Chapter 2853
Liu Mingzhi was stunned when he heard Sakai Hoshino's words, and looked at her beautiful and beautiful face in a daze for a long time without saying a word.

Liu Mingzhi never thought that Sakai Hoshino would ask herself such a question directly.

Do you really want to bully her?Does that need to be said?Definitely want to bully!
As a man with a healthy body and full of vigor, how could he not be greedy for her body when faced with such a beautiful and charming woman.

I have never denied that I want her body to return to her body, but when faced with this question from her, how should I answer it appropriately?

If you tell her directly that you want to bully her very much, you wish you could leave her at home tonight and do something that both of you like, will it make you look too lustful?

If I told her that I didn't want to bully her at all, I just treated her as a confidante and friend, wouldn't it be too hypocritical?
After all, if such a charming and stunning beauty asks you if you want to bully her, how can any normal man say no?
Anyway, I can't do it myself.

Even if there is, it is estimated that nine out of ten are said out of conscience.

Liu Mingzhi looked Sakai Hoshino's plump but not enchanting figure up and down, pondered for a moment thoughtfully, and decided to directly admit his true thoughts to her.

If you know that you have already acted like that to her just now, but now you say that you are not greedy for her body, isn't it obvious that you are lying with your eyes open?

As Sakai Hoshino herself said, she is just a little innocent, and she is not really a fool.

That being the case, I might as well admit it frankly and directly.

After all, for a fair lady, a gentleman is so good, this is not something difficult to say.

Liu Mingzhi figured this out, pinched the tip of his nose a few times, looked at Sakai Hoshino who was gently twirling rose flowers between his fingers, and nodded with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"I think, no... But I don't have any particular thoughts, I just want to bully you, Hoshino."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's embarrassment and embarrassment, covered his cherry lips lightly and laughed lightly, showing a charming smile on his pretty face.


Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, calmed down his mood, and walked slowly in front of Sakai Hoshino and smiled softly.

"Of course it's true, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good.

For a beauty like you, Hoshino, if I say that I don't want to bully you at all, I'm afraid you won't believe it yourself. "

Sakai Hoshino frowned and thought for a while, lightly tapped her head, pinched the buds of rose flowers, lifted them to Young Master Liu's cheeks, and moved them a few times.

"Well, you're being honest.

If you really said, Liu Jun, that you didn't want to bully Hoshino, even though Hoshino would say that he believed you, he wouldn't believe it in his heart.

After all, Liu Jun, you have already bullied Hoshino just have already done that to Hoshino. "

After listening to Sakai Hoshino's words, Liu Mingzhi secretly rejoiced in his heart.

However, what I thought was correct.

In front of Sakai Hoshino, a woman who is pure in heart but not stupid at all, it is better for him to be frank.

"Liu Jun, how are you doing?"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then raised his brows slightly and looked at Sakai Hoshino, who had narrow eyes, and asked directly, "How is it? What's the matter?"

"When you were unprepared, Hoshino suddenly asked Liu Jun this question, how does it feel?
Did you feel very tangled in your heart at that moment?Do you feel stunned?

Hoshino's move is good for repaying him in the same way, right?Let's see if you dare to bully Hoshino in the future. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino with a tangled expression, and after careful thought, he finally understood what she meant by those words just now.

Good guy, it turns out that she suddenly asked herself such a straightforward question just now to avenge the "revenge" for asking her that question unexpectedly!

It never occurred to her that she, who looks silly, would be able to draw inferences so quickly.

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's tangled face, snorted coquettishly, and silently turned the rose buds between his fingers and walked towards the next flower garden.

"Liu Jun, don't be dazed, let's go to the next flower garden."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, looked at Sakai Hoshino's graceful and graceful figure, muttered for a moment with a strange expression on his face, then narrowed his eyes and followed with a smile.

Sakai Hoshino stopped at the edge of the jasmine flowerbed beside the bushes, knelt down on the edge of the flowerbed, leaned over the willow waist and moved towards a jasmine flower.

After taking a few deep sniffs of the rich fragrance of flowers, Sakai Hoshino slightly turned his head to look at Liu Mingzhi behind him.

"Liu Jun, this flower smells so fragrant, what kind of flowers are these?"

With his hands behind his back, Liu Mingzhi directly bent over Sakai Hoshino's head and looked at the flowerbed in front of her.


"Jasmine, can Hoshino pick one?"

"Of course, you can pick whatever you want."

Sakai Hoshino plucked a jasmine with light movements, and was about to stand up for Liu Mingzhi to evaluate, but suddenly felt that he was embraced in a generous and powerful embrace.

Sakai Hoshino was stunned for a moment, but after realizing it, he immediately understood who was holding his waist from behind.

There are only myself and Liu Mingzhi around the flower garden, besides Liu Jun and him, is there anyone else who embraces me?

Sakai Hoshino felt the palm on his waist that was beginning to be dishonest again, his delicate body trembled slightly, and his jade cheeks were instantly stained with a faint blush.

"Liu Jun, don't be like this, okay?"

Sakai Hoshino said a limp plea with slightly warm cheeks, dropped the flower bud in his hand and tried hard to break free from Liu Mingzhi's embrace.

However, she somewhat underestimated Liu Mingzhi's strength, no matter how hard she struggled, she still couldn't break away from Liu Mingzhi's embrace.

Liu Mingzhi gently sniffed the faint scent of Sakai Hoshino's hair, and put his chin on the beautiful lady's fragrant shoulder and blew a breath of hot air on her jade neck with firm skin.

Sakai Hoshino trembled again, and the blush on her pretty face spread directly to her round ears.

"Liu Jun, let go of Hoshino, we can't do this."

Not only did Liu Mingzhi not reveal her to the public, but turned her around slightly to face him, looking narrowly at the panic in Sakai Hoshino's pretty eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth in a happy mood.

Silly woman, let you tease me just now, now you know I'm afraid.

"Hoshino, you just asked me if I really wanted to bully you, and I've already told you the answer, yes.

You also said I was honest, and didn't object to anything.

So if I bully Hoshino now, you shouldn't be angry, right? "

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu's slightly fiery eyes in confusion, and shook his head in a flustered expression.

"I... I... It's not good for the two of us, Liu Jun, let me go, okay?"

"Not good? Does that mean you don't object?"

Without waiting for Sakai Hoshino to say anything again, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and made a few cryptic gestures towards the void, then pulled her hard, hugged her and rushed straight to the neatly trimmed greenery next to the flower garden.

"Don't worry, this is the inner courtyard, no one will come now.

No matter what we do, no one will see it. "

"Liu Jun... um..."

After a short breath, Sakai Hoshino's delicate face blushed, and he closed his watery eyes resignedly.

"Smelly old man, we are back, where are you? Mother asked me to call you and Sister Yingzhi's mother to go back to have lunch.

Huh?What's the situation, the servant girl clearly said that the two of them came to the garden, why didn't they see anyone? "

(End of this chapter)

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