Chapter 2840
Liu Xuan listened to Liu Mingzhi's dull words, sighed softly, and turned to look at the sisters-in-law beside her.

"Sisters-in-law, we have already said the farewell words, so I won't say much about the rest of Xuan'er, let's go."

Qi Yun and the rest of the sisters nodded with a sigh, surrounded their little sister Liu Xuan, and followed her husband who had already reached the end of the corridor.

"Xuan'er, there are three religions and nine streams gathered in the rivers and lakes, and there are many people who are cruel and ruthless. The evil heart is hard to guard against. You must protect yourself when you go out alone!"

"Yeah, sister-in-law Yun, don't worry, Xuan'er will definitely pay attention to safety."

Qi Ya reached out and took out a thin book from her bosom, and stuffed it directly into Liu Xuan's warm and jade hands.

"Little sister, my sister-in-law hasn't ventured into the rivers and lakes for many years, so I don't have any self-defense accumulated in my hands.

My sister-in-law doesn't have anything to give you. This booklet contains a hand-written lightness exercise by my sister-in-law. You can take it and practice it in your spare time to save your life. "

Liu Xuan glanced down at the book that Qi Ya stuffed into her hand, as if she already knew what the Qinggong mental method was.

Looking up at Qi Ya with a chuckle on her face, Liu Xuan directly handed back the booklet in her hand.

"Sister-in-law Ya, this is inappropriate, Xuan'er cannot accept it."

Qi Ya casually pushed Liu Xuan's hand back, looked at Liu Xuan and shook her head with a smile.

"Whether it is suitable or not, this is my sister-in-law's wish, you just keep it."

"Sister-in-law Ya, although you didn't mention the name of the Qinggong mental method, Xuan'er knows that this Qinggong mental method must be the one you practiced to step on the wind and snow.

This method of mind is a peerless light work that your mentor left to your sister-in-law, how can Xuan'er be able to pry into the mystery of it.

Sister-in-law Ya, Xuan'er appreciates your kindness, but Xuan'er really cannot accept this way of thinking. "

"Xuan'er, sister-in-law knows what you're thinking.

It is a big taboo to secretly spy on other people's unique knowledge in the Jianghu, and my sister-in-law knows this in her heart, but this lightness skill is taught to you by my sister-in-law willingly, so you don't need to taboo the so-called Jianghu rules.

Besides, sister-in-law didn't just pass this lightness exercise to you, your elder brother also practiced it.

Below you are Lingyun's niece, Yiyi's niece, Feifei's niece, Chengfeng's nephew, Chengzhi's nephew, Chenggan's nephew, Yue'er's niece, Zhenghao's nephew... among their brothers and sisters, any child with martial arts talent, sister-in-law They all taught them this method of mind.

We are all one family, and my sister-in-law is willing to pass on what she has learned to her family.

You can just keep it at ease, if you don't accept it, sister-in-law will ask your elder brother to hand it over to you. "

After Qi Ya said that, Liu Xuan was really embarrassed to refuse her kindness again, Liu Xuan nodded with a moved expression, and carefully put the booklet in her arms into her bosom.

"Xuan'er thanked sister-in-law Ya, then Xuan'er would be disrespectful.

But sister-in-law Ya, don't worry, once Xuan'er memorizes the formula of the heart method, she will burn the book immediately, and will never let it spread. "

"Sister-in-law believes in you. After reading it, you just watch and deal with it."

After Liu Xuan put away the booklet, the queen also took out a black iron box and an exquisite porcelain bottle from her cuff and stuffed them into her hand.

"Xuan'er, now that you are already a supreme master in the innate realm, and you have the lightness kung fu taught to you by Sister Ya, it is said that you will hardly encounter any danger in the world.

However, the world is so big, full of surprises, people in the Jianghu have endless tricks, you are also aware of this, just in case, you should take this hidden weapon with you for self-defense.

This iron box receiver is filled with one hundred and eight steel needles made of meteoric iron, and all of the steel needles are quenched with the blood-sealed throat poison. Once fired, it can kill the enemy unexpectedly.

The pill in this porcelain bottle is the antidote, in case you are accidentally injured by the steel needle inside, you can detoxify by taking the antidote inside.

Although there is an antidote on your body to detoxify, you must be extremely careful when using this hidden weapon, and try not to accidentally injure yourself.

The poison quenched on the steel needle is very powerful, and if you take the antidote a little slower, you may die immediately.

Therefore, it is better not to use this hidden weapon unless it is absolutely necessary.

By the way, this hidden weapon can be reused, you just need to take back the poisoned steel needle that was fired and put it back again. "

"No, no, this must be a very important hidden weapon for you, Wanyan sister-in-law. My little sister can't have it. Put it away, Wanyan sister-in-law."

"Little sister, just keep it. It was made by the Admiral's skilled craftsmen for my sister-in-law's self-defense. My sister-in-law still has several in her hand."

"Well, then Xuan'er is not polite, thank you Wanyan sister-in-law."

"Hey, we are all a family, what kind of politeness do you have with your sister-in-law.

Little sister, you must take good care of yourself when you go out alone. Only when you are safe can your elder brother feel at ease.

