My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2875 Wait, bless me?

Chapter 2875 Wait, bless me?
Liu Mingzhi looked at the envoys from various countries scattered towards the two sides of the hall, reached out to pick up the tea on the dragon table, took a sip to moisten his throat.

Moisturized by the tea, his slightly dry throat instantly felt much better. Liu Mingzhi, who was chewing the tea lightly, suddenly thought of something again.

Just now, Xia Gongming and his senior ministers had been talking with him for so long, and their mouths should be a little parched.

It's not enough to quench your thirst alone, and you have to take care of the mood of these old lovers.

Liu Mingzhi thought of this, and immediately raised his eyes and glanced at the envoys from various countries who were still looking for their seats.

The envoys from various countries are guests from afar, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have all drank tea, so naturally they cannot be ignored.

After all, he came to Dalong to give him money, and it was a lot of money. He was full of sincerity, how could he, His Majesty the Dalong Emperor, be reluctant to even have a cup of tea.

Otherwise, if people don't come to give me an annual confession in the future, wouldn't I be at a loss.

"Xiao Chengzi."

"The old slave is here."

"I'll show you tea right now, dear ministers, and the envoys from various countries in the palace."

"The old slave complies."

Xiao Chengzi straightened up, walked quickly to the edge of the dragon platform, waved his hands condescendingly to several young eunuchs standing at the entrance of the apse, and said softly: "Your Majesty ordered tea to be served to all the adults and the missionaries of various countries. "

"As ordered."

After receiving the order, several young eunuchs immediately went to the side of the dragon platform and tiptoed to check the number of envoys from various countries in the hall.

They already know the number of civil and military officials, but they still need to check carefully how many envoys are in the palace.

Otherwise, it would be bad if there was less tea.

After the envoys of the missions from various countries found a seat one after another, Liu Mingzhi was about to say something when he lowered his head and found that there were more than a dozen gorgeously dressed foreign envoys standing in the center of the hall.

Seeing the envoys standing motionless under the dragon platform, Liu Mingzhi instinctively thought that there were not enough futons in the hall, and subconsciously scanned the hall.

Huh?Aren't there more than 20 pre-prepared futons beside the Dali Temple officials?
Could it be that these messengers did not see it?

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the tea cover in his hand, and moved his gaze to the envoys in the center of the hall.

"Embassadors, why don't you take your seat? Could it be that you don't know where to sit?"

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's inquiry, the old man in the front of the dozens of people, dressed in a gorgeous red robe, slowly took two steps forward, raised his right hand and performed a strange courtesy to Young Master Liu.

"Go back to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I will find out where to sit."

First Young Master Liu narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing the crappy Chinese spoken by the red-robed old man.

I wait?Shouldn't it be Bundchen?

This red-robed old man dared to call himself "I wait" in front of him, which dependent country these envoys came from, what a big tone!
Liu Mingzhi's calm eyes passed through the crown on Ping Tian's crown, and carefully looked at the clothes and costumes of the envoys in the center of the hall.

In my impression, I don't seem to have seen the envoy of the subordinate country wearing such costumes. Is this the first time for the envoy of this small foreign country to come to Dalong to worship?

If it was the first time to come to Dalong, it would be understandable for the red-robed old man to call himself "I wait" in front of him.

After all, this is the first time he has come to Dalong to worship, and he doesn't know much about Dalong's rules.

Thinking of this, the unhappiness in Liu Mingzhi's heart disappeared instantly, and he fiddled with the tea in the cup with the tea lid with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Emissaries, since you know where to sit, why don't you go and sit?"

"Back to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I am here to bless His Majesty."
Liu Mingzhi fiddled with the tea for a moment, and looked at the smiling red-robed old man under the dragon platform with a slightly surprised face. He suspected that he might have heard it wrong.

A group of envoys from a dependent country said the word "gift" to the Great Dragon Emperor. Are you sure they are not joking?
"Huh? What? For what?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is a blessing!"

When Liu Mingzhi heard the word "blessing" from the mouth of the old man in red again, he felt a little happy.

As for whether this happiness is really happy, or contains other meanings, only Liu Mingzhi himself knows.

Not only was Liu Mingzhi amused, but the civil and military officials in the palace also frowned subconsciously after hearing the crappy Chinese spoken by the red-robed old man, the expressions on their faces were as weird as they could be.

Like First Young Master Liu, they couldn't help wondering whether they had heard it wrong.

How dare a small barbarian from a foreign country say this word to me, His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty?

Even if he ate the bear heart and leopard guts, he probably wouldn't be able to say such a thing, would he?

We must have been frightened by the question His Majesty asked just now, so we had auditory hallucinations because our minds have not yet calmed down.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and sipped a sip of tea, and looked down playfully at the red-robed old man under the dragon platform.

"You just said that you want to bless me, are you serious?"

"Go back to His Majesty the Emperor, that's right."

This time, the civil and military officials in the hall finally confirmed that they did not have auditory hallucinations, let alone misheard. The barbarian standing in the middle of the hall actually said that they wanted to bless His Majesty.


I'm a good boy, this barbarian old bastard probably doesn't know what a teacher of the king is, right?

Although I don't know the name of this barbarian, I admire his courage from the bottom of my heart, and I am willing to call him the number one 'warrior' in the world.

Who is this person?from where?He is even braver than Lu Bu, I admire him, I really admire him.

This barbarian old man doesn't look like a fool, so why would he say such self-defeating words?His Chinese is so bad, could it be that what he really wanted to say was that he hoped His Majesty would bless them, but because he was not proficient in Chinese, he misexpressed his meaning?
Liu Mingzhi looked down at the red-robed old man condescendingly with a light smile on his face, as if he was calm and not worried that he would be punished, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Is it because the barbarian envoy is not proficient in Chinese, and he expressed his meaning wrongly, or does this old man have some kind of confidence that can make him calm?

"I ask you, what country are you from? What's your name?"

"Back to Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I am from the Holy See, and my name is Yelulivi. I am the Cardinal Archbishop of the Holy See and the envoy of the Lord."

Holy See?Is that from Rome?

hiss!By the way, hasn't this Roman country been crushed by the soldiers who led the army from the left to the west by his uncle's madness?
The country of Rome has already fallen under the cavalry of the dragon, let alone the so-called Holy See?
Since the red-clothed Archbishop Yelu Levy is from the Holy See, it is impossible not to have seen the powerful scene of the dragon and iron cavalry attacking the city in the territory of Rome, and the horse stepped on the joint camp!

His hometown has already fallen under the iron cavalry of the Dalong Expeditionary Army. If so, what gave him the confidence to go to Dalong's native land to say such a thing?
Could it be that this Holy See is not the Holy See of the Roman State that I know?
In other words, Yelu Levy really misexpressed his own meaning just because he was not proficient in Dalong's words.

(End of this chapter)

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