My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2873 Unavoidable

Chapter 2873 Unavoidable
As soon as Liu Mingzhi's words fell, the civil and military officials in the Palace of Qinzheng who had been silent at first became more serious after hearing his words.

Civil and military officials secretly watched Liu Mingzhi standing in front of Xia Gongming, and there was no surprise on his face.

After all, in Dalong, a man in his 30s or even 35 years old can call himself an old man. Liu Mingzhi is now in his early 40s, and it is not a big surprise to say that he is old.

However, although the faces of the civil and military officials did not seem to have the slightest surprise, there were layers of waves in their hearts.

Looking around the world, anyone who is old can say that he is old.

If someone else said the words that they were getting old, they wouldn't be surprised at all.

However, when these words are uttered from the mouth of a man in charge of the emperor, it will bring a completely different invisible pressure to people.

Because, except for His Majesty the Emperor himself, no one can understand what kind of mystery is hidden in his words.

Do you really lament that you are old?Are you still implying something?
If you really lament that you are old, although you and others will be nervous, you will not continue to think wildly, but if you are implying something, then this sentence is worth pondering.

For a while, all civil and military officials kept peeking at First Young Master Liu, trying their best to see something from the expression behind his crown.

Unfortunately, they are doomed to be disappointed.

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth raised a vague smile, his eyes were deep and indifferent, and the expression on his face was extremely calm, giving people a feeling of calmness.

No matter how secretly the civil and military officials observed, they couldn't see anything useful from the expression on Young Master Liu's face.

Liu Mingzhi didn't care about the eyes of the civil and military officials secretly watching him, he glanced at the civil and military officials who were kneeling on both sides for a week with a light smile and said softly: "My loves, why don't you say a word?"

"Your Majesty is in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the ministers dare not speak falsely."

"I'm already in my early 40s. Is it still at the peak of Spring and Autumn?"

"Long live Your Majesty."

The civil and military officials did not answer Liu Mingzhi's question directly, and as always came a panacea answer.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth, and his calm and indifferent eyes fell directly on the old man Xia Gongming in front of him through the bead curtain on the flat crown.

"My lord, do you think that I am now at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period?"
Hearing Young Master Liu's question, Xia Gongming tightened his withered hands holding Yuhu, and hurriedly bowed his head to First Young Master Liu.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister dared to say that the old minister's complexion is rosy, and he is full of energy, which is more energetic than ordinary young men in their prime.

His Majesty is so full of energy, is it really inappropriate to say that it is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period? "

After hearing Xia Gongming's words, all civil and military officials tensed their faces, and hurriedly looked at Xia Gongming standing in the center of the hall, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

At this moment, the civil and military officials could no longer think about Xia Gongming's previous words, and now only the last sentence echoed in their minds.

That is to say, it is really not appropriate to be at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period.

In the hearts of civil and military officials, there were only layers of turmoil in their hearts, but when Xia Gongming said these words, there was an uproar, and a huge wave surged up.

Oh my God?Master Xia, does he know what he is talking about?His Majesty just said that he was old, and your lord said that it is not appropriate to be in the heyday of spring and autumn. Are you really not afraid of your majesty's crimes, my lord?

My lord, my lord, quickly admit your mistake to Your Majesty!The Majesty in front of us is the founding king who was killed out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood!If he was really angry, it would really be the emperor's anger, and he would lay down millions of corpses!

Is Xia Shoufu crazy?Isn't he afraid that His Majesty will be furious?

Could it be that the officer did not have a good rest last night and misheard the words of Mr. Xia, the chief assistant?
what happened?Could it be that Xia Ge misheard His Majesty's question?But even if he misheard His Majesty's question, he couldn't answer it like this!

All civil and military officials were restless and nervous. They really couldn't figure out how Xia Gongming, who was an evergreen tree in the officialdom and a veteran of several dynasties, would say such words.

Among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, some officials were sincerely worried about Xia Gongming, an upright old man, while some officials were afraid that they would be implicated because of Liu Mingzhi's anger.

All kinds of life, in this small temple, in the hearts of civil and military officials, are vividly interpreted in an instant.

After the corner of Liu Mingzhi's eyes glanced over the faces of the officials on both sides one by one, he looked at the calm Xia Gongming with a smile on his mouth and nodded slightly imperceptibly.

"Oh? Since I can't be considered to be at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, my lord might as well talk about how to describe it more appropriately?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, although Your Majesty is over forty years old now, he is still majestic and heroic, and his aura is no less than that of a young man who is full of vigor.

His majesty is so imposing, it is more appropriate to say that he is at the height of the sun. "

Seeing Xia Gongming's upright expression, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

In a short span of time, Young Master Liu's energetic and hearty laughter echoed in the Palace of Qinzheng.

The civil and military officials on both sides stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi, who was laughing heartily, and looked a little stiffly at Xia Gongming, who also had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

So, they began to think carefully about Xia Gongming's words just now.

Fuck you, old man.

His mother, Xia Gongming, you old bastard is really capable!
His grandma, Xia Gongming, you old bastard, you are here waiting for His Majesty and Master Ben Hou!
Heart, heart, what General Ben's father said is so right, the hearts of these civil servants with pens are really dirty.

Some civil and military officials who were still worried about Xia Gongming just now greeted him very much in their hearts in a blink of an eye.

But while cursing, she felt really happy for him.

Liu Mingzhi's laughter gradually subsided, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Young Master Liu happily patted Xia Gongming's shoulder.

"A miracle, a miracle, it is really the greatest miracle of this dynasty.

We have always been known for our uprightness, Mr. Xia Gongming Xia, who is known both inside and outside the government and the public, and now he can even flatter us.

I have to say, the boss's performance today can be said to amaze me! "

Xia Gongming looked at Young Master Liu's smiling face, and inadvertently dropped his stiff arms holding the chao wat.

Xia Gongming breathed a sigh of relief silently, he was very clear in his heart that Liu Mingzhi's stressful question just now had been subtly resolved by himself.

"You made Your Majesty laugh, and to tell you the truth, when the old minister was an official in the state capital when he was young, he had flattered the Shangguan more than once.

There is no way, no one can escape the vulgarity in life!

Although it is unavoidable, the veteran is very fortunate, very fortunate to have retained his innocence.

It made His Majesty laugh, but it made His Majesty laugh. "

Seeing Xia Gongming who was joking with First Young Master Liu, many old foxes gradually came to their senses.

At this time, they also reacted one after another, that is, the invisible pressure from Liu Mingzhi has been subtly resolved by Xia Gongming.

Looking vaguely at Xia Gongming who was talking and laughing with Liu Mingzhi, a group of old foxes said tacitly in their hearts - old fox.

Although they thought so in their hearts, they sincerely thanked Xia Gongming.

They understood that if Xia Gongming didn't solve Liu Mingzhi's question ingeniously, then it might be their turn to answer this question.

(End of this chapter)

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