An older brother is like a father, your eldest brother loves you no less than our father, mother and their elders! "

"Xuan'er understands, Xuan'er understands, big brother, he will always remember Xuan'er's kindness to Xuan'er, thank you sisters-in-law."

"What are you dawdling about? Come here quickly, Ming Li and Ming Jie, Song Lei and An Xin are still waiting to say goodbye to my little sister!"

"I'm coming."

"Little sister Liu Xuan has met the second brother and several sister-in-laws."



"Little brother Liu Mingjie has seen my sister."

Liu Xuan looked at Liu Mingjie, the youngest of the Liu family who was bowing to her in front of her, raised her hand and grabbed Liu Mingjie's cheek and twisted it a few times.

"Stinky boy, I'm still so polite to your sister.

You brat didn't even have a reunion dinner with your sister at home during the Mid-Autumn Festival. You must have gone to find one of your sweethearts.

How about it, tell my sister if I can start a family and start a business in the past two years? "

"Sister and sister, let go quickly, elder brother, second elder brother, and all the sister-in-laws are here, can't you save some face for me, younger brother?"

Liu Xuan let go of the fingers pinching Liu Mingjie's cheek, and nodded with a half-smile.

"Well, you actually know how to save face. It seems that you have really grown up, young man."

Liu Mingli looked at the bundle in the eldest brother's hand, sighed and walked in front of Liu Xuan.

"Xuan'er, you only stayed at home for a few days after you came back this time, isn't it a little too anxious to leave, no matter what, you have to stay at least a month or two!
Big brother, me, and the third brother all hope that you can stay at home for a while longer, or are you thinking about it, Xuan'er?

This wandering around is not an important matter, why are you so anxious! "

"Second brother, the elder brother has already said what you said, so you don't need to persuade Xuan'er anymore.

Dalong's scenery is boundless, Xuan'er wants to go for a walk while she is still young, to appreciate our Dalong's prosperous scenery. "

Liu Mingli wanted to say something more, but Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Mingli, Xuan'er has made up her mind to go, so we don't need to persuade her anymore.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and the goodbyes that need to be said have already been said. The weather is almost over, let Xuan'er set off on the road. "

"Well, since that's the case, I won't say anything more."

"Liu Song, horse."


Liu Song, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately brought Liu Xuan's horse over.

"Miss, your mount."

"It's your job."

"Don't dare, it's all a small matter."

Liu Mingzhi handed the burden to Liu Xuan's hand, turned around and walked towards the gate of the mansion.

"Let's go, we'll send you off again."

At the south gate of the capital, Liu Xuan waved to a group of relatives with some reluctance.

"Second brother, youngest son, all sisters-in-law, please stay behind and don't send them off anymore."

"Little sister, have a safe journey."

"Xuan'er, take care of yourself."

"Sister, have a good trip."

"Understood, you should also take care of your health, go back."

"Yun'er, Mingli, Mingjie, you go back first, I have something to say to Xuan'er, and I'll see her off by the way."

"Yes, then we will go back first."

After Qi Yun and the others returned to the city, Liu Mingzhi, brother and sister Liu Xuan walked southward on the official road at a leisurely pace.

"Xuan'er, have you figured out where to go when you go wandering around the rivers and lakes this time?"

"Not yet, go wherever you go, the world is so big, brother, are you still afraid that little sister has nowhere to go?"

Liu Mingzhi gently shook the folding fan, narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then his eyes fell on the little sister Liu Xuan who was next to him indifferently.

"Aren't you going to go to the East China Sea?"

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, Liu Xuan raised her jade neck and thought for a while with her usual expression, then nodded her head gently.

"You can go around, but it still depends on the situation. If you have time, Xuan'er will go to Donghai. After all, I haven't seen grandpa and grandma for a long time."

Seeing the little girl's calm smile here, Liu Mingzhi licked his lips and let out a sigh.

"Then it depends on the situation and do what you can."

"Well, my little sister will. By the way, brother, you really don't plan to bring Miss Ren back to the capital as soon as possible?"

"Huh—let me think about it again."

"Brother, Xuan'er, let me say something that doesn't please you. Because of Miss Ren's feelings for you, maybe the things you are worried about are just groundless worries."

"Xuan'er, in the position of big brother, I can't use my personal feelings to gamble on the one in ten thousand chance.

Even if these are only one in ten thousand chance, I can't gamble, you understand?
I have considered it so carefully, not only for the good of the children, but also for the good of girl Qingrui. My eldest brother does not hope that it will be difficult for either of them in the future.

The burden on the eldest brother is too heavy, and I have to think twice about many things. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's frowning expression, Liu Xuan turned over and rode on the horse with a sigh.

"Thinking hard about my children, pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

Brother, my little sister can understand your difficulties. Since you still need to think carefully, then my little sister will not say anything more.

Take care of yourself! "

Liu Mingzhi closed the carved jade fan in his hand, and punched Liu Xuan.

"Xuan'er, remember to come back often and take care along the way."


Liu Xuan lashed the horsewhip heavily, and the sweaty horse raised its hooves high, and under the watchful eyes of Liu Mingzhi, they left one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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