Chapter 2861 Guilt

When Qi Yun and the other sisters heard what Sakai Hoshino said, I felt like I could drink a little more, and it was their turn to be dumbfounded.

Our sisters really believed in your evil!

At the very beginning, you said that you couldn't drink too much, you could only drink a little. Now that the dozen or so of us have finished drinking twenty or thirty pots of peach blossom wine, you actually said that you can drink a little more?

Is this what you're talking about drinking too much?Is this what you call a little bit?

How do you calculate this so-called little bit?Is it calculated with wine tanks?
Qi Yun, Qi Ya, the empress, Huyan Yunyao...these sisters, many of them were the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes in the past.

As the emperor of a country, the empress is naturally quite capable in terms of alcohol capacity. Huyan Yunyao was born in the grassland, and as a child of the grassland, it is not to mention the capacity for alcohol.

Murong Shan was born as a female general, and her father was the former General Longwuwei. She lived by her father's side since she was a child, and under the influence of her ears, she naturally has a way of drinking.

It can be said that Qi Yun and her sisters are more or less heroines with a bit of alcohol.

However, with so many people who can drink well, Sakai Hoshino and she alone are a bit overwhelmed.

Of course, the sisters of them are only a little bit drunk. Twenty or thirty pots of wine are shared, and no one can share a few pots. This amount of wine will not make them drunk.

Even Qinglian, who drank the most, was barely three points drunk now.

The reason why they felt a little dumbfounded was that they were surprised by Sakai Hoshino's drinking capacity.

One must know that Sakai Hoshino came to drink with more than a dozen people, and if her sisters had a drink, even if she didn't have one to accompany her, she would drink at least five or six glasses of peach blossom wine after a round trip.

After drinking so much wine, she actually said that she could drink a little more. How can she not surprise her sister and others with such a huge amount in a daughter's house.

With such a large number, I am afraid that ordinary big men may not necessarily be her opponents.

Qinglian looked at Sakai Hoshino who was holding up the wine glass with a tangled face. She was not sure whether Sakai Hoshino swayed because he drank too much, or pretended to be drunk but not drunk on purpose. look like.

"Miss Hoshino."

"Hi...Sister Lian'er? What do you want to say?"
Qinglian carefully observed Sakai Hoshino's expression, seeing her pretty face blushing, her drunken eyes blurred, no matter how she looks at it, she doesn't seem to be pretending to be drunk now.

It's not that she hasn't seen others really drunk, she can be sure that Sakai Hoshino is indeed a little drunk, but it's just a little drunk.

It's not to the point where I'm drunk and confused.

"Sister Hoshino, put down the wine glass in your hand first, and sit down, my sister wants to ask you something."

Sakai Hoshino nodded obediently, put down his glass and sat gently in his previous seat.

"Sister Lian'er, what do you want to ask Hoshino?"

"Sister Hoshino, my sister asked you, didn't you just tell my sister that you can only drink a little? Why is your alcohol capacity so good now?"

Sakai Hoshino frowned slightly, his blurred eyes regained a little sobriety, and then he looked at Qinglian with a curious face in doubt.

"Sister Lian'er, is Hoshino a good drinker?"

"Of course, if we sit and drink alone, none of us sisters will be your opponent Hoshino. You have drank so much today and you are still not drunk. If your drinking capacity is not good, then We drink like kids playing house."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Qinglian's sighing expression, and looked at the jugs scattered on the floor under the table with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Sister, did Hoshino drink a lot today? The wine Hoshino is drinking now is less than half of what I drink at home!"

"Hah...cough cough cough..."

Young Master Liu, who was smoking and watching the play, heard Sakai Hoshino's words that seemed to be taken for granted, and was directly choked by the smoke in his mouth, and immediately coughed in a low voice, covering his chest.

Qi Yun and the other beauties also looked at Sakai Hoshino with a very calm expression with their cherry lips slightly parted, and they were completely surprised by her words.

Now that she has drunk so much, it's not even half of what she drinks at home?How much alcohol do you have to drink when you are at home?

