My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2839 The intention has been decided

Chapter 2839 The intention has been decided
The next day, when the sun was about three poles high, Young Master Liu, who was still huddled in the bed and played chess with Duke Zhou, was dragged up from the bed by Qi Yun.

"Husband, the sun is already high, it's time for you to get up."

Liu Mingzhi opened his sleepy eyes with some reluctance, raised his head and stared in front of him in a daze, only to see Qi Yun, whose delicate face was rosy and full of beauty, was staring at him angrily.

"Yun'er, what are you doing? I didn't get enough sleep because my husband didn't get enough sleep. In order to let you sisters get wet from the rain and dew, I made it easy for my husband last night.

Let go of me quickly, let me sleep for a while, my husband will wake up after sleeping for a while. "

When Qi Yun saw her husband, he muttered lazily and was about to lie down again, so he hurriedly pulled Liu Mingzhi up again.

"Husband, it's not that I don't want you to sleep longer, but that you really can't sleep in anymore today, have you forgotten that my little sister is leaving home today?

It's already three poles above the sun, how long have you been sleeping?Aren't you going to practice it for my little sister? "

Liu Mingzhi heard Qi Yun's words, the sleepiness in his eyes gradually disappeared, he stretched his arms high, Liu Mingzhi got out of bed with clear eyes and walked towards the closet.

"Yun'er, what is Xuan'er doing now?"

Qi Yun saw her husband walking towards the closet, and hurriedly trot towards the closet not far away.

"Little sister, she has already packed up the salute, and now I am waiting for you, a good brother, to get up and practice it for her.

Husband, you go to wash up first, and this concubine will find you clothes. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded lazily, then turned around and walked towards the washing rack behind the screen.

"Okay, let's wash up first for my husband."

"Husband, what kind of clothes do you want to wear today? Regular clothes or formal clothes?"

"There is no court meeting today, and there are no distinguished guests coming to the door. Naturally, I still wear ordinary clothes. It is more comfortable to wear ordinary clothes."

"I know, what color clothes?"

"Didn't I bring back a sky-blue Confucian robe for my husband last night? I'll wear that one today!"

"Well, the concubine understands, I will get it for you right away, you should wash up quickly, don't make my little sister wait in a hurry."

"Don't worry, it's still early in the morning, so it won't delay Xuan'er's departure.

Besides, if it is delayed, it will be delayed. Anyway, my little sister has no urgent matters waiting for her to deal with. At worst, I will leave home tomorrow.

My husband is thinking about letting her stay at home for a few more days, isn't this exactly what I want! "

Liu Mingzhi casually replied to Qi Yun's words, leaned over in front of the copper basin, picked up warm water with his hands and began to wash.

Not long after, Liu Mingzhi changed into the sky blue robe that Hoshino Sakai gave yesterday after washing.

After Qi Yun put on the jade pendant around Liu Mingzhi's waist, she looked at her husband's clothes in surprise.

"Husband, does this dress fit you well? Did you try to buy it yourself in a tailor shop?"

"When did my husband go shopping for clothes by himself, and they were given by others."

"Given it by others? Who gave it to you? Men don't give you clothes. The person who wants to give you clothes should be a woman, and the clothes that fit you so well must be an ingenious woman, no Could it be Sakai Hoshino who gave it to you?"

When Liu Mingzhi heard Qi Yun's question, he admitted it openly. After all, he and Sakai Hoshino were innocent, so there was no need to hide anything from Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, you guessed it right, this dress is the gift that Sakai Hoshino gave her husband yesterday."

Qi Yun nodded with a clear expression, looked at the calm and indifferent husband with slightly weird eyes and asked softly: "What's the matter with you two? Why did she give you something like clothes?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's scrutinizing eyes, and cheerfully raised his hand to tickle the beauty's Qiong's nose.

"Don't think about it, she said that she and Weifu haven't seen each other for so many years, so she prepared a gift for him, and he didn't expect it to be a piece of clothing.

Of course, her rhetoric is just an excuse, in fact, she just wants to use this to get closer to her husband. "

"So, Sakai Hoshino, did she ask for something from your husband?"

"Yes, she really has something to ask for, she hopes that her husband, the Great Dragon Emperor, can reward them with some of our Great Dragon's excellent military equipment.

For the specific situation, I am thinking about it myself, so I won't go into details with Yun'er. "

"So that's the case, but I have to say that Sakai Hoshino has really good eyesight!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the carved jade fan on the table and tapped Qi Yun's shoulder, then turned and walked out of the room.

"Let's go, it's time for us to practice for this girl Xuan'er."

"OK, all right."

"By the way, Yun'er, where is this girl Xuan'er waiting to be her husband?"

"When my concubine came to the room and called my husband to get you up, Xuan'er was saying goodbye to the sisters in the main hall. They should be waiting for us in the main hall now."

"Okay, then let's go to the main hall to have a look first."

After the couple left the courtyard, they talked and laughed and went straight to the main hall of the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi and his wife came to the corridor outside the hall, they heard voices coming from the hall, mixed with Liu Xuan's voice.

Liu Mingzhi quickened his pace and walked into the hall, his eyes fell directly on his younger sister Liu Xuan who was talking softly with Ling Weier.


"Little sister has seen big brother."

"The concubine's sister has seen her husband."

"All right, all right, if there is anything good for the family, let's all be exempted from it."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you bro."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the baggage on the table next to him, and smiled apologetically at Liu Xuan a few times.

"Xuan'er, big brother slept a little late last night because of reviewing paperwork, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

Liu Xuan hurriedly waved her hands: "It's okay, it's still early anyway, it doesn't matter if my little sister leaves early or late."

"Xuan'er, it's good that you can understand big brother, by the way, are you really going to stop staying at home for a few more days?
Xuan'er, it's not easy for you to come back, we finally reunited, can't you stay at home with your eldest brother and your sisters-in-law?
It's been a year, and it's rare for you to come back, and you're leaving after only three or five days. Brother, I really don't want you to leave home so soon. "

Liu Xuan listened to her eldest brother's words of persuasion, Jiaoyan shook her head in regret.

"Brother, wait until next time, little sister assures you, next time I come back, I will definitely stay at home for a longer period of time.

It's not that the younger sister will not come back after leaving, maybe one day the younger sister will suddenly appear in front of you and your sisters-in-law, and you just don't want to welcome me when the time comes. "

"Smelly girl, what did you say?"

Liu Xuan grabbed Young Master Liu's palm with a smile, and shook it gently.

"Hehehe, little sister is just playing a joke on you, brother, so don't get angry.

Brother, don't worry, little sister will definitely come home often to visit. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a melancholy expression, walked to the desk, picked up the package that Liu Xuan had prepared, and walked out of the hall.

"Hey, since you've made up your mind to go, elder brother won't say anything more.

Let's go, big brother will see you off. "

(End of this chapter)

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