for my husband to eat, you guys continue to eat, I'm going to the study first. "

"Husband, how much do you eat now? There is still half of the rice left in the bowl. It's not too late to eat more before going to the study!"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed a few pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes made by Yinger from the plate beside him, got up and walked towards the back of the hall.

"No need, my husband is not very hungry, just a few more pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, you can continue to eat.

By the way, it is enough for Yingzhi to live with Yue'er today.

Yue'er, come to the study after you have eaten, and ask you about some paperwork for your father. "

"Oh, Yue'er knows."

Although the beauties felt a little helpless, they could only watch Liu Mingzhi's back gradually go away.

"Sakura, this sauced beef tastes good too, try it quickly."

"Well, Sakuraori, thank you pretty sister."

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the study and lit the candle, he sat on the chair and began to write silently on the blank rice paper with a pen.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi stuffed the rice paper full of characters into the envelope, picked up another document and leaned in front of the candlestick, concentrating on reviewing the content on it.

The candle flame flickered and crackled, and after about half a stick of incense passed, there was a knock on the door in the study.

"Father, the moon is here."

Liu Mingzhi put down the eighth book in his hand, raised his head and glanced at the door.

"come in."


Cutie pushed the door open and walked in, walked carelessly to the chair opposite Young Master Liu and sat down.

"Father, what are your orders for Yue'er?"

Liu Mingzhi untied the pipe from his waist and filled it with shredded tobacco. He lit the candle and took a few puffs of light smoke forcefully.

"When Huaqi Yingzhi lives with you tonight, you should have a good chat with her and ask her about Wa Kingdom.

You can talk about anything, the more you can ask, the better. "

When Xiaocuti heard Liu Mingzhi's confession, there was no surprise on her face, as if she really did.

"Smelly old man, Yue'er already knew that you asked me to come to the study room to discuss paperwork.

It's not that Yue'er can't agree to this matter, it's just that, Dad, you let a man as big as Yue'er go to talk to a little girl.

Yue'er, how can I bear it in my heart! "

(End of this chapter)

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