My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2844 Power Toxic

Chapter 2844 Power Toxic
When there were still about ten steps away from the hall door, Liu Mingzhi's slightly frowned brows suddenly relaxed, and a faint smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that everything was really just a coincidence.

Sakai Hoshino didn't know in advance, she begged him so hard, but he still didn't agree to her request to reward the Japanese mission with military equipment.

She didn't know what the outcome of this matter would be, so how could she premeditate the plan to let Huaqi Yingzhi, a little girl, go home with her?
And at that time, I was in the room and had been paying close attention to the situation outside the room. With my skill, I could be sure that no one was watching me outside.

It was true that there were only me and Sakai Hoshino in that quiet courtyard at that time, and no one around the courtyard was paying attention to the situation in the courtyard.

Therefore, it is impossible for the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi to know when she left the courtyard where her mother lived.

Then she could still follow her, which meant that this little girl had guarded her outside Honglu Temple a long time ago.

Presumably she left with Sakai He, and then went outside Honglu Temple alone.

As for whether this is the second-hand preparation arranged by Sakai Hoshino in advance, it is impossible to know without thinking.

It was he who sent Liu Song to Honglu Temple to inform Sakai Hoshino, that's why Sakai Hoshino knew that the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi had followed him back home, and then she could come to visit his home.

Otherwise, Sakai Hoshino knew that her daughter was in her home, and without her own notice and permission, she would never have the courage to take the initiative to visit her.

She didn't dare to take the initiative to visit her, so she wouldn't be able to see herself again.

After figuring out the key points, Liu Mingzhi immediately felt much happier.

Asking himself, he really didn't want to destroy the good impression of Huaqi Yingzhi, a little girl in his mind.

The innocent and lovely appearance of the little girl Hua Qi Yingzhi appeared in front of her eyes, Liu Mingzhi sighed with a complicated expression, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

In the past two years, my suspicions seem to be getting worse.

I don't know when it started. As soon as many things come up, I subconsciously think about the bad, and think about the direction that is not good for me.

Although it is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, my previous self was definitely not like this.

Thinking of these, Liu Mingzhi's eyes revealed a trace of uneasiness.

Could it be that he still hasn't escaped the torment of the word "right" after all?
In Liu Mingzhi's mind, he couldn't help recalling the words he said to his younger sister on the upper floor of the palace on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Recalling those words, a certain idea that just popped up in Liu Mingzhi's mind before could not help but be buried deep in his heart again.


Liu Mingzhi exhaled heavily, silently adjusted his mentality, smiled lightly and went straight to the main hall.

"Yun'er, I'm back for my husband."

When Liu Mingzhi was still a dozen steps away from the hall door, he yelled softly, reminding all the beauties in the hall who were chatting that he was coming.

"Husband, you are back."

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"Hoshino met Liu Jun."

Liu Mingzhi inadvertently glanced at Sakai Hoshino who was standing beside Huyan Junyao, and pretended to be surprised to look at Sakai Hoshino who was bowing to him.

"Hoshino, why are you in my house?"

"Liu Jun, I...I..."

"Okay, Hoshino, you don't want me anymore, let's sit down and talk about it first."

"Yes, Hoshino listened to Liu Jun."

"Yun'er, you sisters are all exempted, and Hoshino, you are also exempted."

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you Liu Jun."

Liu Mingzhi walked through the beauties, walked to the main seat in the hall and sat down.

After Qi Yun and the other sisters signaled Sakai Hoshino to take a seat, they also walked to their seats and sat on the chairs one after another.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea on the table next to him to moisten his throat, raised his head and chuckled, and looked at Sakai Hoshino who was sitting diagonally opposite.

"Hoshino, what's the matter with you, why did you come to my house today?"

"Liu... Liu Jun, didn't Liu Song-jun tell you about Hoshino coming to your house?"

"Yesterday I rested early, so I didn't see him. I just came back from a business trip today. I haven't seen Liu Song yet!"

Sakai Hoshino immediately got up and saluted Liu Mingzhi, and smiled apologetically at Liu Mingzhi with a pretty face full of apology.

"So that's it, Liu Jun, I'm really sorry, Hoshino has no way to teach his son, and I caused you trouble again.

Hoshino really didn't know that Sakurai was so bold that she secretly followed you without telling Hoshino, Liu Jun, don't worry, after bringing her back to Honglu Temple, Hoshino will definitely teach this stinky girl a lesson . "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Hoshino Sakai who was full of apology on his pretty face, put down the teacup in his hand and waved his hands casually.

"Hey, I thought that Hoshino's visit today was something important. It turns out that Hoshino came to find Sakurazhi to go back!"

Sakai Hoshino nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, I have caused trouble for you, Mr. Liu."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, there is no trouble, there is no need to teach her, after all, it is the nature of children to be playful, and this young master still likes Yingzhi, a clever little girl."

"How is this possible? This girl is so courageous. If she doesn't give her a hard lesson, she might cause some trouble in the future!"

"Hoshino, I am serious, I am serious, this girl Yingzhi didn't mean to follow me, the reason why she followed me was just to see Dalong's palace.

Children are more curious, which I can understand, and I don't mean to blame her.

Because it was too late last night, even if I took Yingzhi to the palace, I couldn't see the palace clearly, so I promised her to take her to the palace to see and see when I have time.

Later, this girl couldn't remember the way back to Honglu Temple, so I had no choice but to take her home first.

I was thinking of sending someone to send her back to Honglu Temple today, but I didn't expect you, Yingzhi, to come and pick her up first. "

After Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's account of what happened last night, a hint of helplessness appeared on his pretty face.

"Liu Jun, I'm really sorry, Hoshino didn't expect Yingzhi to cause you so much trouble."

"Hoshino, you're offended by saying this, as I said just now, I like Sakurai very much.

It’s just that when you were at Honglu Temple at the beginning, Hoshino, you didn’t tell me that Sakuraori wanted to see the Dragon Palace very much. Otherwise, instead of Sakuraori secretly following me, I would bring Sakuraori came back.

Fortunately, it's not too late to know now. After I'm done with the recent business, I'll take Sakura and Hoshino to the palace for a while. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's sincere expression, Sakai Hoshino hurriedly got up and gave another blessing.

"Then Hoshino is very grateful to Liu Jun, thank you Liu Jun for not blaming Sakura for her bold act of following you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly as a gesture, then turned to look at Qi Yun who was sitting beside him.

"Speaking of which, Yuner, where is Yingzhi girl now?"

(End of this chapter)

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