My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2862 Kindness is for one's own people

Chapter 2862 Kindness is for one's own people
Qi Yun and the other sisters also frowned slightly, and glanced at the wine pots scattered on the floor under the table with complicated expressions.

They had all seen the apologetic expression on Qinglian's pretty face, so they naturally guessed what Qinglian was thinking.

Similarly, the same thoughts as Qinglian also arose in their hearts.

Just like what Qinglian and Yun Qingshi said not long ago, Qinglian and her sisters saw something unusual from Sakai Hoshino, and Qi Yun, her sisters and others also saw it more or less. what.

It was precisely because of some abnormal clues observed from her that the sisters acquiesced in Qinglian's behavior of wanting to use peach blossom stuffing to infuse Jiujing Xingye.

The sisters can feel their consciences and say that it is definitely out of good intentions that they and others want to get Sister Hoshino drunk and fulfill the good things between her and her husband as soon as possible.

However, it cannot be denied that what they did was wrong.

"Sister Hoshino, sister is fine, and you didn't say anything wrong.

Silly girl, don't just think that you said something wrong, you are so sensible, even if you really accidentally said something wrong, the sisters won't care. "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Qinglian's gentle words, an innocent smile appeared on his pretty face again.

"Yeah, thank you sister Lian'er, and thank you ladies and sisters, you are so kind to Hoshino, so let's continue drinking?

To be honest, Hoshino has also drank many kinds of Dalong's vintage wines before. Although those wines are also delicious, they are not as good as your peach blossom wine. "

When Qinglian heard that Sakai Hoshino wanted to continue drinking, she hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands.

"Don't drink, don't drink, my sister is already a little drunk, so I can't drink anymore."

Since Qinglian has already planned to let the matter between her husband and Sakai Hoshino go as it should, naturally she will not let her continue to drink.

When Sakai Hoshino heard that Qinglian was not going to drink any more, he silently glanced at the wine glass filled with peach blossom wine on the table, with a look of disappointment on his pretty face.

She really wanted to accompany Qi Yun and the other sisters to continue drinking to their heart's content. If you don't drink enough of such delicious wine today, you may not be able to drink it again in the future.

However, Qinglian had already said that she didn't want to drink any more. Although she was very disappointed in her heart, she had no choice but to agree.

She is so proficient in Dalong's culture and knowledge, she naturally knows the rules of following suit.

Seeing the disappointed look on Sakai Hoshino's pretty face, Qi Ya stood up gracefully, and walked lightly to her side and stopped.

"Sister Hoshino, in fact, you can drink very well. The reason why your brother said that you can't drink well, so you can only drink a little, is just to protect your safety."

"Ah? Sister Ya, is Hoshino really good at drinking?"

"It's really good. None of our sisters and others are your opponents. Now we are more or less drunk. If we continue to drink, I am afraid that we will really pass out at the dinner table." .

You always feel that your drinking capacity is poor because you have never drank alone with outsiders, so you don't know how high your drinking capacity is.

Your brother really loves you very much, and I hope you can understand his painstaking care for you. "

Sakai Hoshino was silent for a moment, glanced at Qi Ya and the sisters' slightly drunken faces, as if trying to understand something, her brother's voice and smile appeared in front of her eyes, and she nodded with moist eyes.

"Yeah, Hoshino understands, I understand everything."

"Since Hoshino, you already understand, then my sister won't say anything more. Hoshino, don't you really like to drink peach blossom brewed by my sister?"

Sakai Hoshino blinked his pretty eyes a few times, glanced again at the jug of peach blossom stuffing on the table, and nodded heavily at Qi Ya.

"Well, it's delicious, Hoshino has never had such a delicious drink!
Sister Ya, you are really amazing. Hoshino really admires you for brewing such delicious wine from peach blossoms. "

Qi Ya heard Sakai Hoshino's words of praise, she didn't show the slightest complacency on her delicate face, she just patted her on the shoulder softly with her eyes.

"If you like to drink, when you return home from Beijing, Hoshino, my sister will give you dozens of jars of peach blossom wine to take back."

Sakai Hoshino suddenly stood up, looked at the delicate and soft Qi Ya with surprise and asked urgently: "Really? Sister Ya, is what you said is true?"

"Of course it's true. Although my sister is a daughter, she also knows what it means to keep her word."

"Hoshino, thank you sister Ya, thank you sister Ya."

"What's there to thank, Hoshino, it's also my sister's luck that you like my sister's peach blossom wine."

Looking at the harmonious scene in front of him, Liu Mingzhi cheerfully knocked the soot that had turned into embers into the copper basin, stood up and stretched.

"Yun'er, Hoshino, since you are all a little drunk, let's end."

"Yes, my concubine sister knows."

"Yeah, Hoshino listened to Liu Jun."


"Mr. Liu?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face after drinking, and couldn't help feeling a different kind of emotion in his heart, but he finally suppressed this kind of thinking.

