My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2865 Huafa has been born

Chapter 2865 Huafa has been born
The next day, the sun rose and the sky was bright.

Liu Mingzhi just woke up from the gentle village, just in time to see Qinglian, she walked into the study lightly with lotus steps, carrying a copper basin for washing.

Qinglian was about to send the copper basin containing hot water to the washing rack when she saw Liu Mingzhi sitting up on the soft couch at a glance.

"Ah, husband, you are awake, did the concubine's footsteps disturb you?"

Liu Mingzhi yawned with his mouth open, rubbed the filth from the corners of his eyes a few times, got up and stepped on his shoes and walked towards Qinglian.

"No noise, no noise, because my husband woke up naturally after getting enough sleep, what time is Lian Er now?"

"It's not long before the sky brightened, probably just at Chen's hour.

Husband, if you are still a little sleepy, go to sleep for a while, at worst, I will prepare a new pot of hot water for you when the time comes. "

Hearing Qinglian's gentle and considerate words, Liu Mingzhi shook his head cheerfully, reached out to take the copper basin in her hand and put it on the washing rack next to it.

"Don't sleep anymore, since you've already woken up, there's no point in going back to sleep."

"Don't you really need to go to rest? After all, last night, my worked so hard for so long."

"Hey, on weekdays, even if three or five of you sisters go to battle together, your husband can handle it with ease, let alone you, Lian Er, alone last night?
If I hadn't been so tired from watching Lian Er last night, even if I fought you for another three hundred rounds, it wouldn't be a big deal. "

When Qinglian heard Eldest Young Master Liu's proud words, her face was already flushed, and her radiant pretty face instantly added a three-point charm of seductive and dreamy charm.

"Hey, bad husband, you know how to bully my concubine."

"Hehehe, silly Lian'er, you are a good wife for your husband, as a good wife for your husband, who else can you bully if your husband doesn't bully you?

Don't tease you, you go to tidy up your husband's clothes, and you have to change after you wash your clothes. "

Qinglian did not walk towards Ruantang next to the bookshelf, but walked towards the table with tea sets a few steps away.

"Husband, I brought a set of your clothes from the room before I brought the hot water. You can just change into this clothes after you wash up. I will take the clothes from yesterday and wash them for you first." .”

"No need, that dress was just changed yesterday, and it wasn't stained with any dirt, so there's no need to change and wash it so diligently."

"It's true that there is nothing dirty on the clothes, but I don't know how you did it, there are too many creases on the clothes, husband, you don't look elegant when you wear them.

Husband, I know that this sky-blue Confucian robe is a reunion gift from Sister Hoshino, so you just put your heart in your stomach, I won't break it for you. "

Liu Mingzhi spit out the thin salt water in his mouth into the copper basin at his feet, turned his head to look at Qinglian's pretty smiling face and shook his head wryly.

"What are you thinking about? My husband is not afraid that you will ruin the clothes that Xingye gave me, but I don't want Lian Er and you sisters to work so hard.

Your sisters never let the maids get their hands on your husband's clothes, and you always wash them by yourself. If you don't change one piece for your husband, your sisters will have less hard work.

It's obviously for your sake, but you don't appreciate it. "

"Yes, yes, husband, what you say is what you say, hurry up and wash up, and the hot water will stop being cold later."

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi changed into a pale white Confucian gown under the service of Qinglian after washing up.

Qinglian put the ring pendant she took off from the belt on Liu Mingzhi's waist again, and then carefully adjusted the collar under his hair for him, then nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Well, it's finally over."

Liu Mingzhi also sighed helplessly, raised his hand and kneaded the beautiful woman's cheeks and pampered him: "Yes, it's over, ah, a big man as a husband, how can he be so particular, as long as It seems right and proper.

Falling into the hands of your sisters, it can be regarded as hard work for a husband. "

"You can be content with your bad husband. The concubine sisters are so careful not because of your face. After all, you are the king of a country, so you must pay attention to your manners."

"Come on, you sisters can do whatever you want. It's getting late, and it's time for us to eat."

"Okay, my concubine will go get the clothes you changed, husband."

After Liu Mingzhi locked the door of the study, the couple rushed towards the main hall of the inner courtyard hand in hand facing the bright rising sun in the east.

Along the way, Qinglian always looked affectionately at her husband beside her, never taking her gaze away for a moment, and the corners of her lips raised a sweet smile from time to time.

The man next to me who was with her and grew old together, the shadow he left in my heart, I'm afraid I won't be able to erase it in this life!

When the two passed through the corner of the long corridor together, Qinglian's affectionate eyes suddenly froze as she looked at her husband, and her slow walking steps suddenly stopped.


"Ah? What's wrong, Lian'er?"

Seeing the puzzled look on her husband's face, Qinglian put the clothes in her hands on her arms, raised her jade hand and stretched it towards the temple next to Young Master Liu's ear tremblingly.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's delicate and nervous face in confusion, lowered his head slightly and asked softly, "Lian'er, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Qinglian didn't answer Liu Mingzhi's question, her arms trembling slightly pulled out a strand of hair from his ear and pinched it between her fingers.

Under the reflection of the morning sun, Qinglian stared blankly at the gray hair exuding light, and there was a hint of sadness in her pretty eyes.

"Husband, actually have gray hair, you have gray hair!"

When Liu Mingzhi heard Qinglian's repressed words, he immediately felt dumbfounded. Qinglian was making a fuss before, and he thought she saw something terrible on his head!
At that moment just now, I was still faintly nervous, thinking that I had encountered some conspiracy, but after a long time, it turned out to be just a white hair.

This silly woman is really scaring people to death!

Liu Mingzhi smiled disapprovingly, raised his hand and followed Qinglian's jade hand towards his ear, and directly pinched the strand of hair between her fingers and pulled it hard.

Liu Mingzhi pinched the hair between his fingers and gently rubbed it a few times, then handed the hair to Qinglian's face nonchalantly and waved it a few times.

"Lian'er, you might as well frighten me to death, my husband was really shocked by your startled expression just now.

Isn't it just a white hair?Why are you making such a fuss?It’s as if you’ve never seen white hair before…”

Liu Mingzhi's words were only halfway through, and he didn't continue. He slightly lowered his head again to look at the gray hair pinched between his fingers, and his expression changed from initial disapproval to silence. .

When the words were halfway through, he suddenly realized what it meant to have white hair in the eyes of people of Dalong's age.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the gray hair between his fingers for a long time without saying a word, he never thought that he had already had gray hair so early.

Gray hair is born!Gray hair is born!
Are you really old?
Maybe, maybe I am really old.

Liu Mingzhi silently suppressed the melancholy thoughts in his heart, looked at Qinglian's pretty face with a smile on his face, and casually threw the gray hair in his hand to the ground.

"Oh, Lian'er, what's your expression? Isn't it just white hair? Why do you look like this?

Let's go, let's have breakfast. "

(End of this chapter)

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