My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2855 I also believe that pigs can fly

Chapter 2855 I also believe that pigs can fly
Looking at Liu Mingzhi's somewhat unnatural expression, the little cutie slightly narrowed her exquisite eyes, and a flash of understanding flashed in the depths of her eyes.

It seemed that my guess was correct, the collapsed lawn next to it must have been done by my stinky father.

No, to be precise, the Aunt Hoshino who was standing next to him should be added, the two of them did it together.

No wonder the stinky old man didn't respond to his yelling just now, it turned out that he was staying with Aunt Hoshino and doing bad things just now!
In this way, wouldn't his loud yelling just now spoil the good thing of the stinky old man?
Hiss, it seems that I came at a bit of a bad time!

Smelly old man, stinky old man, you are really old-hearted!

The little cutie stared at First Young Master Liu teasingly for a while, and then silently shifted her gaze to Sakai Hoshino next to her.

Previously, Xiaocuti just regarded Sakai Hoshino as her father's old friend, so she didn't pay close attention to her.

Now that he found out that Aunt Hoshino and his stinky father were not just making friends with ordinary old friends, then he had to observe her carefully.

After all, she might become one of his aunts in the future, how could he not get a general understanding of it in advance.

The little cutie walked around Sakai Hoshino's body with blazing eyes, observing her up and down.

Ok!Excellent in looks, not inferior to my aunts, elegant temperament, not weaker than my aunts, and also exuding a kind of pure beauty from the inside out, she is indeed a rare beauty .

Both in appearance and temperament are so outstanding, it's no wonder that her stinky father is tempted by her.

If he was a man, he would definitely be moved by such a mature and charming Aunt Hoshino.

As for Sakai Hoshino now has a daughter, nine out of ten she is a married woman, so cute doesn't care about it at all.

My own stinky father and Aunt Hoshino have already started doing bad things, which means that stinky old man doesn't care about it.

He doesn't care about these things, why do he think so much!
Sakai Hoshino felt the teasing eyes of the little cutie looking at him, secretly glanced at the smiling expression of the little cutie, dodged his eyes for a while, and hurriedly turned his head to look elsewhere.

She felt that the cute eyes were too penetrating, as if she could see into a person's heart.

Sakai Hoshino's reaction in this way fully reflects what it means to be guilty of a thief.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaocuti is more sure of her guess just now.

Although Sakai Hoshino had already looked away, she could still feel that the little cutie's eyes were still on her, and she never moved away.

Thinking of this, Sakai Hoshino's heart suddenly became disordered, he didn't know what he thought of, and a faint blush appeared on his pretty face again.

Could it be that Yue'er saw what happened between herself and Liu Jun just now, that's why she stared at herself intently.

No way, Liu Jun just said that Yue'er is still dozens of steps away?

And I also saw it with my own eyes. It was indeed after I finished my clothes and walked out of the lawn just now that she just trotted towards the two of us from a distance.

From such a long distance, how could she see what happened between herself and Liu Jun just now?
Since she couldn't see what happened between herself and Liu Jun at all, why did she stare at herself so directly.

Oh, what should I do? Did Yue'er see what happened just now?

First Young Master Liu looked at the smiling expression of Little Cutie staring at Sakai Hoshino, closed his folding fan and let out a heavy muffled cough.

"Ahem, Yue'er, why have you been staring at Hoshino?

Didn't you just say that your mother and aunt asked you to call us back for lunch?Didn't you hear my father told you that we were going to eat?Why don't you go soon? "

"Ah? Ah! Yes, yes, then let's go."

The little cutie came back to her senses, put away her gaze from staring at Sakai Hoshino, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a smile.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie who was already walking towards him, he let out a deep breath in his heart, glanced at Hoshino Sakai who didn't know what to do, and tapped her shoulder lightly with his fan bone.

"Hoshino, don't be dazed, go back to eat."

Upon hearing Eldest Young Master Liu's greeting, Sakai Hoshino nodded hurriedly, and immediately followed Eldest Young Master Liu.

"Oh oh oh, go back to eat, go back to eat."

