My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2845 How wronged

Chapter 2845 How wronged
Upon hearing Liu Mingzhi's question, Qi Yun immediately stood up with a light smile and saluted Liu Mingzhi who was looking at her.

"Husband, Yingzhi should stay with Yue'er, Lingyun, Shuang'er, Yunxin, Lianiang and the other sisters now."

"Stay with Yue'er and the other sisters? Do you know where they went?"

Qi Yun shook her head lightly: "I don't know too much about myself. After my sisters had breakfast with the children in the morning, I vaguely heard them say in the yard that they would take Yingzhi to release the girl. paper kite.

Later, because the concubine sisters were busy saying goodbye to her younger sister, they stopped paying attention to the whereabouts of the children.

After the concubine sisters returned to the mansion together, they brought younger sister Hoshino directly to the main hall to drink tea and reminisce about the old days, and they didn't see any of the sisters on the way.

But since they were going to release paper kites, they probably went outside the city, or they were in our garden.

Why don't I ask the servant girl to take a look in the garden right now? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun with a light smile and nodded, then turned to look at Yu'er, the maid standing behind Qi Yun: "Yu'er, you should go to the garden right now to see Yueer, Lingyun Did the sisters bring the girl Yingzhi to put paper kites in it?

If they are not in the garden, you immediately ask Xiao Liu and Xiao Ba to take people to the river outside the city to look for them.

After seeing them, let them come back as soon as possible. "

After hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, Yu'er immediately stepped out and saluted Liu Ming Zhifu with a respectful expression.

"The servant understands, and the servant leaves."

After Yu'er trotted away, Liu Mingzhi shifted his gaze to Qi Yun again.

"Yun'er, I didn't have breakfast this morning because of my husband, and I feel a little hungry. It just so happens that it's getting late now, so let the back kitchen prepare lunch."

"Yes, the concubine knows, the concubine will go first."

"and many more."

"Huh? Husband, do you have any other orders?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes to Sakai Hoshino who was diagonally opposite, and asked softly, "Hoshino, you probably haven't had lunch yet, have you?"

Sakai Hoshino put his hand on his flat belly and stroked it a few times, looking at Liu Mingzhi with a faint smile on his pretty face, he shook his head in embarrassment.

"Back to Liu-kun, it was still early when Hoshino came to visit, so I... have not had lunch yet."

"Since you haven't eaten lunch, you just stay and eat with us.

Yingzhi and my daughters went to release paper kites together, and you have no way to bring her back now. When Yingzhi and the others come back, it will not be too late for you mother and daughter to go back after eating together here. "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu shaking his head generously while waving his white palm quickly: "No, no, this is not suitable, not suitable."

"If there's anything inappropriate, I can take care of a meal, Master Ben.

The two of us haven't seen each other for so many years, so this family dinner is just for me to clean up Hoshino.

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, without waiting for Sakai Hoshino to say anything, he directly looked at Qi Yun with a light smile and nodded.

"Yun'er, Hoshino is her husband's distinguished guest. The distinguished guest has come to the door. Later, don't forget to ask the cooks to cook more special dishes."

"Yes, I know, Husband, you chat first, and I will go to the kitchen to let you know."

Qi Yun had just stepped out of the hall door, the empress, Qi Ya, Huyan Yunyao, Yun Xiaoxi... all the sisters looked at each other playfully, and got up one after another to salute Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, my concubine sisters have also gone to help."

After the empress and the other beauties saluted, without waiting for Young Master Liu's approval, they turned around and walked out of the main hall with their graceful figures, each with their own merits. When they walked out of the hall, they all left their husbands with ambiguous eyes that made people think .

Liu Mingzhi was immediately embarrassed by the actions of the queen and the other sisters, and said to himself, what are you sisters doing?Especially what is the meaning of that ambiguous look you left behind at the end?
In the eyes of your sisters, is this young master such a man who likes to play tricks?
The relationship between your husband, me and this woman Sakai Hoshino is tofu mixed with shallots, it's clear, okay?
Of course, I don't deny that I have some unruly thoughts about Sakai Hoshino, a beautiful and charming Japanese woman, but at least I and Sakai Hoshino are absolutely innocent now!

And how innocent and innocent, how can you miss your husband so much?

Even if you want to treat me like this, at least you have to wait for me to treat me like this young master.

After this young master succeeds, if you treat me like this, at least I don't feel wronged by you, and I feel better.

But now?I don't even know the height of the mountains or the depth of the water.

You sisters think of me so much, how wronged am I?

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's constantly changing expression as if he was juggling, raised his lotus root arm and waved it lightly.

"Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu."

"Mr. Liu!"

Sakai Hoshino yelled twice, seeing Young Master Liu sitting on the chair and still changing his expression without any response, he couldn't help but aggravate his tone with the last utterance.

"Ah? What's wrong Hoshino?"

Sakai Hoshino saw that Young Master Liu had finally come to his senses, and let out a soft breath.

"Liu Jun, are you okay?"

Liu Mingzhi reacted from his unruly thoughts, and shook his head generously.

"It's okay, what can I do!"

"It's fine, it's fine, Hoshino saw Liu Jun just now, you frowned for a while, your eyes wandered for a while, and you smirked for a while... Smiling, the expression kept changing, I thought something happened to you What's up!"

"Hey, I just thought of something interesting, so the expression on my face is a little richer."

Sakai Hoshino nodded with a clear expression, raised his arms with some anxiety on his pretty face, and pointed in the direction where the beauties left.

"I see, Liu Jun, why did all your wives leave all of a sudden?

Could it be that Hoshino accidentally said something that shouldn't be said, which made them feel unhappy, so they all left? "

Liu Mingzhi saw the thought-provoking narrow eyes of the empress and his sisters, and with a wry smile got up and walked out of the main hall.

"No, Hoshino, you don't have to think about it, it has nothing to do with you that they left together.

My wife and sisters are all virtuous and virtuous women. They knew that I would entertain Hoshino, your distinguished guest, so they all went to the backyard kitchen to prepare delicious food for me and you, your honored guest. "

Sakai Hoshino immediately got up and followed Liu Mingzhi, and after hearing Young Master Liu's explanation, he hurriedly raised his hand and patted his chest, which should not be underestimated, and let out a long breath.

"So that's the case, then Hoshino is relieved.

Hoshino thought it was me who said something inappropriate just now, which made them unhappy! "

"Don't worry, Yun'er, her sisters and others are not so stingy.

After all, Hoshino, you are from the Japanese country, and you don't know much about my Dalong's rules. Don't say that you didn't say anything that shouldn't be said, even if you accidentally said something that shouldn't be said, they won't get angry with you .

My Dalong is a state of etiquette, and they still have this kind of mind. "

"Yes, yes, what Liu Jun said is that Hoshino is thinking too much."

"Hoshino, it will take some time for Yun'er and the others to prepare the banquet, and it's boring for us to sit in the main hall all the time.

Let's go, let's go to the garden first, and you can also appreciate the environment in my home.

Although the scenery of the garden at my home is not comparable to the vast beauty of the imperial palace's inner imperial garden, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

If you appreciate it with your heart, the scenery in my home is not so interesting. "

(End of this chapter)

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