My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2836 I'm Going

Chapter 2836 I'm Going

Liu Mingzhi rolled his eyes angrily when he heard the little cutie's eccentric tone, he knew what this stinky girl was thinking about when she said these words, he didn't even need to think about it.

"Tell me, what's your request?"

The little cutie stood up with a smile on her face, leaned her slender waist and leaned in front of her father and gently rubbed her fingers.

"Father, Yue'er doesn't have too many demands. As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse first. Give me tens of thousands of taels of silver."

Young Master Liu suddenly coughed with smoke coming from his nostrils, and he almost didn't come up when he pressed his big hand on the table.

"Hey, hey, why don't you go to heaven, you stinky girl? You can really open your mouth for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

You dragged me out to sell you, see if you can sell it for tens of thousands of taels of silver?

You are young and have a big appetite, so you are not afraid to stretch yourself to death. "

"Hey, stinky old man, you don't need to be particular about what you say. Now you are the majestic king of a country, in charge of our Dalong's [-] miles of mountains and rivers. This girl is just asking you for a mere tens of thousands of taels of silver." That's all, why do you have such a big reaction?"

First Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief just now, and in an instant he coughed a few times when stimulated by the cutie's words.

"Cough, cough, it's just tens of thousands of taels of silver, and tens of thousands of taels of silver is nothing to you, Liu Luoyue?

I can see that, I haven't seen you for half a day, you, Liu Luoyue, are really drifting away, and even the sky that floats like that can't stop your footsteps. "

"Hey, the stinky old man just said whether to give it or not? Anyway, Yue'er doesn't care."

"I'll give your grandma... a leg for your mother, do you want money, or a life? Do you want me to give you my old life?"

Looking at Young Master Liu's 'ferocious' eyes, Little Cutie hastily withdrew her body and sat on the chair.

"Old... Dad, why don't you have so many Yue'er? You can give Yue'er some hard-working money, right? After all, such things as formulas are quite brain-consuming."

Young Master Liu glared at Little Cutie angrily, leaned over and knocked the embers from the smoke pot into the brazier under the desk.

"Stinky girl, you still have at least tens of thousands of taels of silver bills in your own pocket. This money is enough for you to spend for several years. You are richer than me. Are you ashamed to ask for money in your pocket?"

"Yue'er's money is Yue'er's money, and the money you give me, daddy, is the money you gave me. Do these two points conflict with each other?
It's like Yue'er's grandfather, the old man. Could it be that if he earns money this month, he won't have to earn money next month?

Who would dislike having too much money?Dad, do you think this is true?
Even if you pull a donkey, you have to eat enough to go to work, right?Yue'er asked the stinky old man, what's wrong with asking for some hard-earned money? "

As she spoke, the little cutie stood up straight, and stared at First Young Master Liu with resentful eyes.

"The most important thing is, old man, are you still ashamed to say that this girl put her hand in your purse to ask for money?
On the night of admiring the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, what did you do yourself to be so angry and unspeakable, do you still use the moon to repeat it?

Smelly old man, you have the guts to do that, my girl, I ask you to spend tens of thousands of taels of silver, why can't you do it?Why is it too much?

You pay back the girl's money, tens of thousands of taels of silver bills! "

When First Young Master Liu heard Xiaocuti mentioning what happened that night during the Mid-Autumn Festival, his sullen expression suddenly became awkward.

He thought that cutie had already forgotten about it, but he didn't expect that she would still remember it!
"Hmm, Yue'er, my dear daughter, what kind of money are you talking about, why is it that you don't understand the money as a father?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's words pretending to be stupid and in a daze, Little Cutie raised her jade hand and slapped it heavily on the table.

"Pretend, stinky father, you continue to pretend to this girl, will you give this money to stinky father? If you don't give it, this girl will go back to sleep immediately, and you are willing to find out about the matter of embracing flowers and Qiying's weaving mouth?" Go to whoever is going, anyway, this girl will not go.

Big deal, old man, you beat me up now, even if you beat me up, I still won't go.

In a word, either give the money directly, or this girl goes back to play chess with Duke Zhou.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie's unyielding appearance, and nodded helplessly: "Here, can I give you a bank note for my father? How about this, don't pay tens of thousands of taels, Yue'er, just say An exact number."

Little Cutie nodded her lips and fell silent for a moment, then stretched out her palm directly to First Young Master Liu.

"5 million taels."

"Why don't you grab it? Don't even think about 1, just [-] taels."

"Forty-five thousand."

"Thirteen thousand."

"forty thousand."

"Fifteen thousand."

"Father, it doesn't make any sense for us to continue bargaining like this. This girl will finally offer a one-buy price. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't, you can drop it."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while, then nodded hesitantly.

"You talk about it first."

"Give me back the original bank note you took away from me, and give me 100 taels of silver for hard work. This matter will be considered a deal."


"Then I'll go?"

"Wait, brat, what you want is too dark."

"My God? Is there any law of heaven? Is there any law of the king? It would be too dark for this girl to return my own money?"


"Then I'll go?"

"I'll give you half of the head office, right?"

"Then I'll go?"


"Then I'm really leaving?"

Young Master Liu looked at the cutie's attitude of not giving up an inch, panted and opened the drawer on the desk, took out a stack of bank notes from a book and threw it on the desk.

"roll roll roll."

Little Cutie grabbed the banknote in her hand as quickly as possible, and after carefully counting the number of banknotes in front of the light, she put the banknote into her bosom contentedly, and then patted herself Be proud of the chest of your peers.

"Smelly old man, I will not ask you for the 100 taels of hard work because of the deep affection between our father and daughter."

"Go away, I don't want to see you now."

"Get out now, this girl will get out now, but you have to tell Yue'er, what should be the main direction of the cliché?

Go on talking aimlessly, even if it is dawn, you probably won't get any useful news. "

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and was silent for a moment, looked at the cutie and said indifferently: "The current situation in the Wa country is the main one, and you can just look at the other aspects yourself."

"Understood, stinky old man, then Yue'er will go away first, see you tomorrow."

The tens of thousands of taels of silver notes that belonged to her were lost and recovered. The little cutie is now in a happy mood, and she has returned to her usual sloppy appearance when talking.

"Wait a moment."

The little cutie stopped quickly, turned around and looked at her stinky father with a puzzled expression.

"Huh? Smelly old man, do you have anything else to do?"

"Yue'er, my father reminds you that the little girl Hua Qiyingzhi is not the kind of silly little girl who doesn't understand anything.

Her heart is as pure and honest as her mother's, but that doesn't mean you can easily get her words out. "

The little cutie looked up at her white and tender jade neck arrogantly, and gently tapped her fingers on the white teeth in her small cherry mouth.

"Father, my girl's teeth are designed to gnaw hard bones."

(End of this chapter)

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