My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2852 You Don't Believe Me

Chapter 2852 You Don't Believe Me
The moment Sakai Hoshino turned his head to look at him, Liu Mingzhi fixed his gaze on her pair of pretty eyes revealing lightness.

After quietly looking at the clearly visible worry in her light eyes, Liu Mingzhi dispelled the last trace of doubt in his heart.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. From Sakai Hoshino's windows of the soul, Liu Mingzhi could tell that she was not lying to him.

Especially when she was caught off guard and asked, she didn't even have time to think about how to lie to herself.

Sakai Hoshino's answer just now was completely the answer she replied subconsciously.

Maybe it's really because I'm overly suspicious. The situation that Kazuko Sakai is facing in Wa country may be really critical.

Liu Mingzhi breathed out silently, reached out and patted Sakai Hoshino's fragrant shoulder, and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

"It's really hard for you."

Sakai Hoshino hugged the porcelain pot containing fish food tightly in his arms, trotted hurriedly and chased after Young Master Liu, walking side by side with Liu Mingzhi, Sakai Hoshino looked expectantly and then nervously at the man with his hands behind his back silently Liu Mingzhi walking forward.

"Liu Jun, you suddenly asked Hoshino about your brother just now, have you already thought of a way to help Hoshino?"

Hearing Sakai Hoshino's slightly nervous tone, Liu Mingzhi really couldn't bear to continue to deceive this innocent and stupid woman, but no matter how much he couldn't bear it, he did not forget his identity after all.

I am the emperor of the dragon, and I am the king of a country.

In the contest between countries, one cannot tolerate the slightest selfishness.

The selfishness of feeling sorry for Sakai Hoshino, a silly woman, is not enough to be an excuse for me to selflessly help Wa.

In my mind, Sakai Hoshino is Sakai Hoshino, and the Wa country is the Wa country. These two things cannot be compared together.

The country of Japan is afraid of power but not virtuous.

Once he is allowed to gain power, it is bound to plant a big disaster for Dalong.

If it was because he coveted Sakai Hoshino's beauty for his own selfishness, he would have planted a curse for Dalong and a curse for his children.

In the future, after a hundred years, I will definitely leave a notoriety in the history books for thousands of years.

I can not care about the infamy of the rebellious officials and thieves who raised troops to rebel and seek power and usurpation, but I can't help but care about the eternal infamy related to the carelessness of the nation.

Liu Mingzhi sighed secretly in his heart, turned his head to look at Sakai Hoshino and said words against his will.

"Hoshino, I've let you down, I haven't thought of a way to help you yet."

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's answer, the look of expectation in his pretty eyes disappeared silently, and turned into an obvious look of disappointment.

"Oh, Hoshino thought Liu Jun, you have already thought of something!"

"Hoshino, you should also know that whether it is discussing these matters with civil and military officials, or immediately dispatching skilled craftsmen to forge excellent military equipment, it is not a simple and trivial matter.

I just came back from you yesterday, and it took only half a day. How could I handle such a complicated matter properly?
You, just wait patiently now. "

Sakai Hoshino nodded silently, absent-mindedly turned the fine porcelain pot in his hand and walked forward slowly.

Originally, she followed First Young Master Liu to enjoy the scenery in the garden. At this moment, she no longer had the heart to appreciate the flowers she saw for the first time.

Sakai Hoshino walked about thirty or forty steps, then stopped slowly, and turned to look at Liu Mingzhi behind him with complicated eyes.

"Mr. Liu."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Actually, Liu Jun, you don't believe in Hoshino, do you?
You asked me that way just now, do you think that what Hoshino told you yesterday were all lies?Hoshino lied to you? "

Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrank slightly, and just as he was about to explain something, Sakai Hoshino continued: "Liu Jun, when Hoshino was young, his father said many times that Hoshino was a silly girl.

Later, when Hoshino grew up, his brother, like his father, said that Hoshino was a silly girl.

