My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2876 Crowning you

Chapter 2876 Crowning you
Liu Mingzhi pondered secretly for a moment, full of doubts, and looked thoughtfully at the so-called red-clothed archbishop from the Holy See under the dragon platform again.

"Cardinal, Yelu Levi?"

"Back to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, this is exactly my name."

"Are you from the Holy See?"

"Go back to His Majesty the Emperor, that's right."

"Then do you know about the Great Food Kingdom and the Tianzhu Kingdom?"

After hearing Young Master Liu's question, Archbishop Yelu Levy in red immediately froze with a faint smile on his face.

He was stunned for a moment, and Yeluliwei looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting on the dragon chair in astonishment and asked, "Your Majesty, how do you know about Dashi Kingdom and Tianzhu Kingdom? Could it be that your Majesty the Emperor?" Have you been to the two countries of Dashi and Tianzhu?"

Liu Mingzhi saw the surprised expression on the face of Archbishop Yelu Levy in red, and he finally confirmed in his heart that the Holy See he mentioned just now belonged to the soldiers who were led by his uncle Zhang Kuang to lead the army to conquer the west. the Roman state.

Otherwise, Yelu Levi would never have shown such an expression when he heard him say the names of Dashi and Tianzhu.

Since he came from the Roman country that he knew, why did he look so calm in front of him?

Is it really because he is not proficient in Da Long Han dialect, thus expressing his meaning wrongly.

Maybe it's because of other reasons, it's better to ask more carefully.


"His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Where did I know about the Great Food Kingdom and Tianzhu Kingdom? You don't have to ask, I ask you, since you are from the Holy See, can you tell me about the recent situation of the Holy See?"

"Returning to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I am really sorry. In order to spread the glory of the Lord, I have led the envoys of the Lord to leave the Holy See for many years. Therefore, I cannot explain to you the latest situation of the Holy See in Rome."

"Huh? It has been many years since you left the Holy See?"

"Return to His Majesty the Emperor, that is exactly the case."

"Then how did you come to my Dalong capital?"

"Back to Your Majesty the Emperor, we are the Dalong who came here on a sea boat from the Anla Kingdom. After I preached to the Anla Kingdom, I accidentally learned from the king of the Anla Kingdom that there is such a big dragon in the far east. Prosperous country.

After we learned about this, we also heard that the king of Anla was going to send envoys to Dalong, so after we discussed it, we took a sea boat with them to Dalong. "

After Liu Mingzhi heard Yelu Levi's explanation, he sneered a few times with a clear expression.

No wonder the old Yelulivi dared to say those words in front of him. It turned out that he still didn't know that their Roman country had fallen under the iron cavalry of the dragon a long time ago.

First Young Master Liu suppressed the tangled look on his face, put the tea in his mouth and tasted it silently.

Xia Gongming, Wei Yong, Tong Sansi, Liubu Shangshu and Nine Temple Ministers, the powerful senior officials in the court, looked at each other silently after hearing the explanation from the Red Clothes Archbishop Yelulivi.

Rome?Holy See?

Isn't that one of the small barbarian countries that Zhang Shuai led my dragon cavalry to destroy?
All the officials unanimously came up with this idea, and their eyes fell on Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

"Song Shangshu, I vaguely remember that among the small barbarian countries that Zhang Shuai and the others destroyed, there seems to be this Roman country among them?"

"That's right, this official also remembers that there is indeed a Roman country, but it's been so long that I can't remember it clearly.

Song Shangshu, tell me quickly, is there any Roman state in the archives sealed by your Ministry of War? "

"Yes, yes, Song Shangshu, tell me quickly, don't be embarrassed if you make a mistake."

Song Yu heard the questioning words from several colleagues, squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

"Among the many small barbarian countries destroyed by the left army of the Western Expeditionary Army, there is indeed the existence of this Roman State.

Probably a small barbarian country in the south of the Great Food Kingdom and north of the Frankish Kingdom. I don't remember the specific situation of the Roman Kingdom clearly. "

"It turns out that it is really the Roman country that was trampled down by my dragon cavalry. That's interesting. Because Yeluliwei has not been in his homeland for a long time, he doesn't know what happened to his country.

By the way, Mr. Wang, after they stayed in Honglu Temple as a mission, didn't you tell them about the rules of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty? "

"Xia Shoufu, my lords, as the minister of Honglu Temple, how could I not carefully explain to them the rules of my dragon after they moved into Honglu Temple?
You must know that if these missions inadvertently collide with His Majesty's Tianwei, Xiaguan, the minister of the Honglu Temple, will also be the first to bear the responsibility.

