My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2851 Is there some misunderstanding

Chapter 2851 Is there some misunderstanding

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's well-behaved appearance, smiled lightly and led her to the wooden bridge over the pond ahead.

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's back as he walked towards the bridge on the pond, reluctantly looked at the beautiful and large flower gardens around him, and trotted after him.

"Liu Jun, what are we doing on the wooden bridge? Don't you want to enjoy the flowers?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Sakai Hoshino's charming face with some doubts and disappointment, and walked to the marble steps on the wooden bridge with a smile.

"Didn't I tell you just now? In the garden of our house, not only are there various flowers blooming in the flower beds on the bank, but also in the pond, there are also many kinds of flowers that can make Hoshino dizzying for you.

Moreover, not only various pleasing flowers are planted in the pond, but also a lot of koi are also fed. "

Liu Mingzhi gently took off two exquisite porcelain jars from the hooks at the entrance of the wooden bridge, held them up in each hand and gestured to Hoshino Sakai.

"Come here, let's enjoy the flowers and feed the fish.

This young master treats you, Hoshino, as a distinguished guest. If you come to the garden and only let you enjoy the flowers, it would seem a little too boring. "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Liu Mingzhi's explanation, the disappointment on his pretty face was replaced by joy in an instant. He looked at the two exquisite porcelain pots in Young Master Liu's hand, and hurriedly trot to him, laughing a few times.

"Hehehe, Liu Jun, Hoshino has a bad memory."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's innocent face, put the porcelain pot in his right hand into her hand, raised his hand and patted the beauty's shoulder, turned around and took the lead to board the wooden bridge across the pond .

"Let's go."

"Yeah, Mr. Liu, wait for me."

"Can't you hurry up?"

"Then Liu Jun, can't you slow down a bit?"

The two of them are now in their early 40s, and the other is an old lady in her 30s, but they are bickering like children, talking and laughing towards the center of the wooden bridge. location to go.

Liu Mingzhi didn't know why he did such a naive thing, but he knew that he was extremely relaxed and at ease now.

Since I sat on that chair, I haven't felt as relaxed as I am today for many years.

Liu Mingzhi glanced silently at Sakai Hoshino who was splashing fish food into the pond beside him, and he also grabbed a handful of fish food and sprinkled it on the water.

Perhaps what attracted him to this woman was not only her beauty that was not weaker than many of his wives, but also her innocent and innocent character.

The kind of personality that can make him put down his airs and his status as an emperor.

Of course, beauty should still account for a large part, otherwise, I might not be able to play around with her so stresslessly.

Liu Mingzhi put away his thoughts, grabbed a handful of fish food and pointed in front of the two of them with a smile.

"Hoshino, you can see the first lotus after turning the corner ahead."

Sakai Hoshino's pretty eyes lit up, he hugged the porcelain pot in his arms, and trotted towards the direction of Young Master Liu's fingers.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino has passed by first, hurry up and follow."

Sakai Hoshino slowed down his pace, put a pair of lotus root arms on the guardrail of the wooden bridge, stood on tiptoe lotus feet and leaned over the willow waist to look at the sparkling water below the wooden bridge.

When she saw the beautiful scenery on the water in front of her, Sakai Hoshino's bright cherry lips parted involuntarily.

On the surface of the water in front of you, there are hundreds of light pink lotus flowers swaying in the wind, and on the water surface in the distance, there are seven or eight lotus groups that are slightly larger or smaller than the lotus flowers in front of you. .

This?This is a pond?

Is it because I have never seen the world?Or Liu Jun, did he misunderstand the word pond?

Sakai Hoshino was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him, and couldn't help muttering to himself in his heart.

Sakai Hoshino looked away from the dazzling lotus flowers on the water, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi who was feeding the fish with a strange expression on her face.

"Liu Jun, do you call this pond under our feet? Even if you call it a small lake, it's not too much!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's expression of being hungry and suspicious of life, and cheerfully threw the fish food in his hand towards the koi that had jumped out of the water.