Although he was greedy for her body, he didn't want to take advantage of her.

"Hoshino, it's getting late now, are you and Yingzhi going back to Honglu Temple? Or are you staying at our house for one night and going back tomorrow?"

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, Qi Yun hurriedly walked to the side of the two and stopped.

"Husband, sister Hoshino drank so much, it's too unsafe to go back. I think it's better for them to stay here."

Sakai Hoshino looked at Young Master Liu with a chuckle on his face, his heart trembled suddenly, and the scene that happened between himself and him in the garden appeared in his mind.

After sneaking a few glances at Qi Yun and the other sisters beside him, Sakai Hoshino, who had resigned himself to his fate in the garden, shook his head instinctively.

I am already a little bit drunk now, if Liu Jun wants to do bad things to me again, I will definitely not be able to refuse.

"Liu...Liu-jun, Hoshino hasn't had too much to drink yet, Hoshino plans to bring Yingzhi back to Honglu Temple.

I came here this time to take my daughter back. I am sorry to have delayed you for a long time, so how can I rest at your home again. "

Qi Yun grabbed Sakai Hoshino's wrist, looked at her worriedly and said softly: "Hoshino, if you didn't drink today, my sister would definitely not stop you.

But now you're a little drunk, and Sakura is a little girl again, it's really not safe for the two of you to go back.

There are not many other things in our house, except that there are many empty houses. You two can stay for one night and then go back. "

Sakai Hoshino glanced at First Young Master Liu, and a hint of shame flashed through his pretty eyes, but fortunately there was drunkenness to cover it up, Qi Yun and the others didn't see anything.

"Thank you, Sister Yun, for your kindness, but Hoshino and Yingzhi should go back."

"Sakura, bid farewell to sir and ladies and gentlemen."

"Oh, I see mother."

"Farewell, Mr. Sakuraori, and farewell, gentlemen and wives."

Qi Yun saw that Sakai Hoshino was determined to take her daughter back to Honglu Temple, so she couldn't continue to persuade her. She was worried that Sakai Hoshino would think she had ulterior motives.

Liu Mingzhi wrapped up the pipe in his hand, pinned it on his waist, and walked out of the hall first.

"Since Hoshino, you insist on going back to Honglu Temple, then let's go, I will arrange someone to take you two back home."

"Yue'er, I will send you Aunt Hoshino and Sister Yingzhi along with my father."


"Thank you Liu Jun, ladies and sisters, Hoshino and Yingzhi are going back first, we will visit again some day."

"Then we won't send it away."

"Ladies and sisters, please stay, and Hoshino will take his leave."

"Sakura weaving farewell."

Outside the gate of Liu Mansion, Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai Hoshino and her daughter who boarded the carriage, smiled and waved.

"Hoshino, let's see you another day, and I won't be far away."

Sakai Hoshino looked at the smiling Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes, and hastily put down the car curtain in his hand in confusion.

"Please come back, Mr. Liu, Hoshino bids farewell."

"Goodbye, sir, goodbye."

After the carriage gradually went away, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at the bored cutie beside him.

"How is it? Did you get anything out of the mouth of Sakura Zhi girl? Did she tell you how the current situation in Wa Kingdom is?"

The little cutie looked back at the carriage, nodded indifferently, and then shook her head again.

"Sakura doesn't know much about the current situation in Wa country, but she said that she heard Aunt Hoshino and her brother He say many times that the situation her uncle is facing is very critical.

Urgently need daddy, Your Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, to reward them with a batch of excellent military equipment from our Great Dragon to the Japanese embassy, ​​and bring them back to resolve the difficulties her uncle is facing now.

Yue'er could tell that what Yingzhi said was the truth. "

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes and was silent for a short moment. He raised his eyes and glanced at the carriage that happened to disappear at the corner of the street, then turned and walked towards the mansion.

The little cutie froze for a moment, and immediately ran after her.

"Father, what do you think? Do you want to help Aunt Hoshino resolve the crisis her brother is facing?"

"Do you think being a father will help her?"

"Well—it should be, Yue'er can see that you have a very good sense of Aunt Hoshino and the little girl Yingzhi, they have begged you so much, you should help them a little ?”

Liu Mingzhi's footsteps stopped abruptly, and he looked at the smiling cutie with deep eyes.

"Gudu, old man, why are you looking at me like that? It seems like I've made another mistake."

"Yue'er, as an emperor, kindness is used to treat his own people.

As an emperor, never let selfishness affect your public heart.

Although Wa Kingdom is not my Dalong's enemy now, it does not mean that they will never become my Dalong's enemy.

And kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

I hope you can understand what these words of the father mean. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie with a slightly dazed expression, and hurried towards the study in the inner courtyard with his hands behind his back.

The little cutie silently watched her father's figure gradually go away, and she let out a long sigh with her crescent eyebrows slightly frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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