I think maybe even Liu Jun thinks that Hoshino is a fool. "

"Hoshino, I..."

"Liu Jun, maybe Hoshino is really stupid, but being stupid doesn't mean Hoshino has no brains at all.

Hoshino also knows that he is very simple, so simple that he looks very stupid to others, but Hoshino likes himself like this very much, and he never wants to change anything, because Hoshino feels that living like this is very easy and happy.

Hoshino thought about it just now, and slowly understood Liu Jun why you asked me that question without warning.

But no matter Liu Jun, you believe in Hoshino or not, Hoshino just wants to tell you that Hoshino has never lied to you, Liu Jun.

Hoshino has already told Liu Jun what should be said, and Hoshino has told Liu Jun everything that should not be said. As for Liu Jun, whether you believe it or not is not up to Hoshino to decide.

But regardless of whether you can help Hoshino this time, Liu Jun, Hoshino will be very grateful to you, Liu Jun.

Hoshino has learned a lot about Dalong in the past ten years.

Know what it means to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I also understand what it means not to force.

Therefore, Hoshino will look at this matter with a normal heart. "

After Sakai Hoshino finished speaking what was in his heart, he quietly looked at Young Master Liu with a smiling face and exhaled.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino has finished what he wanted to say. Now is the time for you to lead Hoshino to enjoy the beautiful scenery of your garden. Let's stop talking about those troublesome things."

Under Liu Mingzhi's complex gaze, Sakai Hoshino pulled up his generous palm and trot towards the center of the artificial lake.

"Liu Jun, let's go, let's continue to feed the fish and enjoy the flowers."

Liu Mingzhi let Sakai Hoshino lead him to walk forward, seeing her jumping up and down cheerfully pointing at the water surface from time to time, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt ridiculous.

It's not that Sakai Hoshino's childish behavior is ridiculous, but that she feels ridiculous.

Is this the woman who was regarded as so stupid that she didn't understand anything?

No, maybe she knows everything, but she doesn't want to play with her so-called scheming.

A word suddenly popped up in Liu Mingzhi's mind, the person who treats a person as a fool before he really understands him is often the real fool.

While she thinks that Sakai Hoshino is stupid, in her eyes, she may also be stupid.

This stupidity has nothing to do with IQ, but with state of mind.

"Hoshino, I'm sorry."

As if Sakai Hoshino didn't hear Liu Mingzhi's words, he put the porcelain pot in his hand under his feet, knelt and squatted beside Young Master Liu, his right white and tender hand tightly grasped Young Master Liu's palm, leaning his waist and left hand towards him. Stretching out a lotus flower that has grown to the bridge.

After tearing off the stem of the lotus, Sakai Hoshino raised the bud in his hand and waved it a few times in front of Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Liu Jun, do you think this lotus is pretty?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino who seemed to be having heartless joy, and nodded silently.


"Mr. Liu, these lotus flowers and those water lilies are also very beautiful. Hoshino wants to take some with him when he returns to Japan? Is it possible? Hoshino please."

"Yes, of course."

"Mr. Liu, are there many strange flowers in the imperial garden of the palace that Hoshino has never seen before?"

"I can only tell Hoshino that you don't know about this, because I am not particularly clear about this."

"Okay then, Liu Jun, after you take Hoshino and Sakura to the Imperial Garden, Hoshino will know after seeing it.

Liu Jun, let's go to the shore, there are still many flower gardens that Hoshino hasn't seen just now, when your daughter and Sakuraori and the others come back, Hoshino may not have the chance to see them. "

"Okay, I'll lead you there."

After the little half stick of incense passed, the figures of Liu Mingzhi and the two of them had already appeared in front of the rose flower garden on the bank.

Sakai Hoshino stuffed the lotus in Young Master Liu's hand, reached out and broke off a bright red rose flower, and put it under Qiong's nose to sniff.

"Mr. Liu."


" you really want to bully Hoshino?"

(End of this chapter)

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