Chapter 2867
Qi Ya smiled lightly and nodded her head as a signal, leaned over and pushed the drawer and dishes in front of Liu Mingzhi, then sat on the chair gracefully and slowly swallowed the millet porridge.

Liu Mingzhi picked up a small steamed bun with chopsticks, dipped it in the sauce and stuffed it into his mouth, then glanced at the family members in the hall in surprise.

"Huh? Why don't you see Chengfeng, Chengzhi, where are the two brothers? Have they already eaten?"
Because Liu Mingzhi was chewing on the steamed buns, although his words were a bit vague, Qi Yun still understood what he meant.

"Husband, the cabinet officials came to our house two quarters ago, saying that there are several important documents in the sixth department that need to be taken care of, Cheng Zhi and his brothers immediately rushed to the Ten Kings Hall to review them.

No, the two brothers hastily drank two mouthfuls of millet porridge, grabbed two buns and rushed to the palace to do government affairs. "

Hearing Qi Yun's explanation, Liu Mingzhi nodded with great satisfaction, and ate a mouthful of buns and porridge.

"It's good to sleep and eat because of government affairs. It's a bit like a prince."

Liu Ming said something casually to the people in the hall, then picked up a basket of shrimp dumplings and put them in front of him, and started to eat again.

All the beauties, who were drinking millet porridge in an elegant manner, paused after hearing her husband's words, and took a sneak peek at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting in the main seat intentionally or unintentionally.

It's kind of like a crown prince.

Who is the person speaking in this sentence?

Is it the eldest son Liu Chengfeng?Or the eldest son Liu Chengzhi?Or the third son, Liu Chengqian, who was sitting beside him silently drinking millet porridge?
In the past, my husband never mentioned the subject of the crown prince in front of his sisters and others. Why did he suddenly bring it up like this today?
Could it be that my husband intends to appoint a child as the crown prince?But he just said this and then shut up. How can people guess who he intends to be the crown prince.

Of the three older children, who was he referring to by what he just said?
For a moment, all the beauties in the hall felt somewhat upset because of Liu Mingzhi's words just now.

The sisters wanted to ask something, but they didn't know how to ask.

For so many years, my husband has rarely mentioned the topic of the crown prince in front of his sisters and others. If you ask him rashly, what should you do if your husband becomes unhappy?
All the beauties silently put away their sneaky glances at her husband, and drank the porridge in their hands in silence.

Qi Yun, the third princess, and Qinglian sisters looked at each other tacitly, and they all saw the complicated meaning in each other's eyes.

Qi Yun gently pursed her cherry lips, pinched the spoon with her slender fingers and stirred gently, staring blankly at the sweet and delicious millet porridge, completely unable to arouse the slightest appetite.

With a silent sigh, Qi Yun casually put the porridge bowl in his hand on the table.

Alas, I hope that the relationship between our sisters for so many years will not cause any gaps due to the matter of the crown prince between the children!

No matter who my husband appoints as the crown prince, I can support him without any objection, but I don't know what the other two sisters think.

When Qi Yun was feeling melancholy, the third princess and Qinglian were in a state of disarray.

How to do?Sister Yun, Sister Lian'er, will the two of them think wildly because of the matter of her husband's appointment as the crown prince?My husband is a man of great talent and vision, and his decision on which child to be the crown prince must have been made after careful consideration.

Regardless of whether it is Chengfeng, Chengzhi, or Chengqian, who among the three brothers is registered as the prince and crown prince, as long as the three brothers can live in harmony in the future, I will be satisfied.

I can see it openly, but I don't know what Sister Yun and Sister Lian are thinking!

Smelly husband, stinky husband, why are you saying this all of a sudden?
Chengfeng's personality is similar to that of a concubine, and he is not good enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility of a prince.

Lian'er, I have mentioned to you more than once, I don't want Chengfeng to contaminate that position, why don't you listen to my concubine's words?
No matter what decision you make, I will obey you, but you should at least communicate with us sisters first, so that we can be mentally prepared!

Now that my husband suddenly said such a word, what should the concubine sisters do?
The three Qi Yun sisters had different thoughts, but they all came to the same goal. They were all worried that what Liu Mingzhi said suddenly just now would affect the relationship between their sisters for more than 20 years.

Liu Mingzhi burped softly, raised his head and glanced at the group of ladies who were holding porridge bowls in silence for a week.

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Qingshi... why are you sisters so dazed? Hurry up and drink the porridge, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Understood, sisters who are concubines can drink as soon as they blow."

Liu Lianiang, who was sitting next to the little cutie, burped heavily, and pushed her remaining half bowl of millet porridge in front of First Young Master Liu with a slightly red face.

"Daddy, Lianiang eats too many shrimp dumplings, and I can't finish the millet porridge. Can you help Lianiang drink the rest?"

First Young Master Liu looked down at the half bowl of millet porridge that Liu Lianniang pushed in front of him, and tapped the little girl's forehead a few times with his chopsticks lovingly.

"Stinky girl, you haven't really been hungry, otherwise, you wouldn't have said that you couldn't eat anymore.

Back then, when Dad and I led hundreds of thousands of soldiers galloping across the deserted battlefield, not to mention the fragrant millet porridge, even a sip of hot water was hard to drink.

At that time, Dad and the soldiers dreamed of drinking a bowl of hot porridge to warm their bodies.

However, because of the urgent military situation, Dad and the soldiers insisted on eating dry food for ten days and a half months to satisfy their hunger.

You, that is, you have not tasted that taste, you have not suffered that pain! "

Liu Lianiang looked at her father sighing with emotion, she pouted her mouth and was silent for a moment, then raised her little hand and brought her porridge bowl back to her face.

"Daddy, Lianiang knows she's wrong, she just needs to finish the millet porridge, but can I wait for Lianiang to take a breath before drinking?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl who knew her mistakes and corrected them with a light smile, and nodded with a smile on her face.

"of course."

"Yeah, thank you daddy."

"Silly girl, you must remember what your father said, and don't waste food easily at any time, because you don't know when you will be hungry."

"Yeah, daddy's teachings must be kept in mind by the child."

"It's so good, then take a breath and try to drink all the food into your belly."

"Yes, Lian Niang obeys."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl's serious appearance, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Hahaha, Lianiang is awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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