Chapter 2866
Qinglian was not at all moved by Liu Mingzhi's pretendingly relaxed words, she silently bent over and knelt and glanced at the ground beside the two of them.

"Lian'er, what are you doing? It's getting late, we should go have breakfast."
Regarding her husband's words, Qinglian was still as indifferent as before, and carefully inspected the ground with her pair of pretty eyes.

After a short breath, Qinglian's graceful and delicate body trembled imperceptibly, and she directly stretched out her white and tender hands to pinch the seemingly empty ground.

In the blink of an eye, that gray-white hair returned between the beauty's fingers again,
Qinglian held her hair tightly and remained silent for a long time, then suddenly moved her lotus feet and walked behind First Young Master Liu.

"Good Lian'er, can you stop being so surprised?"

Qinglian didn't seem to hear her husband's words, she pressed a pair of jade hands directly on Liu Mingzhi's shoulders, and looked carefully at Liu Mingzhi's hair tied up with a hairpin.

"Lian'er, what are you doing? Didn't my husband tell you? It's just a white hair, you really don't need to make such a fuss.

Although Wei Fu is now at the peak of his spring and autumn, but after all, he has reached such an age, and having one or two white hairs on his head is nothing at all.

You must know that when Father Huang was the same age as Weifu, the white hair on his head was already clearly visible.

Besides, it's not just my husband alone, many people of my husband's age already have gray hair, this is completely normal, isn't it good? "

Qinglian turned a deaf ear to Liu Mingzhi's words, and carefully stroked his hair with her slender fingers.

"Don't move, husband, you will get angry if you move your concubine again."

Listening to Qinglian's seemingly calm but trembling words, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart, slightly bent his knees and let him examine his hair carefully.

He also felt a little melancholy about the fact that he already had gray hair, but he still felt that Lian Er was making a fuss over a molehill.

After all, in my opinion, isn't it normal to be born with white hair?

I don't know how long it has passed, Qinglian Jiaoyan let go of Liu Mingzhi's hair in a sense of loss, and walked in front of him with difficulty.

"Six hairs, husband, you have six gray hairs now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian's pretty face with worry, opened his arms and gently hugged the beautiful woman into his arms.

"Lian'er, can you stop this expression, my husband only has six gray hairs now, your expression looks as if my husband has a full head of gray hair now.

We are all human beings, and we are not immortals. It is only natural that we will have gray hair when we reach a certain age.

Be good, be obedient, stop frowning on this matter, let's go to dinner. "

Qinglian snuggled into Liu Mingzhi's arms and remained silent for a long time, then nodded with reddish eyes.

"Well, the concubine listens to my husband and goes to eat. Husband, you should let go of the concubine first."

Liu Mingzhi didn't know what Qinglian was going to do again, so he let go of his hands hugging the beautiful woman's back.

Qinglian took a few heavy breaths, pinched the strands of hair between her fingers and casually untied the exquisite purse tied around Liu's waist.

Under Liu Mingzhi's gaze, Qinglian carefully wrapped her gray hair around her scallion-white jade finger several times, and carefully put it into the purse in her hand.

It was obviously just an ordinary strand of hair, but in Qinglian's hands it seemed to weigh as much as a thousand weights.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mingzhi couldn't understand that Qinglian still hadn't really let go of her heart.

"Oh, Lian'er, why are you doing this?"



"Never forget your promise to the concubine sisters, you said that you will accompany us to grow old together.

It doesn't matter if you say that the concubine is unreasonable, or you say that the concubine doesn't know the seriousness, in short, you must fulfill your promise to us sisters.

If you dare to break the contract, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life.

Not only the concubine, but all the sisters will never forgive you for the rest of their lives. "

Liu Mingzhi grinned for a while, reached out to caress the beauty's coiled hair and nodded heavily.

"Fool, this is a white-headed agreement between our husband and wife. How could my husband break the agreement?"

Qinglian nodded with reddish eyes, silently re-tied the purse in her hand to the ribbon around Liu's waist, raised her hand to hold Liu Mingzhi's wrist and rushed straight towards the main hall.

"Husband, when you have some free time, help Lian Er check whether my head has grown white hair."

"Lian'er, you don't need to check carefully, you only need to scan it roughly, Lian'er, you don't have a single white hair on your head."

"I believe in my husband, but it's better to check carefully, don't you want to?"

"How is this possible, my husband is of course willing, as long as Lian'er thinks, I can help you to check carefully when my husband is free.

By the way, Lian'er, I have something to tell you. "


"Don't tell your sister Yun and the others about the fact that your husband has gray hair. They will see it when they see it. If they can't see it, you don't have to mention these things to them.

From my husband's point of view, this is a very common thing. If you tell them, maybe they will make a fuss like you.

My husband is not afraid of you knowing, but my husband is afraid that your sisters will think wildly. "

Listening to her husband's gentle words, Qinglian took Liu Mingzhi's hand and remained silent for a long time with a complicated face, then nodded slightly to Young Master Liu with slightly sideways eyes.

"Well, I'll listen to you, I won't tell my sisters about these things.

However, if the sisters saw the white hair on your husband like the concubine, you must not think that the concubine missed something. "

"Of course, Lian'er, no one knows what kind of personality you have like your husband. As long as you promise that your husband will not tell Yun'er and the others, you will definitely not tell them how many sisters you have."

"That's about the same, just remember what you said today, so that you won't be wronged and leaked secrets when the time comes."

"What are you talking about? Is your husband like that?"

Liu Mingzhi could tell that Qinglian had been in a bad mood ever since he saw the white hair on her head, so he purposely chatted with her about some interesting topics to distract her.

Qinglian is not a fool, she naturally understands her husband's thoughts, she turned her eyes to see the funny appearance of her husband deliberately teasing her, and gradually suppressed the melancholy in her heart, and smiled to set it off.

The couple were chatting and laughing, and before they knew it, they had come to the main hall full of laughter.

"Yo, my husband, Sister Lian'er, I'm willing to get up, we sisters thought you two would sleep until the sun was up!"

When Qinglian heard Qi Ya's teasing words, she rolled her eyes coquettishly, let go of Liu Mingzhi's wrist, walked to her seat and sat down.

"Sister Ya, you are really bad, be careful, don't let my sister catch the intimacy between you and your husband in the future.

Otherwise, sister, I will definitely let you know what sharp teeth are. "

Qi Ya smiled, got up and opened the drawers and dishes on the table one by one.

"Husband, today's breakfast is here, just tell me what you want to eat."

Liu Mingzhi rolled up his sleeves, and sat down on the stool carelessly.

"Sister Ya, it's fine to come by yourself for your husband, and you can continue to eat yours."

(End of this chapter)

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