Chapter 2872 I am old
Liu Mingzhi looked at the fearful expressions of all the military officials below the Longtai, and slightly turned sideways to Liu Song who was next to him, nodding his head as a gesture.


"Little obedience."

Liu Song trotted towards the dragon platform, took the document from Jiang Yuanming's hand with a light smile, and turned back.

"Master, do you want to take a look now?"

"Put it away first, and look at it when you go back."

"Yes, little one understands."

"The household department, the old minister is here."

"Are there any other papers besides those for taxes?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is worthless."

Liu Mingzhi habitually wanted Jiang Yuanming to return to his seat, but when he was about to speak, he seemed to think of something.

After a long silence with a slightly melancholy expression, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, looked at the Hubu Shangshu Jiang Yuanming under the Dragon Terrace and asked in a calm tone: "Hubu, since the national treasury is full now, what about my imperial tomb?" It should work again."

When Jiang Yuanming heard Eldest Young Master Liu's words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He looked at Eldest Young Master Liu sitting on the dragon chair in astonishment, and the look of surprise in his eyes flashed away.

After so many years, this was the first time he heard Liu Mingzhi take the initiative to mention the matter of building his imperial tomb.

For a while, Jiang Yuanming couldn't help thinking of some bad things.

Regarding the matter of building his own imperial tomb, His Majesty has always had an attitude of letting nature take its course. Why did he suddenly take the initiative to mention the matter of the imperial tomb today?
Could it be that His Majesty's dragon body appeared... Impossible!

Absolutely impossible!Absolutely impossible!
Jiang Yuanming, oh Jiang Yuanming!What are you thinking about, you old bastard?Your Majesty, he is now at the peak of his spring and autumn, how could the dragon body be in trouble.

His Majesty's complexion is rosy and full of energy, and he looks full of energy at first glance, how could he be ill.

How dare you come up with such a rebellious thought, it is a crime worthy of death.

In fact, Jiang Yuanming was not the only one. After hearing Young Master Liu's words, all the civil and military officials in the palace also involuntarily cast their uneasy eyes on Young Master Liu.

The thoughts in their hearts were similar to those of Jiang Yuanming, and they were all a little surprised that Liu Mingzhi suddenly mentioned the matter of building his imperial tomb.

However, the moment this idea just popped up, all civil and military officials immediately forcibly suppressed this idea, and they all secretly recited the four words "deserving death, crime deserves death" in their hearts.

Liu Mingzhi felt the eyes of civil and military officials on him, and looked at Jiang Yuanming's slightly disturbed expression with a slight frown.


"Old minister... the old minister is here."

"I ask you, since the national treasury is already full, should I be able to use the extra silver to build my imperial mausoleum?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, yes, after the court is over, the old minister immediately summoned his colleagues from the household department to discuss the matter in detail."

"Well, return to your seat."

"The old minister obeyed."

"Ministry of Industry."

Minister of the Ministry of Industry hastily came out holding the imperial wat, looked at Liu Mingzhi sitting on the dragon chair and made a big gift.

"The old minister is here."

"The national treasury has money, and your Ministry of Industry must put the regulations on building the imperial tomb for me as soon as possible."

"The veteran obeyed the order. After the court was over, the veteran immediately called his colleagues from the Ministry of Industry to discuss the matter in detail."

"Okay, do you have paperwork in the Ministry of Industry?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister has no roots."

"Return to your seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After the Minister of the Ministry of Industry returned to his seat and knelt down, Liu Mingzhi calmly glanced at the civil and military officials under Zhou Longtai.

"Men and lords, is there any lover who wants to play?"

All the civil and military officials in the palace looked at each other, and they all saw the complicated and uneasy expressions on each other's faces.

Their minds were still unable to calm down for a long time because of Liu Mingzhi's previous words.

His Majesty, who never cared about the matter of his own imperial tomb, suddenly mentioned the matter of building his own imperial tomb. For the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the pressure brought was not insignificant.

Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, sighed secretly with a disappointed expression, and saluted with the jade wat in his hand.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister Xia Gongming has a book to play."

Liu Mingzhi immediately turned his head to look at Xia Gongming, who was kneeling in the first place, and nodded with a light smile.


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xia Gongming walked to the center of the hall with the Chaohu, and looked at Liu Mingzhi who was sitting on the dragon chair complicatedly with his seemingly dull but sharp eyes.

Xia Gongming looked at Liu Mingzhi hesitantly and remained silent for a long time, then he suddenly knelt down on the ground and saluted First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to advise His Majesty to take care of the dragon body!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xia Gongming, who had an old and serious face under the dragon platform, in surprise, and frowns for a moment, as if he had realized something.


First Young Master Liu laughed dumbfoundedly, and looked at Xia Gongming helplessly.

"Where is the boss!"

"Your Majesty, the old minister is here."

"Excuse me, get up first and talk later, sir, you are already at this age, why should you be so polite in front of me?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, old minister, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"My lord, do you think I'm sick?"

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu in a daze. Although he couldn't see Young Master Liu's expression clearly through the crown of Ping Tianguan, Xia Gongming felt that he seemed to have misunderstood something from his hearty laughter.

"The old minister dare not have such rebellious thoughts, the old minister just hopes that His Majesty can take good care of the dragon body."

Looking down at Xia Gongming's embarrassment and fear, Liu Mingzhi stood up from the dragon chair while holding on to the handle of the Heavenly Sword.

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"You look up and take a closer look, do you look like I'm sick?"

"The old minister is confused, the old minister is confused, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"My lord, raise your head and look at me carefully."

"The old minister obeyed."

When Xia Gongming raised his head, Liu Mingzhi walked steadily and powerfully towards the dragon platform, and stopped three or two steps away from Xia Gongming.

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth raised a slight smile, and he quietly looked at Xia Gongming who was in front of him with an embarrassing expression through the crown of the flat crown.

"My lord, I'm fine."

"The old minister is confused, Your Majesty forgives me."

"My lord, all my ministers, all my loves."

"Sir wait."

"I just realized that, do you think that I suddenly took the initiative to mention the matter of letting you build the imperial tomb, so you subconsciously thought that I was sick?"

"I dare not wait."

"Your Majesty is a body of ten thousand gold, and he will live a long life. Long live my emperor."

"Good guys, I will live a long life for a while, and then I said long live, long live, long live, and I was confused by you. Am I a hundred years old? Or long live?"

"Your Majesty is guilty, long live, long live, long live, long live."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the silence of civil and military officials through the crown, and sighed faintly.

"You dear ones don't need to think too much, I can clearly tell you now that there is nothing unusual about my body.

The reason why I suddenly mentioned the matter of building the imperial tomb today is because I suddenly felt something.

Dear dear friends, although I am in good health, there is one thing I have to admit.

That is, I am old now. "

(End of this chapter)

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