Chapter 2847 damn habit

Sakai Hoshino heard Liu Mingzhi's curious question, turned his head to look at him and nodded with a chuckle.

"That's right, it was Liu Song-kun who told Hoshino Liu-kun where your home is.

At first Liu Song-kun didn't seem to want to tell Hoshino where your house was, but later Hoshino told him that he really didn't want to bother you anymore, Liu Song-kun, so he told Hoshino the route to your home.

Liu Jun, I hope you don't blame Liu Song-jun. It was Hoshino who repeatedly begged him to tell me, but he couldn't refuse to tell you the location of your home.

But what Hoshino said to Liu Song-kun is true, this girl Ying Zhi has the audacity to follow you, Liu Jun, and has already caused Liu Jun a lot of trouble.

As His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon, Mr. Liu must be very busy on weekdays. How can Hoshino bother you to send Yingzhi back! "

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's slightly uneasy tone, Liu Mingzhi shook his folding fan and waved his hands disapprovingly.

"Hoshino, you don't have to worry, I won't blame Liu Song.

The location of my home is not a secret, even if Liu Song didn't tell you yesterday, you can find out where my home is by asking someone on the street. "

Sakai Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief, the trace of uneasiness in the depths of his beautiful eyes gradually subsided.

"Yeah, Hoshino knew you were the best."

When the two were chatting and laughing, they had already walked into the garden in the inner courtyard of Liu Mansion without knowing it.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the quiet and quiet garden, but he didn't find the little cute sisters and the girl Huaqi Yingzhi.

Silently withdrawing his gaze, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Sakai Hoshino and shrugged helplessly.

"Hoshino, I took a closer look. I didn't see any of my daughters, Yingzhi and the others releasing paper kites in the garden. It seems that they really went to the river outside the city."

Sakai Hoshino listened to Young Master Liu's helpless tone, and stood on tiptoe to watch in the vast garden for a while. The environment in Nuo Da's garden was extremely quiet, and all kinds of flowers were in full bloom, except for the occasional sound of Apart from the crisp and sweet chirping of birds, there was no sound of anyone talking at all.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino also looked around, and indeed saw that they were not there. They probably went out of the city just as Liu Jun said."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and tapped Sakai Hoshino's fragrant shoulder lightly with the fan bone, then raised his finger and pointed to a corner of the garden.

"The servants have gone to look for them outside the city, and they should be back soon.

Let's go to the garden for a while first. After swimming around for a while or two, it's probably time for dinner. The direction I pointed you just now is the place with the most flowers in the garden.

There is a pond at that location, with lotus, water lily, and narcissus in it. Chrysanthemums, lilacs, crape myrtle, jasmine, cockscomb, zinnia, radish, etc. are planted around the pond. Flowers that bloom in August and September.

I won't give you Hoshino the details. In short, as long as it is the flowers that my Dalong has, you can more or less see some in our garden. "

Sakai Hoshino's bright cherry lips parted slightly, his beautiful eyes shone with surprise and curiosity, and he kept tiptoeing to look at the corner of Young Master Liu's finger just now.

"Liu Jun, are there really so many flowers to see there?"

"Of course, why am I lying to you? If you don't believe me, let's go and have a look together."

Sakai Hoshino hurriedly nodded his head, pulled Liu Mingzhi's wrist and walked towards the pond in the garden excitedly.

"Liu Jun, hurry up, hurry up, Hoshino really wants to see those flowers you mentioned just now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's anxious expression, and with a wry smile, he let her pull him to speed up his pace.

"Okay, okay, I'll hurry up now, can't I hurry up now? Besides, Xingye, you don't need to worry, those flowers are planted in the pond and in the flower garden on the bank, and they can't run away."

"Liu Jun, among the flowers you mentioned just now, there are many flowers Xingye, not to mention having seen them with my own eyes, but I have never even heard of them.

There are so many flowers that Hoshino has never seen or heard before, and he can appreciate their blooming beauty immediately, can Hoshino not be in a hurry?

Liu Jun, hurry up, hurry up, Hoshino really can't wait. "

Under Sakai Hoshino's tugging and urging, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to quicken his pace again.

Full of curiosity and longing, Sakai Hoshino took Liu Mingzhi's wrist and jogged all the way to the edge of the pond that he pointed at just now.

"Liu Jun, haven't you arrived yet?"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled softly, held Sakai Hoshino's tender and delicate catkin with his backhand, and walked around the path in front of him for about twenty or thirty steps.

Silently stopped, Liu Ming bowed his head and leaned slightly next to Sakai Hoshino's shoulder, gently sniffing the refreshing fragrance of the beauty intertwined with the fragrance of flowers, raised his hand and pointed forward.

"It's here, Hoshino, look ahead."

Sakai Hoshino's whole heart is now on the beautiful scenery she was looking forward to, she didn't feel that Young Master Liu had put his head close to her ear.

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's gentle words, she immediately raised her head in the direction of Young Master Liu's finger and looked at the beautiful scene of flowers blooming in front of her, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"These flowers are just the tip of the iceberg of the entire flower garden, and more beautiful ones are yet to come."

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's words, his beautiful eyes lit up instantly, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Liu Mingzhi next to him.

"Really? Then let's quickly..."

Sakai Hoshino's surprise words came to an abrupt end, and then there was no more movement.

I saw Sakai Hoshino's cherry lips gently sticking to Young Master Liu's moist lips. It was because of this that she couldn't continue to express her surprise words.

The wind seems to be lighter, the clouds seem to be lighter, and even the crisp and melodious birdsong that sounds from time to time seems to disappear.

Sakai Hoshino and Liu Mingzhi looked at each other quietly with their eyes facing each other, and stood there motionless in a daze.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's clear eyes that were full of confusion and stunned, instinctively raised his hand and gently embraced the weak and boneless willow waist that embraced the beautiful woman, and gently opened his eyes. Her offensive.

Under Sakai Hoshino's increasingly confused gaze, Liu Mingzhi's palm on the waist of the beautiful Liu could not help but swim away, vaguely as if he had the intention of climbing a peak.

Only a few breaths later, Liu Mingzhi already clearly felt the height of the mountain.

Really high, very high.

It turned out that he had always underestimated her.

Sakai Hoshino's bewildered beautiful eyes gradually recovered a sliver of clarity. When she gradually realized what situation she was in now, the confusion in her eyes disappeared immediately, and the original clarity was restored immediately.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's familiar face right in front of him, Sakai Hoshino exhausted all his strength to break free from Liu Mingzhi's broad embrace.

Staggering back a few steps, Sakai Hoshino's delicate face blushed hurriedly wiped his still warm cherry lips a few times, and then he hurriedly tidied up his clothes which were a little messier than before.

Sakai Hoshino re-tied the silk ribbon on the slender willow waist, gasped a few times, his pretty face was blushing and embarrassed, and looked at the opposite Young Master Liu who looked rather regretful and lowered his head.

"Liu...Liu Jun, we can't do this, it's not...not...not good."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the uneasy expression on Sakai Hoshino's blushing pretty face, which seemed to be frightened, and with regret and embarrassment, he slapped his right hand with his left hand.

This damn habit.

So why are you in a hurry, can't you wait until you get better and better before acting?

"Hoshino, what... what, I... I..."

(End of this chapter)

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