Chapter 2837

Liu Mingzhi looked at the confident and arrogant expression on the cute and pretty face, sat on the chair and waved his hands casually.

"Since you are full of confidence, stinky girl, then you won't say anything more as a father. Now you can go back and chew on your hard bones."

Hearing her father's words telling her to leave, Little Cutie didn't leave the study immediately, but looked thoughtfully at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting behind the desk and picked up a book and was about to read it by the candlelight.


"Huh? Why haven't you left yet? Do you have anything else to do?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that Yue'er has a small question in her heart and wants to ask Dad, is it convenient?"

"Tell me."

"Father, Yue'er thinks that your opinions on the Wa country seem to be unusually strong, did the Wa country or the people of the Wa country offend you before?
It was like this three years ago when you sold the military equipment to the two embassy regiments of the Wa Kingdom. This time when the Wa Kingdom went to Dalong as an envoy, it was like this again after you met them.

Today, father, if you let Yue'er to seduce a little girl about ten years old, why does Yue'er think that you seem to be deliberately targeting this Japanese country?
Yue'er doesn't know much about this country of Wa, but in Yue'er's impression, it seems that my Dalong has never had any bad things with the country of Wa.

In Yue'er's memory, every time the Wa kingdom sent me Dalong as an envoy, its attitude towards Dalong was always respectful, and its attitude even far surpassed that of the other missions of the affiliated countries.

In this way, Yue'er really can't figure out why you use this attitude to target this Japanese country.

Of course, Yue'er didn't say that because he thought there was something wrong with you doing this, Dad. You must have your own intentions for doing this.

Yue'er was just a little curious, why did you do this, Dad?

Could it be that Yue'er really guessed that Wa country or some people from Wa country had offended daddy you before? "

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes in silence for a moment, looked at the curious little cutie and shook his head gently.

"No, the Wa country has never offended me, and no Wa country has ever offended me."

"Since that's the case, why are you doing this, father?"

"Yue'er, how do you feel about the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi?"

"It's okay, just in terms of the current contact with her, the sensory aspects are not too bad, what? Dad, don't you have a bad sense of Hua Qiying weaving her?"

"Being a father is the same as you, and I have the same good sense for her."

"Father, since you have a good sense of her, why are you targeting the Japanese mission?"

"Don't worry, besides the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi, have you seen other Wa people?"

"Several times."

"And how do you feel about them?"

The little cutie recalled her memories carefully, and said softly: "There is a feeling of servility, but there is also some not-so-obvious arrogance."

The corners of Liu Mingzhi's mouth raised slightly, and his fingers tapped rhythmically on the table.

"Then who are they groveling to? To whom do they have a little less obvious arrogance?"

"Well, Yue'er vaguely remembers that when I met them back then, they would be particularly groveling when they saw the officials of my Great Dragon, and they would be a little arrogant when they saw the missionaries of other dependent countries.

At that time, because of the issue of military equipment, they seemed to have had a lot of friction with the An Nanguo mission. Later, it was Mr. Wang from Honglu Temple who came forward to calm the dispute. "

"Then why do you say they bowed their knees to the officials of my Dalong Dynasty, and fought against the missions of An Nanguo?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course, my Dalong Celestial Dynasty is stronger than their Japanese country. If you dare to grin your teeth with Dalong, you will be considered kind to Dalong if they don't destroy their country."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded, seeing the cute and arrogant expression, he pointed to the door directly.

"A child can be taught, so do you have to continue to say the rest?"

The little cutie nodded her head as if she had realized it, saluted First Young Master Liu, then turned around and walked out of the study.

"Smelly old man, you can continue to work on your business, I'm sorry for the girl, see you tomorrow.

By the way, old man, if you dare to steal this girl's bank note in the future, be careful that you won't even be able to close the coffin lid in the future. "

Liu Mingzhi was about to flip through the paperwork in his hand, but when he heard the last words from the cutie, his face turned red instantly.

He was thinking of roaring and cursing, but when he thought that this stinky girl had already run away, Liu Mingzhi forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

After all, the stinky girl had already left, no matter how loudly she scolded, it was nothing more than futile rage.

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while with a helpless expression, and suddenly grinned softly.

This stinking girl, Yue'er, is arrogant and shameless, with a black-hearted and thick-skinned appearance, which can be said to resemble her appearance when she was young.

No, when I was young, I was much more restrained than this stinky girl.

If she is allowed to inherit...

The thoughts in Liu Mingzhi's mind stopped abruptly, he stopped thinking deeply, and continued to look through the documents with full attention while holding the documents in his hand.

However, Liu Mingzhi hadn't finished reading a document when there was another knock on the door.

His thoughts were interrupted, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and raised his head to look at the door of the study.

"come in."

The door of the room opened in response, and Qi Ya walked directly into the study with a tray in her hand, and walked towards Young Master Liu's desk with her exquisite and graceful figure twisted.

"Husband, after you took a few bites of dinner, it was a hasty affair. I was worried that you were hungry, so I cooked you a bowl of lotus seed porridge, and brought you a few taels of cold beef."

Seeing that it was Qi Ya who came, Liu Mingzhi immediately eased his slightly frowned brows.

"Sister Ya, thank you for your hard work again."

"It's hard work or not, serving your husband is a concubine's job.

Husband, put the paperwork in your hands first, and drink the lotus seed porridge with cold beef, it will taste bad when it is cold. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, and casually put the paperwork he had read in his hand on the desk.

Seeing this, Qi Ya directly picked up the bowl and chopsticks and handed them to Liu Mingzhi, then sat on the chair next to him.

"Did Yue'er not come? Or has she already left?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, chewing it carefully, then raised his head and gestured to the outside of the study.

"Before you came, Sister Ya, this girl was only half a cup of tea away."

"I thought this girl hadn't come yet. Since she has already left, it seems that husband, you have already explained everything that should be explained to her."

Liu Mingzhi paused while drinking the porridge, and looked at the beautiful woman next to him who was looking at him with a smile in his eyes in surprise.

"Sister Ya, did you see it too?"

Qi Ya smiled sweetly, reached out and pushed the plate supporting the beef forward.

"Not only the concubine himself has seen it, but several sisters have also seen it. The concubine sisters are not fools. They have been with your husband for decades, and the sisters still have this bit of vision under the influence of their ears. It's just that the sisters didn't say anything.

Husband, you are the backbone of our family. No matter what you want to do, all the sisters will support you unconditionally. "

"Hey, I originally thought that I was hiding well, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't escape the eyes of your sisters and others.

As expected of good ladies who are husbands, all of them are full of quality and heart! "

(End of this chapter)

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