The little cutie who was sitting by the side amused by Huaqi Sakuraori also subconsciously looked at Sakai Hoshino, and lightly smacked her cherry lips twice, with an expression of amazement.

Master, if this girl brings Aunt Hoshino and her to Tianxianglou to bet with others one day, won't she make a lot of money?
A few thousand taels a day, isn't that easy to grab?If you put a little thought into it, it is not impossible to earn tens of thousands of taels!

The little cutie turned her exquisite eyes lightly, looking thoughtfully at Sakai Hoshino on the wine table, as if she was thinking of something.

I have to say that the little cutie's ideas are always so different.

Qinglian came back to her senses, and said with a weird expression of surprise: "Then you still say that you can't drink well, and you can only drink a little? You can only drink a little?"

"Sister Lian'er, Hoshino really didn't lie to you, brother said that Hoshino's alcohol capacity is not good, he can only drink a little and then he can't drink anymore, so he never let Hoshino drink outside alone.

Today Hoshino is coming to your house as a guest, in order to express his respect for you ladies and sisters, Hoshino made an exception this time.

In the past, Hoshino never drank when he was outside alone. "

Qinglian looked suspiciously at Sakai Hoshino with a serious face, pursed her red lips and pondered for a moment and asked softly: "Hoshino, you mean, you are because your brother told you that you can't drink well, so you can only drink alcohol." A little bit, so you think you have a poor capacity for drinking and can't drink too much?"

Sakai Hoshino looked at Qinglian who looked a little surprised, and hurriedly nodded his head.

"Yeah, my brother told Hoshino many years ago that it's not safe for a girl to drink too much outside alone. He told Hoshino that Hoshino's alcohol capacity is very bad, and it's easy to get into trouble if he drinks too much alone.

My brother said that as long as he is not by my side, Hoshino can never drink with others alone, unless Hoshino is married and a husband is in charge of me, he will no longer care about Hoshino's drinking.

Although many years have passed since my brother said these words, and Hoshino has already married a woman, Hoshino has never forgotten what his brother taught Hoshino.

Hehehe, but today is different, Mr. Liu is a good person, and you ladies and sisters are also good people, so Hoshino is not worried about what will happen after drinking too much in your house. "

After Sakai Hoshino explained the specific reasons in detail, everyone present understood what she said was not good enough to drink and could only drink a little.

It turned out that Sakai Hoshino's so-called poor capacity for alcohol, she could only drink a little, was because of a brother's love for his little sister.

Sakai Hoshino is not a bad drinker, not only is he not a bad drinker, but also has a lot of alcohol. However, his brother was worried that something would happen to her if she drank alone outside, so he made up such a white lie for her.

Qinglian looked at Sakai Hoshino's innocent, innocent, and serious expression with complicated eyes, and secretly glanced at her husband who was not far away with the same clear expression.

At this moment, Qinglian suddenly felt a little guilty, and at the same time, a faint sense of guilt welled up in her heart.

In order to protect her, Hoshino's brother made up a white lie that she didn't drink well and could only drink a little.

But he wanted to get her drunk, which made a good thing between Hoshino and her husband.

Even if some inexplicable and complicated relationship has occurred between her husband and her, it seems that I shouldn't have such an idea.

Isn't this kind of behavior a little too much for Hoshino sister?
Perhaps, for the matter between the husband and the two of them, letting things take their course is the best result.

Sakai Hoshino looked at Qinglian whose expression suddenly became self-reproachful, grabbed her jade hand with a puzzled expression and patted it gently a few times.

"Sister Lian'er, what's wrong with you? Why does Hoshino think you seem a little unhappy? Did Hoshino accidentally say something wrong just now?"

Sakai Hoshino's worried words made Qinglian's heart tremble suddenly, and the sense of guilt in her heart increased again.

After living for so many years, I have never seen a woman with such a pure heart.

So innocent that you can't bear to hurt her, and you can't bear to have any bad intentions towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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