My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2878 Long-Term Vision

Chapter 2878 Long-Term Vision
Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Yelu Livi who was no longer under the dragon platform, who was already calm and composed, and stood up from the dragon chair with his backhand holding the handle of the sword.

Seeing Young Master Liu standing up suddenly, Archbishop Yelu Levi in ​​red staggered back two steps in fright, looking at Young Master Liu with a hint of panic in his eyes.

The Great Dragon Emperor doesn't want to kill us, does he?
How could this be?I am the cardinal archbishop of the Holy See, the messenger of the Lord!

As the envoy of the Lord, I have left the Holy See to preach in foreign countries for these years. Whenever I go to a country, from kings to queens, princes and princesses, down to nobles and ministers, and common people, they all treat me and others with respect and friendship. Treat yourself as a guest of honor.

Those kings and queens who believe in the Lord in various countries are not begging themselves, hoping that they can crown and bless them, so that they can bathe in the glory of the Lord.

Why did he change to such a situation after arriving in Dalong, a prosperous oriental country?
The military officers in the palace saw Liu Mingzhi standing up suddenly holding the sword hilt, and also saw Yelu Levi's trembling and panic reaction, their expressions suddenly became excited, and they moved towards Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun in a subtle manner.

"Old Hou Ye, the last general is 1000 taels, and the Fa will be executed on the spot."

"The last general, 500 taels, will be executed on the spot."

"The last general is also 500 taels."

"Also add one at the end."

Old Houye Cai looked at his colleagues with excited expressions, and his gray beard trembled a few times.

"Go away, go away, go away, it doesn't matter if you bet now."

"Then how can it be done, Old Hou, you didn't say to close the disk just now!"

"Old Hou Ye, you are always in the mind of the last general, you are a respected elder, you can't just play around for a mere 1000 taels of silver in compensation."

"This old man sleeps with your mother, what a bitch, is this old man cheating or you guys cheating, what have you been doing?"

"Old Hou Ye, you are going too far. You will sue my father when you go back. Do you think he dares to bring his servants to burn down your Hou Mansion?"

"Little bastard, do you dare to threaten me?"

Hearing the murmurs of the military officers, Liu Mingzhi glanced at them subconsciously, and the military officers who felt Young Master Liu's eyes immediately fell silent, holding the wat and turned into a posture of sitting upright.

what's the situation?What are these old killers doing?

Not knowing what they were muttering about, Liu Mingzhi shifted his gaze to Yelu Levi again.


Yelu Levi forcibly controlled the fear in his heart, and saluted Young Master Liu with a more respectful expression.

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Do you know what it means to be justified?"

"Returning to His Majesty the Emperor, on the way to Dalong Heavenly Dynasty by boat, Bangchen has been working hard to learn the culture of Dalong from the envoy of Anla Kingdom, so Bangchen knows what is right and proper."

"Well, it's good to know."

"In your Roman country, isn't the new monarch a legitimate monarch only after the Pope of your Holy See has crowned and blessed him?"

Although Yelu Levi's face was very disturbed, when he heard Young Master Liu's question, he still couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Ah? Your Majesty, how do you know?"

"Hehe, I know much more than you think.

Your original intention may be good, but unfortunately, I don't believe in the so-called Lord of your Holy See. "

"Bundy Chen was wrong, Bundy Chen was wrong."

"For the reason that your intentions are not bad, I will not care about you like you, and I will not punish you, after all, this is just a cultural custom of your homeland.

I just said it when you entered the palace to meet with me, my great dragon pays attention to all the rivers and rivers in Hainan, and tolerance is the greatest.

My Dalong Heavenly Dynasty is a state of etiquette. I respect the customs and customs of your country, as well as your customs and culture. At the same time, I also hope that after you come to my Dalong, you can respect my Dalong's rules. "

"His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."


"Bundy Chen is here."

"Lead your envoys to their seats."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong, thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong."

After performing a weird etiquette, Yelu Levi hurriedly greeted the dozen or so envoys behind him and walked towards the empty futon in the temple.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yelu Levi and his group who had become honest, with a half-smile smile on the corner of his mouth.

For me, if I want to kill Yeluliwei and the others from the Holy See, it is just a piece of cake.

However, if Yeluliwei and the others were killed today, nine out of ten would make the envoys of the missions of other countries feel panic and uneasy.

If it scares them so much that they dare not come to Dalong to worship the New Year's offering in the future, then Dalong will suffer a great loss.

Killing the envoy of the Holy See can certainly be a pleasure for a while, but from a long-term perspective, the gain outweighs the loss.

For the sake of the long-term, it is far more valuable to spare the lives of Yeluliwei and the others than to kill them.

Secondly, it is that I really don't bother to care about them.

Otherwise, I would directly send someone to invite Li Buyi, the old master, to the palace, and ask him to explain to Yelu Levi and the others what theology is.

No matter how bad it is, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian can teach them a good lesson.

Guarantee that they will not be the Lord or the Lord all day long in the future.

Liu Mingzhi watched Yelu Levy and the others sit on the futon obediently, and looked at Sakai Ka, the envoy of the Japanese mission with great interest.

"Waguo is congratulating Sakai."

When Sakai He heard Young Master Liu calling his name first, his expression immediately became happy, and he glared at the Goguryeo Mission on the opposite side with some complacency, and immediately got up and walked towards the center of the hall.

"Bundy Chen is here."

"I heard from Mr. Wang of Honglu Temple that you, the country of Wa, have presented me with a rare treasure, and you will only reveal this rare treasure to the public after you see me.

Now that you have seen me, should you be able to tell me about that rare treasure that you donated this time? "

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the minister dared to say that it wasn't because the minister deliberately sold out that he didn't want His Majesty to see the rare treasures we presented to His Majesty immediately.

But this rare treasure can only show the most pleasing side at night, and Bang Chen boldly begged His Majesty the Emperor to wait patiently.

When His Majesty has a banquet for our missions from various countries at night, I will personally deliver this rare treasure to Your Majesty. "

After listening to Sakai He's words, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously glanced at Sakai Hoshino, who was kneeling beside Liu Feifei, little cuties and their sisters.

Can you show the most pleasing side at night?I have to wait until night before delivering it to myself.

This Sakai Ka could not have seen his greedy Sakai Hoshino's body, and wanted to arrange a beauty trap for himself, right?

(End of this chapter)

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