Chapter 2859
Qinglian looked at Sakai Hoshino who was holding up the wine glass to toast her sisters, and coughed softly to wink at the sisters.

Qi Yun, the empress and the other beauties have already noticed Qinglian's ulterior motives. They looked at each other strangely, and silently withdrew their hand that was about to hold the wine glass.

When Sakai Hoshino saw that none of the beauties raised their glasses, there was a look of panic in his pretty eyes, and he subconsciously thought that he had accidentally said something wrong.

She sipped the sakura and immediately thought about it carefully, Sakai Hoshino couldn't help feeling a little confused, there was nothing inappropriate about what she said just now?

Qinglian could clearly see the change in the expression on Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, and seeing that she was a little confused, she picked up her wine glass and stood up with a smile on her face.

"Miss Hoshino."

Sakai Hoshino reacted immediately, and hurriedly looked at Qinglian: "Ah? Sister Lian'er?"

"Sister Hoshino, the reason why we didn't raise our glasses when you toasted our sisters was not because you said something wrong, nor because you didn't like you, but because you didn't know the rules of our dragon."

When Sakai Hoshino heard Qinglian's explanation, the tension in Fang's heart instantly eased a lot. It turned out that Sister Lian'er and the others didn't pick up the wine glass because he had accidentally said something inappropriate just now.

That's good, that's good.

Sakai Hoshino calmed down, looked at Qinglian with a puzzled face and asked softly, "Rules? Sister Lianer, what are the rules?"

Qinglian inadvertently glanced at her husband who was still devoting himself to drinking and eating with her beautiful eyes, and patted the back of Sakai Hoshino's hand softly.

"Sister Hoshino, when we sat down to eat and drink together for the first time, the guests couldn't toast to everyone in the host's house at once.

In order to express respect to the host, the guests have to toast one by one. Similarly, this is also to show the hospitality of our host, and hope that the guests who come to the door can really be full of wine and food.

It is precisely because of this rule that our sisters did not toast with each other just now.

Since your sister Hoshino wants to toast our sisters, we sisters are the hostesses of the Liu Mansion, in order to show our hospitality, we sisters will naturally accompany us one by one.

Sister Hoshino, you are not very familiar with the specific identities of each of our sisters. In order not to embarrass you, then we will not pay attention to the so-called red tape. You can toast whoever you want first.

Hoshino sister, you decide for yourself, who do you plan to toast to first? "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Qinglian's words, he was a little silly.

To toast one by one, wouldn't it be a cup for each person?
Sakai Hoshino glanced roughly at the smiling beauties on the dining table, and couldn't help but slide his soft and creamy white jade neck twice.

With so many wives and sisters, wouldn't he have to drink at least ten glasses of wine?

Sakai Hoshino slid his throat involuntarily again, nodded and looked at the wine glass in his hand. With such a large wine glass, ten glasses of wine should be okay.

In fact, my drinking capacity is not that bad!

No, I have learned so much Dalong culture and knowledge, why don't I remember that Dalong still has such rules?

I vaguely remember that when I was in Dalong Jiangnan, I followed my brother to visit Liu Jun Jiangnan's house. My brother didn't seem to drink like that at the time, did he?

Could it be that I have a bad memory?No, although more than ten years have passed, in my own memory, I still remember the scene at that time quite clearly.

And the last time I followed my elder brother to Dalong, when I was drinking with Lord Wang of Honglu Temple, it seemed that there was no such rule?

Could it be the newly changed rules after our brothers and sisters left last time?

"Miss Hoshino?"

"Huh? Sister Lian'er."

"What are you thinking in a daze? Which of our sisters are you going to toast first?"

Sakai Hoshino's pretty face was bitter, and he glanced at all the beauties who looked at him with smiling faces for a week with a tangled expression.

"Sister Lian'er, ladies and gentlemen, do you have to have a cup for each?"

"That's right, this is the rule. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a circle without rules!"

Young Master Liu, who had already eaten and drank at some point, was currently picking his teeth with a bamboo stick, and looked at Qinglian and Sakai Hoshino who were holding wine glasses with great interest.

Looking at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi shook his head imperceptibly and sighed secretly.

"Lian'er, since Hoshino doesn't drink well, it's okay to watch these wines for my husband. Why doesn't my husband know about the rules?"

When Sakai Hoshino heard Young Master Liu's words, his pretty face instantly became happy, and was about to say something, but Qinglian gave Young Master Liu a coquettish look, before she spoke.

"Hey, what about my husband, do you feel sorry for Sister Ya's peach blossom wine? Or do you feel sorry for Sister Hoshino that she drank too much?

The concubine sisters haven't had a drink for a long time. It's rare to meet Hoshino girl as a guest today. What's wrong with us sisters having a few drinks with her? "

Liu Mingzhi listened to Qinglian's seemingly eccentric tone, but he smiled helplessly, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of dissatisfaction in his heart.

I am neither deaf nor blind, how can I not see why Qinglian did these ulterior motives to Hoshino Sakai.

Lian'er, a silly woman, has done a lot of tricks in order to help her husband achieve good things with Sakai Hoshino.

But I don't need the help of a silly woman like Lian'er at all, okay, it's just a matter of time for me to win Sakai Hoshino, a charming and charming woman.

As long as you have the heart, it is not impossible to have a loving and lingering bed affair with her tonight.

Although Lian Er's help can make her wish come true immediately, but it will also lose a lot of fun.

What Liu Mingzhi said just now was to save Sakai Hoshino from the siege, and by the way, let Lian'er stop teasing her, a simple-minded woman.

But when you see the stinky husband in Qinglian's pretty eyes, don't be ignorant of the coquettishness of good and bad, Young Master Liu can only choose to remain silent and wait and see how things change.

Alas, silly Lian'er, why are you doing this?

Qinglian was afraid that Sakai Hoshino would react to what her husband said about being unruly, why didn't her husband know about it, so she hurriedly patted Sakai Hoshino's shoulder with a smile on her face.

"Sister Hoshino, since you really don't know who to toast to first in a short time, according to my sister, you don't have to worry about it, so let's have a toast with my sister and me first."

When Sakai Hoshino heard Qinglian's words of persuading him to drink, he instinctively looked at Young Master Liu opposite him with embarrassing eyes.

Feeling Sakai Hoshino's pitiful eyes, Liu Mingzhi glanced at Qinglian with a wry smile and shrugged his shoulders, giving her a helpless look.

It's not that I don't know how to pity and cherish jade, Lian Er has given her such a look, and she really doesn't know how to speak.

Seeing that it was hopeless to ask First Young Master Liu for help, Sakai Hoshino had no choice but to nod to Qinglian resignedly.

"Sister Lian'er, it's not that Hoshino doesn't want to toast you, it's because Hoshino is afraid that he will make a fool of himself when he's drunk.

Hoshino's ugly words are up front, if Hoshino behaves indecently when he is drunk, you are not allowed to laugh at Hoshino. "

"No, no, of course not. Who hasn't gotten drunk yet? Hoshino, don't worry. If you get drunk, our sisters will definitely take good care of you."

"Yeah, thank you Sister Lian'er, Hoshino toasts you."

(End of this chapter)

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