My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2841 Will you regret it

Chapter 2841 Will you regret it

Liu Mingzhi watched as the figure on the official road gradually drifted away, gradually turning into a blurred black spot, until it disappeared completely.

The official road is so narrow and long that it can't be seen at the end, and the person on the official road has disappeared as far as the eye can see.

Liu Mingzhi just stared blankly at the official way of people coming and going, and remained silent for a long time with a sad expression, and finally left a sigh that no one knew.

As I grow older, as the years go by, I seem to become more and more sentimental!
Feeling alone in his heart, Liu Mingzhi put his hands behind his back, turned around and walked towards the distant city gate with a somewhat lonely figure.

Brother, do you really plan to bring Miss Ren back to the capital as soon as possible?

Brother, if Xuan'er said something that didn't please you, because of Miss Ren's feelings for you, maybe what you're worried about is just groundless worrying.

These two sentences before Liu Xuan's departure came to mind, and the sense of loneliness in Liu Mingzhi became more obvious.

Liu Mingzhi slightly lowered his head and looked at his waist, looking at the cherry blossom purse on his waist that swayed gently from side to side as he was on his way, there was an inexplicable complex meaning in his eyes.

"If I made a wrong decision, after many years, when I look back on Jinxi in the future, will I feel regretful?
However, if this decision is not made, how will we know whether it is right or wrong? "

Liu Mingzhi muttered a few words to himself, and gradually quickened his pace. When he had just arrived at the city gate, a voice came to his ears from the open space on the left side of the city gate.

"Big brother."

Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the source of the voice.

"Mingli, why didn't you go back with your sister-in-law?"

"Little brother wanted to tell big brother something, so he waited here. Has little sister left?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed with regret, and pointed at the official road behind him while holding a folding fan.

"Let's go, I guess we've already traveled five or six miles by now."

Liu Mingli glanced at the endless official road, and nodded with a gloomy expression.

"Xuan'er, she really doesn't love her family anymore as she gets older. If I had known that she was so anxious to leave home, I would have stayed at home on the Mid-Autumn Festival and spent a reunion festival with you."

"Sigh, I'm getting older, I'm going to see the world after all, anyway, the girl Xuan'er has already left, so it's meaningless for us two brothers to say these things anymore.

Going on and on would just add to the sadness.

Don't talk about her, don't you have something to say to me?
Let's go, let's talk while walking. "

"Okay, little brother listen to big brother."

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, as if this breath could express the sadness of parting in his heart, lightly shook off the carved jade fan in his hand, and Liu Mingzhi walked into the city gate first.

Liu Mingli took a last look back at the narrow official road where people were coming and going, and also fanned the folding fan in his hand to follow the elder brother who had walked a few steps away.

"Tell me, what can I do with my brother?"

"Brother, it's fine for my younger brother to stay idle in the capital, so I want to take Lei'er, her sisters and children back to the hometown of Jinling, and go back to visit our parents and the elders.

None of the three of us brothers went back during this Mid-Autumn Festival, and the girl Xuan'er did not go back when she came to the capital. The day when the family was supposed to be reunited, but none of our children were by my side. What a taste!

You are the king of a country, it is understandable that you can’t go back and have a look because you are busy with government affairs, but the younger brother is different from the third brother, we are both idle, so it’s okay to go back and have a look I can't justify it. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "It's a good thing to be filial. Will the third one go back together?"

"Yes, my younger brother has already told him about this after my younger sister left, and he also agreed to go back to Jinling's hometown with my younger brother."

"Since the two of you have already discussed it, let's go back together so that we can take care of each other on the way. When are you going to set off?"

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, when you leave, don't forget to inform the elder brother, if the elder brother is free, he will also practice it for you."

"Yes, younger brother understands, I will inform elder brother in advance before leaving."

"By the way, don't forget to bring a few more umbrellas with you when you leave. Autumn rain is impermanent, especially in our hometown in the south of the Yangtze River. Heavy rain is even more so. Bring a few more umbrellas to be prepared."

"Brother Lao is concerned. After the younger brother returns, he will inform Lei'er and the sisters to prepare a few more umbrellas."

"Mingli, when you get home, don't forget to say hello to your parents and the elders on behalf of your elder brother, and tell them that when your elder brother is free, he will take your sister-in-law, them and the children back to Jiangnan to visit their elders.

Our parents are getting old, after we go back, I will ask Liu Song to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get some tonics from the foreign countries. You come to elder brother's place at night and bring these tonics to your parents.

Although there is nothing lacking in our house, this is after all the eldest brother's wish as a son. "

"Okay, little brother understands, I'll go to your place after dinner."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, then seemed to remember something, and immediately turned to look at Liu Mingli beside him.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask you, brother."

"What's the matter? Brother, just say it."

Liu Mingzhi closed his folding fan and tapped his palm lightly, heaved a long and complicated expression.

"Mingli, you should know about the girl Ruyi, right?"

"Little brother naturally knows that you felt a lot of guilt because of this incident back then.

The little brother seems to understand, big brother, do you want the little brother to pay homage to her instead of you? "

Hearing that Liu Mingli guessed his purpose at once, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a sigh.

"Yes, my elder brother promised her at Ruyi's grave that he would go back to worship her every year on the day of her death.

It's a pity that the eldest brother made a slip of the tongue.

Eldest brother didn't want to make a slip of the tongue, but ever since he sat on that chair, regardless of whether he was busy with court affairs or not, it was very difficult for elder brother to leave the capital easily.

In the past few years, sometimes the elder brother went by himself, sometimes the father-in-law and the mother-in-law went instead of me, and sometimes it was the parents who went instead of me.

This year, due to the expedition of the army, the eldest brother was unable to go back to pay homage to her.

You go back to visit our parents this time, and if you have time, go to worship instead of elder brother.

Don't forget to prepare more paper money and tributes. Afterwards, clean up the weeds on her grave, and then add some new soil. Don't treat her badly. "

Liu Mingli nodded heavily when he heard his elder brother's deep words.

"Brother, don't worry, after the younger brother returns to Jiangnan, he will definitely pay homage to Sister Ruyi in person.

Even if our parents or sister-in-law Yun's parents have already gone there on your behalf, the younger brother will go again, and the younger brother will explain your difficulties to sister Ruyi in detail.

If Elder Sister Ruyi is alive in heaven, she will definitely be able to understand your difficulties. "

"Okay, then I'll take care of you."

(End of this chapter)

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