To be honest, I have a good impression of this red-clothed archbishop Yelu Levi. When he was in Honglu Temple, this person and his envoys were much more obedient than other missions.

It's just that I didn't expect that the officials, who are very dutiful and disciplined, would do such a thing to the officials today.

The subordinate now only hopes that Yelu Levi expresses his meaning wrongly because he is not good at speaking, otherwise, the life of the subordinate will be miserable. "

A group of old foxes looked at the depressed expression on Wang Hezheng's face, and complimented him teasingly.

"Lord Wang, don't worry, don't worry, what a big deal."

"My lord, you are His Majesty's minister, right hand and right arm. How could His Majesty make things difficult for you because of such a small matter? Just relax."

While the civil servants were discussing with each other softly, the military officers were also discussing things about the Roman state in a low voice.

"Old Marquis, why does this general at the end of the Roman kingdom sound so familiar? Is it the Roman kingdom that the Lord Protector and the others destroyed?"

Rongwei Hou Cai Jun silently clasped the chao wat in his hand, and snorted a few times with a playful expression.

"Is it still important? Don't you think we should discuss how this Yelulivi will die now?

Master Ben Hou opened the market, with 500 taels as the bottom and 2000 taels as the cap, and you pay two for one, so everyone is here to bet. "

"Let's not say that this dynasty has already abolished the punishment of barbarian three and nine, and let's say, even if His Majesty wants to kill the three barbarian clans and punish the nine clans, but the nine clans of others are no longer our Dalong. It is estimated that there is no way to achieve it.

Secondly, His Majesty is not the kind of emperor who likes to torture people, so he probably will give them a good time.

At the end of the day, 500 taels will be pressed, and the decision will be made. "

"Old Hou Ye, the last general will also come for 500 taels, and he will be killed with a stick."

"At the end of the day, 500 taels will be beheaded for public display."

"500 taels in the future is also a decision."

"King Wu Yi, what about you?"

Song Qing glanced sideways at Cai Jun's smiling expression, smiled lightly and tapped the ground next to the futon with his fingers.

"2000 taels, the capital will keep them safe and sound."

After hearing Song Qing's words, some military officers who were preparing to bet one after another, immediately swallowed the words that came to their lips.

Those military officers took a sneak peek at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the dragon chair and sipping tea, then shifted their eyes to Song Qing, and finally settled on Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun.

Among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, whoever is most familiar with His Majesty's character is of course Wu Yi Wang Qiansui.

He actually bet that His Majesty would not offend these foreign barbarians, so should he follow him?
But then again, these barbarian envoys dared to speak so arrogantly in front of His Majesty, would His Majesty really not punish them?

This, this, who should be bet? Although 500 taels is not a lot, it is still a lot.

"Your Majesty, the tea is here."

"Look at the tea."

"As ordered."

A group of young eunuchs carried trays into the Palace of Qinzheng one after another, and offered the tea on the trays one by one in front of civil and military officials and envoys from various countries.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the tea. Long live my emperor."

"Bang Chen thanked His Majesty Emperor Dalong for the tea, long live long live."

"Taste tea by yourself."

"Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands casually, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked down with interest on the red-clothed Archbishop Yelu Levy below.


"Tell me how you want to bless me?"

"Return to His Majesty the Emperor, we are the envoys of the Lord, so that His Majesty the Emperor can bathe in the glory of the Lord, please allow us to crown and bless His Majesty."



"Cough cough cough..."

"Hang Chi... Hang Chi..."

After the civil and military officials who were drinking tea heard Yelu Levi's words, they spit out the tea they had just taken one by one.

Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet who was planning to watch the show in silence, directly put the tea-scented tea in his hand on the ground, stood up holding the chao wat, and glared at Yeluliwei.

"Presumptuous, bold and barbaric, don't you know what it means to destroy a city and subjugate a country?
Previously, this pavilion treated you as a group of jumping beam clowns, and didn't want to haggle over every detail with you and other barbarians, so as not to fall into the face of my Dragon Dynasty.

However, you actually intensified and uttered wild words, as if you, such barbarians who don't know the dignity and inferiority, and don't understand etiquette, should be punished. "

Xia Gongming raised his wat and saluted First Young Master Liu, then got up and looked directly at the gate of the palace.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, the old minister dared to overstep."

"Where is the forbidden army?"

"I'm waiting."

"Escort these lunatics and execute the Fa on the spot. The gate of the city will be suspended for three days to rectify my great dragon Tianwei."

"We will obey."

(End of this chapter)

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