Chapter 2877
The ten soldiers of the Forbidden Army are completely habitually obeying orders, and the words "orders and prohibitions" have been integrated into their bones.

When they were about to draw out their weapons instinctively and rush towards the envoys of the Holy See in the temple, when their palms just touched the handle of the horizontal knife, the ten soldiers of the Imperial Army suddenly reacted and stopped themselves immediately. Actions.

The person who gave them orders just now was Mr. Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet, not the Ninth Five-Year Lord sitting on the dragon chair.

The ten imperial guards looked at Xia Gongming who was glaring at the red-clothed archbishop Yeluliwei in astonishment, and looked away in panic, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee to Liu Mingzhi who was sitting on the dragon chair.

"We are guilty, Your Majesty forgives us."

Xia Gongming, who was full of anger towards Yeluliwei, couldn't help being stunned by the terrified tone of the ten imperial guards.

At the same time, the red-clothed archbishop from the Holy See, as well as the dozen or so so-called envoys of the Lord, couldn't help showing uneasy expressions on their faces.

Although they don't speak Chinese fluently, they can understand the meaning of Chinese.

Does the Dalong official mean what he said just now, is he going to let those soldiers kill him?

The red-clothed Archbishop Yelu Levi turned his head and glanced at the ten soldiers of the Imperial Army who were behind him in full armor, and his face no longer had the same calm smile and calm expression as before.

Xia Gongming came back to his senses, and subconsciously glanced sideways at the ten imperial guards kneeling on one knee. He also suddenly realized what he had done when he was so angry.

It is no longer a question of whether to overstep or not to order the forbidden army in the palace in front of the current emperor.

Overstepped?Overstepped!And it's a bit too presumptuous.

If His Majesty is not present, there is no problem in ordering the imperial guards in the palace, because that is within the scope of his authority.

And this power is the right that His Majesty personally bestowed upon himself, the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet.

Although I subconsciously asked His Majesty to forgive me for my crime of usurpation just now, this cannot conceal the fact that I, a subject, ordered the soldiers of the Imperial Army in front of the monarch.

What is the forbidden army?The imperial army is the soldiers and horses guarding the safety of the capital.

What is the duty of the forbidden army? The duty of the forbidden army is to protect the safety of the emperor.

Without His Majesty's approval, a subject actually ordered the forbidden army in front of the monarch. If the monarch thinks about it in a bad way, one can imagine what will happen to him.

For decades, I have assisted several generations of emperors, and this situation has never happened before, but today, because of a small barbarian who turned out to be a barbarian, his mind was disturbed, and his heart became angry and his morality was ruined.

For a moment, he was both ashamed and uneasy.

Xia Gongming's wrinkled forehead did not know when there was a thin layer of sweat. This time he really felt scared.

He dared to be upright, and bluntly said that he would be tough on the emperor, but he never touched the emperor's bottom line.

But today's own behavior, a little crossed the line.

"The old minister is guilty, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xia Gongming and the ten soldiers of the Forbidden Army with calm eyes. He gently turned the emerald wrench on his thumb and was silent for a moment, then he put his hands up with a smile.

"Not guilty, my lord is exempt."

"Your Majesty, the old minister is guilty, please forgive me."

"Boss, you asked me to condemn you, but why are you guilty?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, although the old minister has the right to order the forbidden army bestowed by His Majesty, but to order the forbidden army in front of His Majesty, the old minister has already committed the crime of usurpation.

According to the law of my Dalong, those who commit the crime of usurpation without major demerits will be demoted to one level from the official position, ten shovels, and a three-month salary fine.

The old minister has committed the crime of usurpation, please Your Majesty to come down with the crime, the old minister made mistakes first, no matter how His Majesty punishes, the veteran will never complain, and dare not complain. "

Hearing Xia Gongming's righteous words, Liu Mingzhi saw his solemn expression, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

This old man really spared no effort to maintain the strict laws of the imperial court!
It's okay to be punished for being demoted to one level, but this punishment to your old man is really severe enough for him.

As far as your body is concerned, let alone ten sticks, you can't even say whether you can hold three sticks.

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"You say you yourself have just committed the crime of usurpation."

"Return to Your Majesty, that's right."

"Well, let me ask you, how should a king humiliate a minister?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the king humiliated the minister to death."

"I was humiliated today, if you don't come out to protect my face, it will be a death penalty, but you have saved my face, but you think you have committed the crime of usurping.

Then you say, when these two situations are put together, is it better to protect the face of the emperor?Or is it better to overstep? "

"This... old minister... old minister..."

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"If a courtier has to be punished for protecting the emperor's face, then who among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will dare to come out to protect the emperor loyally?

You can give orders to the officers and men of the imperial army, which is bestowed by me personally in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Boss, what crime do you have for exercising your authority?

Fortunately, the cardinal of the Holy See today just spoke too much. If they intend to assassinate the king, will you exercise your power, my lord?
If you use it, you have committed the crime of usurpation, and if you don't use it, you are ineffective.

With these two dilemmas in front of us, how should the boss choose? "

"Of course, the old minister tried his best to protect him."

"In this case, do I need to say anything else? Do you still think that you have committed the crime of usurpation?"

"Old minister...Old minister..."

"My lord."

"The old minister is here."

"Since I dare to hand over the power of ordering the forbidden army to you, I will never doubt your loyalty to the imperial court, my lord.

Don't say that you are just ordering the soldiers of the Imperial Army in front of me, even if you lead the soldiers of the Imperial Army to break into my bed, I will not doubt your loyalty to the imperial court.

Although my lord always confronts me, often choking me so much that I can't step down, and I always want to dismiss you immediately, my lord, but I never doubt my lord's loyalty to me and to the court.

Don't be suspicious of people, don't be suspicious of employers! "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's sincere words, Xia Gongming's old eyes turned a little red instantly. He tidied up his dark blue official robe, and held a court wat to salute First Young Master Liu.

"Old minister Xia Gongming, thank you Your Majesty for your kindness, Long live, long live, long live."

"My lord, please return to your seat without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi shifted his gaze to the ten soldiers of the Forbidden Army, smiled lightly and put his hands up.

"You are not guilty of obeying orders, and you will retreat without courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live."


Yelu Levy, who had been secretly observing the situation, heard Young Master Liu calling his name, and hurriedly turned around to salute Young Master Liu.

"I... Bundchen is here."

(End of this chapter)

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