Chapter 2864
As the sun sets and the moon rises, night falls, and the capital, which is just lit up, is gradually shrouded in the brilliance of the bright moon.

At this time, Liu Mingzhi was still concentrating on reviewing the documents in his hand under the flickering candlelight, completely oblivious to the nightfall outside the window.

In half a day, Liu Mingzhi had finished reviewing three stacks of more than 20 documents.

Just as Young Master Liu picked up a new document and was about to read it, there was a knock on the door in the study, interrupting his movement of opening the document.

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, raised his eyes and glanced lightly at the shadowy figure outside the door.


Qinglian's soft voice immediately rang out from outside the door: "Husband, it's my concubine, and my concubine has brought you supper."

Hearing Qinglian's figure, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and put the brush in his hand on the inkstone.

"Lian'er, come in."


The door of the room opened in response, and Qinglian picked up a tray with porridge wrists on it and walked lightly into the study. She walked lightly to the desk and stopped, and directly put the tray in her hand on the table superior.

"Husband, I cooked you a bowl of eight-treasure porridge. If you are not too busy, drink it while it is hot."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's rather downcast pretty face, picked up the silk cloth next to him and wiped off the ink marks on his hands, smiled lightly and opened his arms towards the beautiful woman.

"Come, sit on my husband's lap."

Seeing her husband's chuckle, Qinglian silently nodded her head, walked over and sat down on Young Master Liu's legs.

Liu Mingzhi embraced the beauty's slender and slightly plump willow waist with both hands, sniffing the beauty's strands of blue silk exuding a faint fragrance, and sighed softly.

"Silly Lian'er, what's wrong with you looking so unhappy? Are you still blaming yourself for what happened to Hoshino?"

Qinglian nodded silently, and leaned her pretty face on her husband's shoulder with a pretty face.

"Husband, is Lian Er very bad today?"

"How could it be? Good Lian'er, you are not bad! In my husband's mind, all of you sisters are the best women in the world. To be able to marry your sisters as wives is because of my three lifetimes of cultivation. luck."

When Qinglian heard Liu Mingzhi's affectionate words, a bitter smile could not help but rise from the corner of her lips.

"Husband, don't comfort Lian'er.

After the banquet was over, I went back to my room and thought a lot. I really shouldn't interfere in the affairs between you, your husband, and the country girls.

Even if Lian'er came out of kindness, she shouldn't interfere in the affairs between you.

Hoshino is such a pure and innocent person, it's really too much for my concubine to try to get her drunk.

Whenever she recalled the innocent smile of Hoshino, Lian'er couldn't help but feel a little guilty. What happened today was really wrong.

Although the original intention of the concubine to do this is out of good intentions, the concubine has overlooked one point, that is, good intentions may sometimes do bad things.

Husband, why don't you just blame Lian'er for a few words, otherwise Lian'er might not be able to get over this hurdle in her heart. "

Liu Mingzhi let go of the hands holding the beauty's waist, got up slightly and reached out to pick up the porridge bowl on the tray. Seeing this, Qinglian hurriedly took the porridge bowl from her husband's hand.

"Husband, it's inconvenient for you to drink porridge while sitting on your lap, so I will feed you."

Qinglian filled a spoon with a little porridge, blew it gently, and carefully sent it to her husband's mouth.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of porridge, and took advantage of the situation to hug the beauty's waist again.

"Lian'er, I really don't blame you for this matter, you don't need to blame yourself, if you really want to blame it, you should blame your husband."

"How can you blame your husband? It's obviously the concubine's fault."

"Of course it's your husband's fault. If your husband didn't get into trouble first and had something beyond friendship with Hoshino, you wouldn't be thinking about getting her drunk today.

If you really want to say something wrong, it is also your husband's fault, and it has nothing to do with you.

Silly Lian'er, you did this just to fulfill the good things between your husband and Hoshino, after all your original intention is still for your husband.

You are so considerate of your husband, how can your husband blame you? "

Hearing her husband's gentle and considerate words, Qinglian's pretty eyes instantly burst into deep emotion.

