My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2871 Take it from the people, use it for the people

Chapter 2871 Take it from the people, use it for the people

Liu Yaoyao, Liu Chengqian, sister and brother walked away step by step and looked back three times. Qi Yun, the three princesses and the other beauties kept waving their jade hands, their beautiful eyes full of reluctance.

"Yaoyao, Chengqian, no matter how busy you are on the road, don't forget to eat on time, and you must take good care of your body."
"Yaoyao, Chengqian, if you see a change in the sky, you must wear more clothes, and don't catch the wind and cold."

"Son, take a rest when you're tired, your body is more important than anything else."


Amid the beauties yelling at each other, Liu Yaoyao's brother and sister finally disappeared at the end of the street outside the gate of Liu's Mansion.

Seeing the reluctance of all the beauties, Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, and silently walked towards the mansion with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, let's go back, the two children are so old, they already know how to take care of their bodies, as for the constant explanations?

A woman is a woman, hypocritical. "

When all the beauties heard Young Master Liu's pretentiously calm words, they all turned around and glared at each other. Seeing that her husband had already walked into the gate of the mansion, they immediately chased after him with their skirts up.

"Smelly husband, why is my concubine so hypocritical, don't you know that my mother is worried about my son traveling thousands of miles?"

"That's right, the children are the flesh that fell from the bodies of concubine sisters. Let's worry about why their bodies will not work? Why are they hypocritical?"

"Yes, concubine sisters are hypocritical, just now I don't know who's face made the old elder grow up, it's almost comparable to the face of a donkey, especially the face is so heavy that it's almost dripping water .”

"Bad husband, what you said is really too much. Are the children the children of the concubines and sisters alone? Don't they call you..."

Listening to the angry words of the beauties behind him, First Young Master Liu couldn't help speeding up his pace, which seemed to be running away.

"Don't run, if you have the ability to say it, if you have the ability, don't run!"

"That's right, weren't you very brave just now? Let's continue."

As soon as the time turned, it was already three days later.

When the moon and stars were thin and the sky was hazy, Liu Mingzhi had already started to get up and take a shower.

Ling Weier and Yun Xiaoxi sisters saw that Young Master Liu had finished washing, put down the wooden comb in their hands, got up and walked to the closet not far away.

"Husband, today is the grand court meeting, are you wearing a dragon robe or ordinary clothes?"

Liu Mingzhi put down the cups used for washing in his hands, stretched his arms high, and walked towards the full-length mirror next to Yun Xiaoxi's dressing table.

"Today's grand court meeting, because my husband wants to summon envoys from various countries to the palace, it is not appropriate to wear ordinary clothes, wearing a dragon robe."

"Okay, the concubine knows it, by the way, husband, do you want to wear a crown?"

"Ping Tianguan!"

"Okay, my concubine sister will help you change immediately."

"That's right, Will."

"Husband? What's the matter?"

"Here, let Xiaoxi change Weifu's clothes first. Now you go to your sister Yun's place and get Weifu's Heavenly Sword."

"Hey, the concubine will go right away."

About half a stick of incense passed, Liu Mingzhi got dressed in his clothes under the service of Yun Xiaoxi and his sisters.

Seeing Yun Xiaoxi wearing Long Wenpei for First Young Master Liu, Ling Weier directly picked up the Heavenly Sword on the dressing table next to him and handed it to him.

"Husband, Heavenly Sword."

Liu Mingzhi took the Heavenly Sword handed by the beauty, casually and naturally put it on his waist, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked towards the outside of the beauty's boudoir with high strides.

"Wei'er, Xiaoxi, I have gone to court for my husband, you go and sort out your own affairs."

"Yes, sisters who are concubines send off their husbands respectfully."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi walked out of the gate of Liu's mansion, Liu Song, who had been waiting outside the mansion for a long time, immediately opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Master, please board the car."


After a few cups of tea, Liu Song's carriage stopped steadily outside the palace gate. As soon as Liu Mingzhi jumped off the carriage, a group of imperial guards saluted immediately.

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Yang Tai."

"The minister is here."

"Have all the civil and military officials entered the palace now?"

"Return to Your Majesty, all the adults are entering the palace one after another."

"I know, continue to be on duty."