Just as Liu Mingzhi and the others raised their feet and walked for two steps, the little cutie who was walking towards the path suddenly stopped.

"and many more."

Young Master Liu panicked, pretending to be annoyed, turned around and glared at the cutie.

"Huh? What's the matter with you? What else is there?"

Looking at the pretendingly calm reaction on the stinky old man's face, the little cutie had a narrow look in her beautiful eyes, raised her hand and patted her forehead with a smile on her face.

"Father, Yue'er almost forgot, I said just now that I wanted to find a flower for Aunt Hoshino's makeup today, and Yue'er saw that the jasmine next to her looks pretty good.

You and Aunt Hoshino wait for a while, after Yue'er picks a jasmine flower for her, we will go back to eat. "

"What time is it for flowers or not? If we don't go back, your mother and the others should be in a hurry. Let's go."

"Oh, Yue'er just wants to pick a flower, how long can I delay, no matter how anxious I am, I don't need to rush these few breaths!"

First Young Master Liu watched the little cutie turning around with a smile and was about to walk towards the flower garden. He appeared next to the little cutie with a stride, and directly grabbed her round and jade-like earlobe and twisted it gently.

"Smelly girl, if you want to go back to eat, go back to eat, why so much nonsense?"

As soon as her ears hurt, the little cutie immediately bowed her head and leaned towards Young Master Liu's strength.

"Hey, hey, lightly lightly, go back to eat when you go back to eat, can't Yue'er listen to you for everything?
Smelly old man, let go quickly, if you twist it again, it should be twisted off. "

First Young Master Liu let go of the fingers that were holding the little cutie's earlobe, and casually pushed the little cutie's shoulder.


"Hey, let's go, Yue'er is not a child anymore, there is no need for you to coax her."

"Hoshino, let's go back."


Sakai Hoshino replied softly to Young Master Liu, and followed beside him neither too far nor too close, always controlling himself not to get too close to the father and daughter.

She was afraid of the little cutie and stared at herself with that teasing look.

The little cutie glanced back at Hoshino Sakai, who was deliberately controlling his footsteps, and with a smile, he elbowed First Young Master Liu's arm a few times.

"Father, how's it going? Doesn't it taste good to steal incense and jade?"

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but stiffen when he heard the cutie's treacherous tone.

This stinky girl has really sharp eyes, she has already seen something from the collapsed lawn.

"Smelly girl, what are you stealing incense and jade? What nonsense are you talking about?"

The cute and pretty face raised her white and tender jade neck arrogantly, and looked up at First Young Master Liu wrinkling her nose with a grin.

"Father, I am a frequent visitor to the major fireworks and willow alleys in the capital after all. Do you really think that I can't see anything?"

"Smelly girl, my father just took your Aunt Hoshino to admire the blooming flowers in our garden, can you see the fart?

Why are you pretending to be a bright eye in front of your father?What kind of cleverness are you shaking? "

"Hehe, do you think Yue'er is blind? Just now the jasmine flower garden..."

Before the little cutie finished speaking, First Young Master Liu raised his hand and put it on the little cutie's fragrant shoulders, humming twice.

"Girl, is your butt itchy again?

If your butt is itchy, you can tell my father directly, and my father will immediately fetch a training stick to relieve the itching for you, and make sure that your butt will not itch again for about three to five months!

How about it?Does being a father love you very much? "

"Gudu, stinky old man, you are too careless."

"Now I'm telling you, my father, I just took your Aunt Hoshino to enjoy the scenery in our garden, do you believe it or not?"

Cutie glanced at the sinister smile in Young Master Liu's eyes, and nodded hurriedly.

"Believe it, believe it very much, Dad, Yue'er believes everything you say.

Even if you tell Yue'er now, I believe that pigs can fly.

Even if Yue'er hasn't seen it before, it can only mean that Yue'er and I have little knowledge. How could Yue'er doubt her own father? "

"Well, she's really sensible. She is worthy of being a good daughter of her father. Let's go back to eat."

"Yes, Daddy please."

(End of this chapter)

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