My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2863 Can't Wait

Chapter 2863 Can't Wait
After Liu Mingzhi rushed all the way to the study room, he opened the window and looked up at the setting sun, then raised his hand and made a few mysterious gestures towards the quiet courtyard.

He calmly admired the beautiful scenery in the courtyard for a moment, then turned around and sat on a chair, picked up a book and waited quietly.

Around the time of cupping tea, there was a sudden breeze from the courtyard outside the study, and a graceful figure leaped through the window and landed beside Young Master Liu.

"Subordinate Suzaku, see the young master."

Liu Mingzhi folded a corner of the page in his hand, closed it and put it on the table.

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Master."

After Suzaku got up, she habitually walked behind Young Master Liu, a pair of lotus root arms lightly resting on Young Master Liu's shoulders, and her tender body, which was as fragrant as jade, naturally stuck to it.

"Master, why did you summon Que'er this time?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to grab the beautiful woman's catkin and kneaded it gently, and slightly turned his head to look at the beautiful woman who was snuggling behind him.

"Does Lu Wuming of Honglu Temple know about it?"

Hearing Liu Mingzhi, Suzaku just uttered a name and did not convey any important orders, the slightly dignified expression on his delicate face instantly eased, and Zhenshou, which was attached to Young Master Liu's side face, gently moved twice .

"Que'er knows that the current young minister of Honglu Temple, Lu Wuming, Lord Lu, is a language prodigy, as far as I know, he can speak the languages ​​of many countries.

Whenever foreigners from various countries come to worship Dalong, he is responsible for receiving most of the missions.

Why, why did the young master suddenly mention Mr. Lu?Did he commit a crime? "

Hearing Suzaku's suspicious words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hehe, Que'er, what are you guessing? How is this possible? Lao Lu has devoted himself to his duties in Honglu Temple these years. What can he do?"

When Suzaku saw that she was wrong, a look of embarrassment flashed across her charming eyes, and she straightened her willow waist slightly, turned her delicate body onto Liu Mingzhi's lap and sat down.

After Suzaku sat in Liu Mingzhi's arms, he wrapped his arms around his waist and found a more comfortable position to snuggle up.

"Is Que'er weird? Who told you, young master, that you just casually mentioned Mr. Lu's name, but didn't tell you why Que'er came here.

Que'er was in the position of the head of Suzaku Division, so he naturally subconsciously thought about it. "

Hearing Suzaku's delicate tone, Liu Mingzhi bowed his head and kissed the beauty's flaming red lips lightly, and said with a cheerful smile: "Yes, yes, it's the young master's mistake, why didn't the young master make it clear to you? "

Hearing the young master's doting tone, Suzaku nodded with satisfaction.

"That's about the same. A good young master is a young master who knows his mistakes and corrects them!"

"Hehe, your little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Hearing Young Master Liu's cheerful words, Suzaku immediately stretched out her slender willow waist, pressed her red lips to Young Master Liu's and kissed back.

After a long time, Suzaku sat softly in Eldest Young Master Liu's arms with her beautiful eyes dazed, her slender and slender fingers gently sliding on the back of his hand.

"Knowing that Que'er's lips are sweet, the young master should taste more."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's charming appearance, and his heart was burning instantly, wishing to hug her to the side for a nap immediately and whip him fiercely.

However, today he had something to ask her to handle, so Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to suppress the thought-provoking picture in his heart.

"Que'er, today the young master has no way to taste how sweet your little mouth is. Let's wait a few days. After the missions from various countries leave Beijing, young master, I will taste it."

Suzaku's beautiful eyes looked at her young master with tender resentment, and exhaled a mouthful of fragrance angrily. Although she was extremely disappointed, she sat up straight immediately.

"You can't lie to Que'er, you have to do what you say."

"Oh, good bird, when did I ever lie to you, master? Tell yourself, as long as it is something I promised you, when did the young master fail to do it?"

Suzaku pursed her red lips and snorted coquettishly, her charming eyes looked towards Liu Mingzhi without hesitation.

"Que'er understands, it's just that the young master hasn't favored Que'er for a long time, Que'er is a little... a little impatient for the young master, you want me!"

Seeing the beautiful woman's pretendingly coquettish expression, Liu Mingzhi tapped the tip of the beautiful woman's nose a few times with a smile.

"Silly Que'er, I really don't know how to be shy. Is there any need to speak so bluntly?"

"There's nothing to be shy about, yin and yang harmonize, it's natural for men and women to love each other, of course Que'er can say whatever she thinks, there's no need to cover it up!
Of course, Que'er can only be so straightforward with the young master, there is no need to hide it at all. "

"What a little goblin, no, it should be called a big goblin."

"Young master, let's talk about the mission first. You mentioned Mr. Lu just now, and then you mentioned the missions of various countries. Is this mission related to the missions of various countries?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, reached out and opened the drawer on the desk, took out a token from it and put it in the beautiful woman's hand.

"After you go back, you immediately dispatch a few experts from the department, let them take this token and sneak into Honglu Temple to secretly meet with Honglu Temple Shaoqing Lu Wuming.

After they saw Lu Wuming, let them take Lu Wuming to quietly monitor the conversations between the principal and deputy envoys of the missions of various countries.

Afterwards, ask Lu Wuming to draw up a detailed plan for the important content he has overheard and bring it back. "

"Que'er understands, by the way, young master, is there anyone to monitor?"

"Wa, Goguryeo, it's enough to focus on the missions of these two countries. Of course, the missions of other countries should also take care of them in general. Maybe they will get some useful news!"

"Yes, Que'er will go back immediately to deliver the order, and that Que'er will leave."

"Okay, tell the brothers to pay attention, according to my perception yesterday, there are some good masters in the missions of various countries. If you are careless, your traces may be exposed.

If you have nothing to do in the division, you might as well follow the past to help the brothers. "

"Qe'er knows, Que'er will explain to the brothers, Que'er will leave."

"Go, it's the end of autumn, the night is getting cooler, don't forget to wear more clothes."

"Thank you, young master, for your concern, eh!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Suzaku's upturned jade neck, smiled lightly and nodded, and kissed her red lips hard for a while, then instinctively patted the beauty's buttocks.

"Satisfied? Go ahead."


Suzaku nodded in response, let go of the lotus root arm that was wrapping Young Master Liu's neck, and the beautiful figure leaped out of the window vaguely.

In the blink of an eye, the beauty's trace had already disappeared in the quiet courtyard outside the study.

Only the faint scent in the study silently tells the traces of the beauty's past visits.

After Suzaku left for a long time, Liu Mingzhi gradually calmed down because of the throbbing in Liu Mingzhi's heart because of the beauty in his arms.

Liu Mingzhi stretched his back, and was about to pick up a memorial to review, when there was a knock on the door in the study.


"Master, it's the young one. You asked the young one to get the expensive supplements from the House of Internal Affairs, and the young one brought back all of them."

"Understood, just put the tonic directly in the main hall. When Mingli and Mingjie come to pick it up, you can just ask them to take it back."

"Yes, little one understands."

"Anything else?"

"Go back to Master, it's all right."

"Well, step back, this young master is going to review the memorial papers."

"Yes, the little one retire."

Hearing the footsteps outside the study gradually receding, Liu Mingzhi turned his head slightly to look at the sky outside the window, took out a fire pocket and lit the candle on the table.

The candlelight was crackling, and the candlelight was dim. Liu Mingzhi leaned over his desk and concentrated on reviewing the documents in his hand.

At this moment, he is less frivolous and more serious, looking like a sage who is diligent in government and loves the people.

(End of this chapter)

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