Chapter 2856
When Liu Mingzhi saw how cute she was, his mood immediately became more comfortable.

To have such a good girl who is "filial and sensible", this life is enough.

Sakai Hoshino looked at the backs of the father and daughter in front of him in a daze, not knowing what they were muttering.

Just now the father and daughter were obviously in a tit-for-tat posture, how did they become such a loving father and filial son in a blink of an eye?

"Hoshino, hurry up, we won't be able to have a hot meal if we slow down."

"Aunt Hoshino, hurry up, Yue'er is waiting for you."

"Hey, here we come."

Sakai Hoshino immediately responded to the father and daughter, and silently accelerated his pace a little.

After about a cup of tea time, the three figures of Liu Mingzhi walked into the main hall where laughter was heard from time to time.

"Yun'er, we're back."

"Sisters who are concubines see their husbands."

"Excuse me, please sit down."

"Thank you husband."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Sakai Hoshino beside him, and cheerfully looked at the little girl Huaqi Yingzhi who was hiding behind Qi Ya and poking her head.

"Sakura, don't you say hello to your husband when you see him coming back?"

Huaqi Yingzhi was secretly observing her mother standing beside Young Master Liu, and after hearing what Young Master Liu said, she hurriedly came out from behind Qi Ya and saluted.

"Sakura sees you sir, everything is fine, sir."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you sir."

After the little girl greeted Young Master Liu, she took a quick peek at the unhappy expression of her mother, Sakai Hoshino, and retreated behind Qi Ya again to hide half of her body.

"Sakura Zhi sees mother, everything is fine, mother."

Seeing his daughter's reaction after seeing him, Sakai Hoshino immediately rolled his eyes angrily.

"Stinky girl, you are so courageous, you dare to sneak out behind my back, and you will look after me when you go back."

When Hua Qi heard her mother's words, a pitiful expression appeared on her small face.

"Mother, Yingzhi was wrong, Yingzhi knew it was wrong, mother, don't be angry, okay? Yingzhi will not dare next time."

"Don't dare next time? Think about it for yourself, how many times have you said this sentence?
My mother spared you again and again, but you commit the same crime again and again. If I let you off easily this time, will you not be able to go to heaven next time? "

Hua Qi Yingzhi had a bitter face, and turned her head to look at the cheerful Young Master Liu beside her.

"Sir, Sakuraori knew he was wrong."

The little girl is a big kid, she can see how much respect her mother has for Liu Mingzhi, she knows that as long as Mr. Liu speaks, her mother will definitely not punish her.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl's pleading eyes, and nodded cheerfully.

"Ghost Elf, you really are a big kid!"


"Mr. Liu."

"Hoshino, Yingzhi just ran out secretly without notifying you, and she didn't commit any major mistakes, so there's no need for those who are on the top line to hold on to her small mistakes.

In my opinion, there is no need for punishment, just give her a verbal lesson.

There is no child who is not naughty, so don't care about her like Yingzhi. "

After listening to her husband's words, Qi Yun's sisters also nodded in agreement one after another.

"Sister Hoshino, what my sister's husband said is correct. There are no children who do not make mistakes, so don't take it to heart."

"That's right, Sakura is only about ten years old now, and she is at the age of lively and active nature. It is nothing to make a small mistake that is not worth mentioning."

"Yes, yes, it's not that I made any principled mistakes, so there's no need to be so angry."

Sakai Hoshino heard the words of Young Master Liu, his wife and others, and glared angrily at the little girl hiding behind Qi Ya.

"Liu Jun, ladies and gentlemen, you don't know how annoying this stinky girl is.

Before Hoshino brought her to Dalong, this stinky girl kept making some small mistakes in our Japanese country.

Hoshino has educated her many times before and after, but let alone correcting this stinky girl, she made more and more mistakes.

If Hoshino doesn't let her have a long memory this time, she might cause some catastrophe to Hoshino in the future! "

Looking at Sakai Hoshino's indignant expression, Liu Mingzhi walked to Qi Ya's side with a smile and pulled Huaqi Yingzhi out.

"Sakura weave."

Huaqi Yingzhi glanced at her mother secretly again, and hid behind Young Master Liu's sleeve tightly.


"Ying Zhi, next time you want to go out for a walk, tell your mother in advance, and see if your mother is angry, will you dare to sneak out again in the future?"

"Sir, Yingzhi knew that he was wrong, and Yingzhi didn't dare."

"Well, you are a good boy if you know your mistakes and correct them, but this time you really made your mother angry, so you can let your mother vent her anger.

Go, apologize to your mother, and then let your mother spank a few times, this matter is over. "

When Huaqi Yingzhi first heard Young Master Liu say to let Sakai Hoshino vent her anger, she shrunk her neck subconsciously, but after hearing what Liu Mingzhi said later, she immediately nodded generously.
"Mmmm, Sakuraori listens to Mr.

Hua Qi Yingzhi let go of the little hand that was tightly holding on to Young Master Liu's sleeve, walked up to her mother Sakai Hoshino with a bitter face, and gave a blessing.

"Mother, I'm sorry, Sakura was wrong, you should punish Sakura."

Seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, Sakai Hoshino raised his head to look at First Young Master Liu, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

If this was in his room in Honglu Temple, he would definitely teach this ignorant stinky girl a good lesson.

But now in front of Liu Jun, in front of many of her wives, I definitely can't really slap my daughter's ass a few times!
If he really beat her, and her daughter cried, wouldn't it spoil Liu Jun's enjoyment of eating with his wives.

She knew in her heart that Liu Mingzhi deliberately asked her daughter to come here to ask for a beating.

She also knew that Liu Mingzhi had pinpointed her veins, knowing that she would not dare to teach her daughter a lesson in front of him.

"Liu Jun, Hoshino has really convinced you. I'll follow your advice. Can't I just let her go?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, and nodded cheerfully.

"Isn't that right? How can a child not make mistakes!"

As Liu Mingzhi talked, he reached out and patted the shoulder of the little cutie next to him.

"Let's not talk about a child as old as Yingzhi, my daughter is already 20 years old now, so it's not the same as making troubles for me outside all day long.

Children have their own lively side, as long as they don't make any principled mistakes, let them pass if they can.

Otherwise, if we really want to get angry with them, those of us who are parents will lose at least 20 years of life. "

When the little cutie heard her father's words, she pursed her cherry lips with a depressed expression.

Is there any reason?I was shot while lying down!
It's fine for you to say that you don't want to, so what are you doing with this girl?It's none of my business!
"Yes, Hoshino has been taught, thank you Liu Jun for teaching."

"Okay, what is teaching or not, Hoshino, you are serious.

It's getting late, let's have dinner. "

"Well, listen to Mr. Liu."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and patted Hua Qi Yingzhi's temples, walked to the main seat, looked at the people in the hall and waved his hands.

"Sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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