"As ordered, I respectfully send His Majesty back to the palace."

"Master, should we go directly to the main hall now, or go to the back hall by detour?"

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, pondered for a moment, then raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the harem.

"It's still early, and all the civil and military officials should not have arrived yet. Let's go to the back hall to have a cup of tea first."

"Okay, please, young master."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi's master and servant arrived at the apse of Qinzheng Palace, Xiao Chengzi greeted Young Master Liu with a respectful expression.

"The old slave welcomes His Majesty."

"Excuse me, I'm a little thirsty, have you prepared some tea?"

"This old slave knows that today is the day of the Great Court Meeting, so how dare he not prepare tea for His Majesty in advance. The old slave who participates in tea has just been placed in the hall, Your Majesty please."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, holding the hilt of the Heavenly Sword with his backhand, walked straight into the hall and sat down on a chair.

"Your Majesty, drink tea. There is also ginseng tea in the pot next to it. After your Majesty finishes drinking, let Brother Song refill the cup."


"Brother Song, this cup of tea is for you, please."

"It's work."

"It should be, it should be."

"Your Majesty, old slave, I will go to the bead curtain to watch first, and when all the civil and military officials have arrived, I will report to you immediately."



Not long after, Liu Mingzhi was sipping tea silently, seemingly pensive, when Xiao Chengzi trotted over in a hurry.

"Report to Your Majesty, all civil and military officials have entered the palace."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, put the teacup in his hand on the table, got up and hurried towards the front hall of Qinzheng Palace.

Accompanied by Liu Song and Liu Song, Liu Mingzhi walked through the bead curtain, boarded the dragon platform and sat down on the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty is here, and all the officials are present."

"My ministers and others, see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live."
"All ministers, please be seated without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Which lover has a book to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister's household department has a book to play."


Jiang Yuanming walked to the center of the hall holding the wat, took out a document from his cuff and held it in his hand.

"Your Majesty, as of two days ago, the autumn taxes of all the state capitals of the court have been stored and sealed, and the specific amounts of each tax have been listed one by one in the document. Your Majesty, please have a look."

"The document is on hold, and the specific amount of the autumn tax will be reported."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, all taxes are measured in silver, and the total tax amount is more than 320 taels of silver.

Compared with last year's autumn tax, the tax amount has increased by about 850 million taels, and compared with this year's spring tax and summer tax, each has increased by about 720 million taels and 610 million taels.

Now the treasury of my imperial court is once again abundant and sufficient, which is really gratifying.

Here, it is all due to His Majesty's diligence in governing and loving the people, and the contribution of benevolence and virtue.

Long live my emperor. "

After listening to Jiang Yuanming's report, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help a faint smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Why is the autumn tax this year so high? You won't set up other taxation items without permission, right?"

Liu Mingzhi's calm and indifferent words caused the hearts of all the civil and military officials in the palace to thump, and they hurriedly held up the wat to salute.

"I dare not wait."

Liu Mingzhi beat all the civil and military officials on a daily basis, watched the nervous expressions of all the civil and military officials below the Longtai, and cheerfully put his hands up.

"My dear friends, there is no need to be nervous. I am just making a small joke. I have seen your hard work and remembered it in my heart. Don't be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is wise."

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Where does the big tax come from? Is it a commercial tax?"

"Your Majesty is wise, among all the taxes, commercial taxes account for about [-] percent.

The imperial court has encouraged private caravans to do business for many years. Now, whether it is in the north and south of our dynasty, or in the territory of the countries of the Western Regions, or in the countries of the Western Regions under the jurisdiction of our Western Expedition Army, there are my Dalong caravans footprint.

It can be said that now my Dalong caravan has spread all over the world.

The private merchants, large and small, are grateful for His Majesty's kindness and the court's kindness. In recent years, all of them have spontaneously and enthusiastically turned in taxes to thank His Majesty for His grace. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and tapped his fingers lightly on the dragon table.

"Taking from the people, using for the people.

The people love the king, and the king should treat the people kindly, and the treasury of the court will be rich. This is my achievement and yours.

When it comes to people's livelihood and government affairs, you must not slack off, you must be worthy of the love and affection of the people. "

"Your Majesty is holy, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

(End of this chapter)

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