Chapter 2848
Seeing Young Master Liu's embarrassment that he wanted to explain something but didn't know what to say, Sakai Hoshino bit his cherry lips and silently walked in front of him and shook his head.

"Liu Jun, you don't need to explain anything to Hoshino, Hoshino doesn't blame you, after all, I didn't know Liu Jun just now, you happened to be standing next to me, and when you turned your head, you kissed you first.

If he was wrong, Hoshino was also wrong.

Liu Jun, you are an upright man. Under such circumstances, you did what you did to Hoshino out of a man's instinct. Hoshino can understand you.

So, Hoshino doesn't blame you, really doesn't blame you.

However, Liu Jun, can you stop doing that to Hoshino in the future.

But we are good friends, so it's not good. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's gentle, considerate, and understanding appearance in front of him, and the awkward expression on his face was silently replaced by a complex look, and a sense of guilt suddenly rose in his heart.

He just thought that Sakai Hoshino might be ashamed and angry, might curse himself, might slap him out of instinct, but he didn't expect that she would walk in front of him with a tangled expression, Said the words softly.

It was obvious that he had done such an unruly thing to her, but it turned out that she was the one who comforted him first.

This woman, also—

It's really simple, and simple is a bit silly.

For a moment, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt a sense of guilt welling up deep in his heart. For this woman who has always treated him as a good friend, what he thought in his heart was always the love between men and women. .

Looking at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face with a slight blush still remaining, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help asking himself in his heart, was his behavior towards Sakai Hoshino a little too much?
Liu Mingzhi pinned the jade fan in his hand to his waist, stretched out his hands and gently grasped Sakai Hoshino's tender jade hands.

Sakai Hoshino subconsciously wanted to struggle, but she felt that Liu Mingzhi just held her hands, and did not continue to do anything wrong, so she stopped struggling, and let him hold them with slightly evasive eyes. Own catkin.


"Liu...Liu Jun, what do you want to say to me?"

Liu Mingzhi tilted his neck slightly, looked sideways at Sakai Hoshino and asked in a soft and gentle tone: "Hoshino, tell me frankly, are what you said just now your own truth? Or are you Hoshino because you are afraid of me? The identity of Emperor Dalong, I am afraid that I will vent my anger on your Japanese diplomatic mission, so why did you say that?"

Sakai Hoshino listened to Young Master Liu's soft tone, and was about to say something, but Liu Mingzhi continued to speak.

"Hoshino, although we haven't met many times, the time we spend together is not short, you should know my character, Liu Mingzhi.

You don't have to worry that I will get angry because of your words, and then blame your Japanese mission, you can say whatever you want.

I can assure you, Hoshino, that no matter what you say, I will not take my anger out on your Japanese mission.

You know so much about the culture and knowledge of our Great Dragon Dynasty, you should know what Junwu jokes are.

Hoshino, what I'm telling you now is nothing but jokes.

Hoshino, tell me frankly, what you just said is your truth?Or is it against my will to protect the face of my Great Dragon Emperor?

I want to hear the truth? "

Although Liu Mingzhi's tone of voice was extremely soft, he didn't realize that there was some majesty in his eyes before he knew it.

It was an invisible and unnatural majesty, which belonged to the majesty of the superior looking down on all living beings.

Liu Mingzhi has never deliberately exuded his aura, but he has ignored it. He has been in a high position for a long time, and he is not angry.

Having been the emperor for so many years, Liu Mingzhi has already condensed the majesty of the emperor.

Even though he never deliberately showed anything, his every move always reveals his inviolable majesty and aura that belongs to the emperor.

Living in a high position for a long time, the words of not being angry and arrogant are vividly displayed in Liu Mingzhi's body.

Just like Liu Mingzhi's cautious performance in front of his father, Li Zheng, Sakai Hoshino couldn't help trembling under Liu Mingzhi's steadfast gaze.

Sakai Hoshino looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes that seemed calm but full of pressure, and his delicate body trembled involuntarily. Originally, she was thinking of something to say, but at this moment her mind went blank.


Sakai Hoshino's delicate body trembled, and subconsciously responded when he saw Liu Mingzhi who was so close in front of him.


Liu Mingzhi looked at the hesitant and fearful look on Sakai Hoshino's delicate face, and seemed to have realized something, she immediately let go of the hands holding her catkin, turned her head to look at the graceful lotus in the pond, and let out a sigh of relief.

He himself noticed that Sakai Hoshino seemed to feel overwhelmed by his aura.

After Liu Mingzhi let out a few breaths, the vague aura on his body disappeared in an instant, and he returned to the gentle appearance of a gentleman not long ago.

Liu Mingzhi could swear to God with his conscience, he really didn't deliberately try to intimidate Hoshino Sakai, the aura of a superior person just now appeared on his body was purely his own subconscious behavior.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino's uneasy expression, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart.

I seemed to be frightened again by this simple-minded, gentle and considerate woman.

Liu Mingzhi took off the folding fan pinned to his waist and gently flung it away, shaking the folding fan cheerfully looking at Sakai Hoshino who was in a daze.

"Hoshino, are you okay?"

Sakai Hoshino was shocked for a moment, looked at Young Master Liu with a faint smile in his eyes in astonishment, and took a few breaths heavily.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is fine, but are you okay?"

Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand and flicked Sakai Hoshino's forehead, and held the folding fan happily around the spot a few times.

"What can I do? Do you think I look like I have something to do?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at the Liu Mingzhi he was still familiar with before him, pursed his cherry lips and threw himself into Liu Mingzhi's arms.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman who threw herself into his arms with a sigh, and patted the beautiful woman's back stiffly.

"Hoshino, what's wrong with you?
You'd better get up quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help myself and make a mistake to you again. "

Sakai Hoshino heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words, and hurriedly withdrew from his broad embrace, looking at Liu Mingzhi with a little surprise in his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Liu Jun, you looked so scary just now, Hoshino thought you were a different person."

"Is there? Did I look scary just now?"

Sakai Hoshino listened to Young Master Liu's soft words, nodded hurriedly,
"Yeah, this is the first time Hoshino has seen such a scary Liu Jun."

(End of this chapter)

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