"Really? Husband, do you really not blame the concubine?"

"I really don't blame you, I don't blame you not only for my husband, but even if it's Hoshino, she wouldn't blame you either.

Don't say that you didn't get her drunk today, even if you really got her drunk today, so that she and her husband can naturally become husband and wife, Hoshino will not blame you.

My husband doesn't want to lie to you, and I never wanted to. My husband can tell you frankly that the distance between me and Hoshino is truly harmonious, but it's just the last step.

Therefore, even if you really got Hoshino drunk and caused something to happen between her and my husband, it would only speed up the speed of me and her blending in water.

That is to say, no matter whether Lian Er you pour Hoshino or not, we both may reach that step in the end.

It's just a matter of time, so how can Hoshino blame you?

Alas, if you want to blame, blame your husband.

It's my husband's fault that I'm too bothered. I already have a group of charming Yingying Yanyan like you sisters, but I still want to provoke other women. "

"Don't blame the husband, don't blame the husband, it's because the concubine sisters didn't do what a lady should do.

Concubine sisters are now the youngest is over 30 years old, it is time for you to find a few young and beautiful concubines for you to serve your husband.

However, until now, the sisters who are concubines have not even arranged a concubine's room for you, it is because the sisters who are concubines have not done their best.

Husband, why don't you go back and discuss it with Sister Yun immediately, and find two young and beautiful concubines for you as soon as possible?
I don't know what kind of concubine you like, husband. When concubine sisters give you concubines, try to choose your husband according to the appearance you like. "

Looking at Qinglian's serious expression, Liu Mingzhi was both moved and helpless in his heart.

"Lian'er, you don't need to mention the matter of taking a concubine for my husband. If I really wanted to take a concubine for my husband, I would have already taken the initiative to tell you sisters.

To be able to have your sisters by your side in this life is enough to be a husband. "

"However, the sisters who are concubines are old and lustful..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's tangled face, and directly interrupted the beauty's words.



"Lian'er, what my husband said just now is the truth, to be able to stay with all of you sisters is already a blessing for my husband's three lives.

My husband is already at such an age now, and I really don't want to have anything to do with some young and beautiful young girls anymore.

Life is alive, when contentment ah! "

"Then you and Hoshino sister?"

"Hoshino is my husband's old acquaintance, and she is also a stunning beauty who is about the same age as your sisters, that's why my husband had some sexual love with her.

As a husband, you can swear to God with your conscience, if Hoshino is a young girl in the age of cardamom, or in the age of twenty-eight, or in the age of two decades, the husband will never go to this step with her.

Saying this for my husband is not because my husband has changed his temper and no longer loves beauties, but because my husband has his own considerations.

Young and beautiful young girls are certainly beautiful and pleasing to the eye, but for a husband, it is better not to provoke them or not. "

"Oh, the concubine knows."

"Silly Lian'er, don't think too much, feed your husband some porridge."

Qinglian once again filled a spoonful of porridge and put it into her husband's mouth, after a moment of silence, she suddenly said: "Husband, why don't my concubine sisters take Miss Qingrui home?

Although sister Qingrui is a little older now, she is perfect for you, husband.

First of all, sister Qingrui's appearance is the top choice, except for sister Wanyan, almost all of us sisters are slightly inferior.

Secondly, sister Qingrui has a lively and gentle personality, and being with you, my husband, is a match made in heaven.

Thirdly, sister Qingrui is a little older, and she has separated from the young girl you said you don't want to provoke..."



"Let's have some porridge. You sisters don't have to worry about the matter of Ren Yatou. You have to think about it as a husband."

"Oh, well, the concubine knows."

Under Qinglian's service, a bowl of porridge gradually entered Young Master Liu's stomach.

It's the so-called fullness and warmth.

Liu Mingzhi saw Qinglian put the porridge bowl back on the tray, hugged it horizontally, laughed and walked to the soft bed next to the bookshelf for a nap.



The moonlight is hazy, and the autumn night is getting cooler, but it still can't stop the spring scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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