Chapter 2854

Liu Mingzhi had just realized the height of the mountains again, and before he had time to comprehend the veins of the mountains in detail, he heard the clear and clear voice of the little cutie shouting from afar.

Young Master Liu had already heard the voice of the little cutie, and Sakai Hoshino had naturally heard the sound of the cutie yelling loudly in the distance.

Sakai Hoshino immediately opened his watery eyes that seemed to be rippling, pushed Liu Mingzhi away, and began to tidy up the messy skirt of his body in a hurry.


Young Master Liu cursed with a depressed expression, took a few heavy breaths, glanced at Sakai Hoshino who was quickly arranging his skirt, got up and walked towards the path a few steps away.

"Mr. Liu?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino, who was pretty and flustered, and gave her a calm look with a light smile.

"Hoshino, don't worry, don't be afraid, just tidy up slowly, my daughter is still dozens of steps away from us!"

Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's very calm tone, and his pounding heart gradually calmed down. He nodded his head to him a few times, and then continued to straighten out his appearance.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino who had also calmed down, took off the carved jade fan on his waist, and vigorously fanned the cool wind, so as to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

Raising his eyes and looking in the direction of the source of the little cutie's voice, the expression on Young Master Liu's face was as depressed as possible.

This stinky girl didn't come back sooner or later, but she came back when she and Sakai Hoshino were about to get things done.

Isn't this shit?

Rebellious girl, a real rebellious girl!
Sakai Hoshino tied the silk ribbon around his waist again, got up and walked to Young Master Liu, looking worriedly into the distance.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino is alright, please help Hoshino to see if there is anything wrong with me?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes and glanced at Sakai Hoshino's body, tore off the grass stems from her temples, and then helped her comb some messy black hair.

"Okay, nothing amiss."

"Really? Liu Jun, check carefully again."

"There's really nothing wrong with it, just take a few more deep breaths and calm down your face."

Sakai Hoshino raised his hand and stroked his hot cheeks a few times, then nodded heavily at Young Master Liu.

"Yeah, Hoshino knows."

Sakai Hoshino took a few breaths quietly, and the two of them heard the little surprised voice again.

"Ah, old man, Aunt Hoshino, so you two are here? Yue'er yelled at you two so loudly just now, why didn't you respond to me!"

Young Master Liu looked at the cutie who was trotting towards the two of them, and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Smelly girl, look at your bluffing, can't you look like a girl?"

Sakai Hoshino only knew that Cutie was the daughter of First Young Master Liu, but he didn't know her name. Looking at Cutie's stunning face, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

What a rare beauty in the world!

She was quite satisfied with her appearance before, but after seeing the cutie's appearance, she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

Sakai Hoshino recovered from the surprise of seeing the cutie's appearance, and was about to ask Liu Mingzhi about the cutie's name, but the cutie walked up to her and gave her a blessing.

"Liu Luoyue, the little girl of the Liu family, has met Aunt Hoshino and greeted Aunt Hoshino."

Sakai Hoshino looked at the cutie who saluted him in front of him, and hurriedly reached out to help him up.

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't be polite."

Although Xiaocuti calls herself a little girl in front of him, how dare he really treat Xiaocuti as a junior.

Liu Jun is His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong, and her daughter is naturally His Royal Highness Princess of Dalong.

He is just an envoy of one of the many subordinate countries of the Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty, so how dare he make a big deal in front of His Royal Highness the princess of the suzerain country.

After Sakai Hoshino helped the little cutie up, he immediately saluted the little cutie.

"The state envoy Sakai family Sakai Hoshino, see Your Royal Highness, thousands of years old."

After seeing Sakai Hoshino's behavior, the little cutie rolled her eyes helplessly. She has the same personality as her father when he was young, and she hates these red tapes the most.

"Aunt Hoshino, get up, get up, what are you doing.

You are Yue'er's smelly old man's old friend, you are Yue'er's elder, there is no reason in the world for elders to greet juniors. "

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness."

"Oh, Aunt Hoshino, you can just call me Yue'er, if you call me Your Highness Princess again, I will get angry."


Cutie looked at Sakai Hoshino's embarrassed expression, and waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Aunt Hoshino, if we were in the palace now, if you greeted Yue'er, Yue'er would definitely not refute anything.

But we are in Yue'er's house, you must not pay too much attention to these dispensable etiquettes, it's not that Yue'er has any opinion on you, but Yue'er thinks this is too troublesome.

If you don't believe me, you can ask Yue'er's father, let him tell if Yue'er dislikes these red tapes the most on weekdays. "

Sakai Hoshino subconsciously looked at Young Master Liu next to him. Before she could speak, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile.

"Hoshino, Yue'er didn't lie to you, she really doesn't like this set of red tape on weekdays, not only she doesn't like it, but I don't particularly like it either.

Just listen to Yue'er, we don't have such rules in private. "

After Liu Mingzhi said that, Sakai Hoshino could only obediently nodded.

"Yes, Hoshino knows."

The cutie also heard what her father said, and with a smile on her face, she grabbed Sakai Hoshino's jade hand and shook it.

"Aunt Hoshino, you see, my father said so, you can just call me Yue'er from now on."

Sakai Hoshino looked at the little cutie and hesitated for a moment: "Okay, then I'll call you Yue'er boldly.

Yue'er, you are so beautiful, I have never seen a girl as beautiful as you, Yue'er! "

"Hey, Aunt Hoshino, you're amazing, Yue'er is just casually long, and besides, Aunt Hoshino, you are also very beautiful!

Aunt Hoshino, the crape myrtle flower on your temples is not suitable for your hairpin today, Yue'er will pick another flower bud for you to replace it with. "

After the cutie finished speaking, she walked directly towards the several flower beds next to her, turned her neck around and scanned the flower beds around her.


The little cutie was looking for what flower buds would be more suitable for Sakai Hoshino's makeup today, and by chance, she saw the collapsed lawn next to the jasmine flower garden a few steps away.

The little cutie frowned slightly and looked at the collapsed lawns. She was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something. Her brisk and bright eyes looked at Young Master Liu and Hoshino Sakai who were behind her in a weird way. past.

First Young Master Liu felt the strange gaze of the little cutie, and pretended to sneak a glance at the lawns a few steps in front of her.

Although the cutie didn't say anything, Young Master Liu felt that this stinky girl seemed to have seen something.

"Hmm, Yue'er, didn't you come to see us for dinner?

We chatted for so long just now, your mother and the others must be waiting impatiently, let's go back to dinner. "

(End of this chapter)

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