Chapter 2858
Yun Qingshi raised her eyebrows slightly, following Qinglian's gaze, she looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting in the main seat, and then shifted her gaze to Sakai Hoshino who was pouring wine.

"Sister Lian'er, are you sure that your husband and the others are thinking about that? It won't be self-defeating, right?"

Qinglian withdrew her gaze, pursed her cherry lips and smiled, then pointed her finger at Sakai Hoshino's delicate body in a subtle white silk dress.

"My silly sister, can you see what's on the skirt of Hoshino sister?"

Yun Qingshi put down the chopsticks in her hand, and looked sideways at Sakai Hoshino's skirt.

Staring at Sakai Hoshino's skirt for a while, Yun Qingshi looked at Qinglian with a slightly puzzled expression and shook her head.

"Sister Lian'er, no matter how you look at it, my sister is just an ordinary pale white silk and cloud gauze dress, nothing else?

Do you mean to say that this silk and cloud gauze dress was given to her by your husband? "

Qinglian Jiaoyan rolled her eyes helplessly, pointed at Sakai Hoshinoliu's skirt again, and deliberately lowered her voice and whispered to Yun Qingshi: "Silly sister, who told you to see the difference in her skirt?" Yes, my sister is letting you see something abnormal on her skirt."

Yun Qingshi was slightly taken aback, and looked at Sakai Hoshino's skirt again with dark eyes, and after a while, Yun Qingshi withdrew her gaze and went to Qinglian's side.

"My sister saw that there seemed to be some faint green marks on Miss Hoshino's skirt, and these green marks were obviously not the original marks of the skirt.

These green marks look like... like the sap from the grass stems. "

Qinglian smiled lightly and nodded: "Silly sister, where did husband and sister Hoshino go just now?"

"Go to our garden!"

"That's right, my husband and the others went to our garden together, so under what circumstances do you think the green marks on the grass stems can be stained on the skirt behind Miss Hoshino's waist?"

Yun Qingshi's pretty eyes narrowed for a moment, and she blurted out directly: "Ye... huh, maybe the two of them are sitting on the lawn next to the flower garden and chatting."

Qinglian raised her hand to cover her red lips and let out a muffled smile, looked at Yun Qingshi who was pretty embarrassed and said with a strange smile: "Just relying on our husband's virtue, what do you think is the possibility of this?"

Yun Qingshi seemed to think of something in the past, and she also smiled with her red lips.

"It's hard to say, but it's not impossible, and we can't be too arbitrary.

Although the husband is indeed not an upright gentleman who can sit still, we can't wrong him just because of this.

He is not an outsider, but a good husband whom our sisters love dearly! "

Listening to Yun Qingshi's teasing words, Qinglian nodded with a half-smile.

"Well, sister Qingshi, you are right, we really can't be too arbitrary.

Then look at Hoshino girl's coiled hair, don't you think her bun at the back is a bit too fluffy?If she was just sitting on the ground and chatting, how could her hair be so fluffy and messy?
Sister Hoshino came to our house as a guest, how could she be so careless about her appearance?

Furthermore, look at the skirt of Hoshino-sister's body, sister, didn't you notice that the ribbon around her waist was flipped a few times?

When this happened, it was said that the star wild girl had arranged the ribbon around her waist in a hurry, and she didn't have time to care whether the ribbon was in the correct position.

You said, under what circumstances would this happen?

Also, take another look at the marks on Hoshino-san's lips, do some look bright, while others look a bit thinner.

This appearance is obviously eaten by a pig! "

Yun Qingshi listened to Qinglian's interesting words, and suddenly hid her innocence and sneered.

She is not the kind of innocent little girl, how could she not know what this situation means.

"Yeah, Sister Lian'er, you're so right, it really looks like you've been bitten by a pig."

"Of course, these are secondary. The most important thing is that when my husband came in just now, my sister happened to be standing beside him, and I smelled a vague fragrance from him.

The faint scent was exactly the same as the scent of the rouge powder on Hoshino's body.

Sister Hoshino is sitting next to my elder sister. I can smell her fragrance very clearly, and I can't smell it wrong. That's why I'm so sure that something unspeakable happened to my husband and the two of them in the garden.

One is a coincidence, and the other two may be coincidences.

However, there are too many coincidences, so it can't always be a coincidence, right? "

"Yeah, Sister Lian'er, you are right, if there are too many coincidences, it will become a fact.

After your sister's analysis, my sister also found something unusual. "

"Huh? Something unusual?"

"My sister always feels that there is something wrong with the way Hoshino looks at our husband. Although it is not the same as our sisters look at him, it is already beyond the normal boundaries of making friends."

"Hey, I thought you found something important, my sister has already seen it.

Not only my sister has seen it, but all the sisters have also seen it. Don't you feel that the attitude of the sisters towards Hoshino is a bit too peaceful?

The peace is beyond the normal attitude towards a guest.

The sisters are not fools, especially Sister Yun, Sister Ya, Sister Yan'er, Sister Wanyan, Sister Yunyao, and which one of them is not a bright-eyed person? How can you not see it?
They saw it all as well as we both did, they just didn't show it.

It's just that they don't know what kind of attitude they have towards the matter between their husband and sister Hoshino.

Do you accept it as calmly as the two of us, or do you have other ideas? "

"It should be the same idea as the two of us sisters, after all, our sisters have always had similar views on husbands taking concubines.

However, Sister Hoshino has a daughter now, which means that she is already a married woman, and I don't know if the situation on her side will have any adverse impact on her husband's reputation. "

Qinglian frowned slightly, and sighed in a low voice: "Oh, it's a pity for that silly sister Qingrui! If she is still in the capital, my husband might just..."

Qinglian didn't continue after speaking halfway, but Yun Qingshi already understood the meaning of her words.

Raising her eyes to glance at her husband who was feasting on the main seat, Yun Qingshi also sighed softly with her voice suppressed.

"Yes, it is indeed a pity!"

"Forget it, my husband has his own ideas, so let's stop worrying about it.

Right now, Sister Hoshino is the protagonist today, we sisters only need to help my husband sing this scene well.

As for other things, it's all up to fate. "

As soon as Qinglian's voice fell, Sakai Hoshino just put down the flagon in his hand.

"Ladies and sisters, sister Lian'er, Hoshino would like to offer you a toast."

(End of this chapter)

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