My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2838 Sharpening Stone

Chapter 2838 Sharpening Stone

Hearing her husband's words of praise, Qi Ya smiled lightly and shook her head.

"Stop praising the concubine sisters, it's not that the concubine sisters are smart, but husband, your attitude towards that little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi is too out of character for you.

The concubines, sisters and others have been sharing the same bed with you for 20 years, how familiar you are with your husband, how well you understand, you can see something.

Although we can't guess what your specific intentions are, our sisters can see that you must have plans.

A little girl of about ten years old must have nothing worthy of your husband's plans. In this way, the only thing you care about, husband, is the Japanese country behind her. "

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the cold beef and quickly finished off the lotus seed porridge in the bowl.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from your eyes, sister Ya. You are right. What my husband cares about is indeed the Japanese country behind this little girl, Huaqi Yingzhi."

"Husband, I have a question that I should not be involved in. I want to talk about it. I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

"Sister Ya, there's something we can't talk about between husband and wife, but it's okay to say it."

Qi Ya'e frowned slightly, looked at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled face and asked softly: "Husband, since you are so afraid of this Japanese country, why don't you choose a once-and-for-all solution?
The concubine thought, considering the current strength of the imperial court, if you make such a decision, husband, it should not be a difficult task for you, right? "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and rinsed his mouth, looked at Qi Ya and nodded silently.


"That husband you?"

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the teacup, picked up the document, closed it, and put it aside.

"Sister Ya, the sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

If the children below want to really grow up, they still need some sharpening stones!
However, whether these whetstones need to be kept or not is still under consideration by my husband, and there is still no accurate conclusion.

As a husband, you may make a once-and-for-all decision like what you just said, Sister Ya, or you may leave a chance for the children to hone their minds.

However, what will become in the end, now that I think about it, I can only let nature take its course.

After all, my husband is always just a person with flesh and blood, not the kind of omnipotent god who lives in our beautiful sustenance.

As a normal person, the husband is doomed to have too many things that the husband cannot control. "

Qi Ya looked at Young Master Liu who was tidying up the table in a daze for a moment, then nodded her head with a look of understanding.

"My concubine understands."

Liu Mingzhi put the stack of documents back to its original position, blew out the candles on the table, picked up the tray with one hand, and walked out of the study while holding Qi Ya's bright wrist with the other.

"Sister Ya, your husband's thoughts have been interrupted by you, and I won't be in the mood to continue reviewing paperwork anymore. Let's go to Yun'er's room to play mahjong."

Qi Ya remembered the whispers that her younger sister Qi Yun had said to herself during the day, and immediately understood what Young Master Liu meant by playing mahjong.

Glancing coquettishly at her husband's rosy face, Qi Ya used her two-finger Zen skill to caress directly the soft flesh on Liu Mingzhi's waist.

"Virtue, you are full of thoughts, I really don't know if you are really busy or fake."

Liu Mingzhi locked the door, and directly kissed the beauty's cheek.

"Sister Ya, no matter whether you are really busy or pretend to be busy, you must find time to spend time with your sisters.

Because only with you by my side, can I feel that I am still alive with flesh and blood, instead of becoming the kind of lonely person who calls himself a lonely person all day long.

I only call myself this husband when I meet with civil and military officials for some important events. In private, I am more used to calling myself my young master or me.

It's not because I'm not used to calling myself that way, but because I worry about calling myself for a long time, and forget my identity.

Everyone in the world says that the emperor is ruthless, but I don't want to be a ruthless person as a husband.

Therefore, being a husband is always restraining the erosion of power, and is always guarding against losing oneself.

The country is in hand, and the beauty is by the side.

Now that my husband is in this position, I should be a person who loves both the country and the beauties. "

Qi Ya listened quietly to Liu Mingzhi's confiding words, but after he finished speaking, Qi Ya didn't say anything, but hugged her husband's arms tightly and embedded them in her warm and fragrant arms.

At this moment, although Qi Ya didn't say anything, it was far better than a thousand words.

"Slaves and maidservants see the young master, and Mrs. Ya."

"Excuse me."


"Master Xie, Mrs. Xie Ya."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the two pretty maids who were watching the night in the inner courtyard with lanterns in front of him, and directly handed over the tray in his hand.

"Xun'er, Li'er, take the tray to the kitchen after you watch the night."

"Yes, the servant sisters obey."

"There is nothing else to do, you go on to watch the night."

"Yes, the maidservants and sisters will leave."

After a while, Liu Mingzhi and his wife came to Qi Yun's courtyard. Hearing the laughter coming from the boudoir, Liu Mingzhi led Qi Ya's white wrist, opened the door and walked into the room with a smile on his face.

"Yun'er, Shan'er, Yao'er, Rongrong, Lingyi, I'm here to play mahjong with you for my husband."

A group of beauties looked at the two of Liu Mingzhi who walked into the room one after another, and stood up with blushing faces and gave a blessing.

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

Liu Mingzhi closed the door casually, put the bolt on the door, smiled and walked towards the real mahjong table.

"Excuse me, excuse me, let's continue playing mahjong and play with you for my husband."

All the beauties sat down one after another, looking at the husband who walked to the desk with tender eyes, and could no longer focus on the mahjong in front of him.

All the beauties present did not know what the husband's purpose was for letting his sisters and others play mahjong together. Now that the husband has arrived, how can they continue to have fun.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the ladies who were blushing for a week, walked to the side of Gu Mo Rongrong with a smile and stopped.

Some things should not be rushed, take your time to get better.

"Rongrong, I'm going to fight for your husband, I hope my husband will help you kill Sister Shan and the others."

"Yeah, my husband, sit down quickly, my husband has already lost several taels of silver before you came, my husband, please help me win it back."

"Rongrong, it doesn't make sense for a family to spend a lot of money, let's play other things."

"Huh? Husband, what are you talking about playing?"

"Clothes, one piece per game."

The faces of all the beauties turned hot, and they were about to refute something, but Liu Mingzhi had already picked up a card and played it out.

"Three articles, Lingyi is yours."

The night was hazy, the moon was hanging high, and the movement of playing mahjong in the room had been replaced by charming and melodious notes at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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