"Hoshino, you don't know. When my father rewarded me with this house, it was indeed just a lotus pond."

When Sakai Hoshino heard the words, curiosity immediately appeared in his pretty eyes: "Then why has it become so big now?"

"Later, my old man dragged his family into the capital, and everyone lived in my house together. My old man felt that the house was a bit small, so he spent a lot of money to buy the houses of several nearby houses together, and found them again. A group of skilled craftsmen were invited to rebuild it.

Then the original lotus pond became what it is now, but I still habitually call it a pond. "

"I see, Hoshino thought you had misunderstood the word pond!"

"Hoshino, the pond under our two feet...Although the artificial lake is a little bigger, in my opinion, it's only a little bigger after all.

When we first met in Jinling City more than ten years ago, you and your elder brother also followed me back home.

Compared to the artificial lake in our Liujia Jiangnan old house, Hoshino, do you still think the artificial lake under our feet is very big? "

Sakai Hoshino narrowed his eyes and fell into the memories, and gradually what he saw and heard in Jinling Liu Mansion appeared in his mind. After a while, she looked at Young Master Liu and shook her head generously.

"Not big, not big at all."

"When I have a chance, I will take you and Yingzhi, the mother and daughter, to the imperial garden of the imperial palace. At that time, you will understand how worthless the artificial lake under our feet is.

Back then when you and your eldest brother entered the palace with me, I was only a small official at that time, and I was not qualified to take you two to the Imperial Garden to watch it.

But today is different from the past, not to mention the imperial garden, where Hoshino wants to go in the entire palace, I can take you there. "

That's what Liu Mingzhi told Sakai Hoshino, but in fact it was impossible for him to take Sakai Hoshino to every corner of the palace.

Even if he brought Sakai Hoshino and his mother and daughter into the palace, the places they would go would only be insignificant places, and it was impossible for Sakai Hoshino to set foot in secret places.

The layout of the imperial palace is related to the life and safety of the king of the country, how can it be easily known by outsiders.

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's promise, he immediately beamed with joy, watching Young Master Liu keep moving his head with a smile on his face.

"Hoshino, thank you Liu Jun, you are so kind to Hoshino."

"We're friends, shouldn't I be nice to Hoshino? Let's go, let's keep going."

"Yeah, let's go together."

Sakai Hoshino greeted Young Master Liu, cheered and ran forward, grabbing a handful of fish food from time to time and throwing it towards the surging water surface of the fish.

"Liu Jun, did you arrange all the flowers and plants in your garden by yourself?"

Liu Mingzhi followed behind Sakai Hoshino unhurriedly, looked at her innocent and childlike figure, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Hoshino, you're overthinking, how can I be so leisurely and elegant as a big man, all the flowers and plants in the garden are arranged by my wife and sisters after discussing together.

The preferences of all the sisters are different, you plant a little of the flowers and plants that you like, and plant a little of the flowers and plants that she likes, and gradually it will become what it is now.

And as a husband, I am only responsible for appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of me. "

"So that's the case, then Mr. Liu, your ladies are really amazing, not only are they so beautiful, they are also so versatile.

If it was Hoshino, he definitely couldn't arrange the garden so pleasantly. "

Liu Mingzhi watched Sakai Hoshino leaning over the guardrail admiring the shadow of the lotus on the water, and walked to her side lightly.

Looking at her slightly confused gaze, Liu Mingzhi leaned into her ear and suddenly asked without warning: "Hoshino, is your elder brother's situation really critical now?"

Sakai Hoshino was concentrating on admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him, he never thought that Liu Mingzhi would suddenly come to his side, and asked himself such a question unexpectedly.

After Liu Mingzhi asked his own question, Sakai Hoshino completely subconsciously looked towards Young Master Liu, and answered directly out of his mouth.

"It's really critical. Hoshino is dying of anxiety now."

(End of this chapter)

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