My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2879 Reversing Black and White

Chapter 2879 Reversing Black and White

Sakai He didn't hear First Young Master Liu's response for a long time, thinking that he was not happy with what he did, so he sneaked a sneak peek at Liu Mingzhi who was standing on the dragon platform.

However, there was Ping Tian's crown covering Young Master Liu's face, and Sakai Heyi peeked at him several times in a row, but he didn't see the expression on his face.

Sakai Hoshino, who was kneeling next to Liu Feifei and sisters, seemed to have a feeling, and silently turned his head to observe the dragon officials and envoys from various countries in the hall.

She observed carefully, and saw that everyone was quietly watching First Young Master Liu on the dragon platform, and she didn't find anything amiss.

Sakai Hoshino frowned slightly, subconsciously raised her jade neck gently, and looked towards Liu Mingzhi with her beautiful eyes in doubt.

Seeing Sakai Hoshino raising his head to look at him, Liu Mingzhi immediately looked away from her.

When Sakai Hoshino raised his head and set his gaze on First Young Master Liu, all he saw was Young Young Master Liu's mighty and straight figure, and the majestic aura of looking down upon the world emanating from his body.

Um?Am I feeling wrong?But I clearly felt that someone was watching me just now!

"Aunt Hoshino, do you think there is something going on here?"

"Ah? It's okay, it's okay."

"Oh fine!"

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"I agree. You will dedicate that rare treasure to me at night when the court banquet is held. I hope that you will not disappoint me at night."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, when the palace banquet is held tonight, Bang Chen will immediately unveil the treasures for His Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly as a gesture, glanced at the envoys of various countries in the hall indifferently and said: "All envoys."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"I heard from Master Wang of Honglu Temple that you all have something to ask for when you enter the palace for an audience.

Now that the court meeting of my Great Dragon Court is over, I have plenty of time to listen to your respective appeals. I wonder which envoy will tell the story first? "

The envoys of various countries hadn't moved yet, Sakai He, who was standing in the center of the hall, had a happy face, and made a big gift to Young Master Liu without hesitation.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the ministers have just come out now, can the ministers tell the story first? Please allow your majesty the emperor."

Goguryeo envoy Kim Taeun heard Sakai Ga's words, and panic flashed across his eyes.

Just as he wanted to stop him, he immediately thought of where this place was, so he could only suppress the helplessness in his heart, and gave Sakai Ka's back a fierce look.

Park Jae-hee, the deputy envoy of the Goguryeo Mission, looked at Sakai Ga with an extremely unwilling face, and touched Kim Tae-eun's arm lightly with subtle movements.

"My lord, what should I do? Let those bastards from the Wa Kingdom seize the opportunity.

If His Majesty the Dragon Emperor agreed to their request for military equipment, General Cui Jun'en would be in big trouble. "

"I didn't expect that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor would suddenly bring up this matter. Now that bastard Sakai He is already standing in the middle of the hall, I can't stop him even if I want to stop him from exiting.

Don't forget, this is not the court hall of our Goguryeo Kingdom, but the Qinzheng Hall of the Dalong Dynasty.

If we accidentally offend His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, we who didn't take the lead in the first place will become more passive.

There is no way, just wait and see. "

"Yes, the officer understands."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the nervous and expectant expression on Sakai He's face, although he already knew what his request was, he still nodded slightly.

"Speak, I'm listening!"

"Bang Chen thanked His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

Sakai He first thanked him respectfully, and then took out a booklet similar to Dalong's document from his spacious cuff.

"Report to His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor.

My Sakai family abides by the law and treats the people under the family's rule well. However, the royal family has no virtue, and treats the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart. I suspect that my Sakai family has a heart of disobedience.


In order to protect the people under the rule, Sakai Yizi had no choice but to fight with the Wude royal family for many years, which led to... Goguryeo country disregarded the friendship of the state, and went to war without declaring it to help the tyrant.


State minister Sakai He was ordered by the Patriarch to send an envoy to Dalong Tianchao for assistance.

His Majesty the Emperor Wanwang took pity on me to save hundreds of thousands of people from suffering... and gave us a number of excellent soldiers from the Great Dragon to help us out of the predicament.

Long live, long live His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, head of the Sakai family in Japan, and the son of Sakai. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Sakai He, who was holding a document and looked angry and sad, and nodded slightly to Liu Song who was beside him.



Liu Song trotted to Sakai He and took the document in his hand, then turned around and turned back.

"Master, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi took the document from Liu Song's hand, pretending to be careful, but perfunctorily flipped through the contents of the document for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the Goguryeo mission who was kneeling next to the officials of the household department.

"Kim Tae-eun, envoy of Goguryeo Kingdom."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Wo Kingdom is making Sakai He to mention in the document that your Koguryo Kingdom ignores diplomatic relations and secretly sent troops to their Sakai family's territory without declaring war. Do you have anything to say?"

"Bangchen returned to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the Japanese state is making Sakai congratulate the above-mentioned things in the document, which is not true!"

"Oh? Not true? You are allowed to argue."

"The minister thanked His Majesty the Emperor, the minister thanked His Majesty the Emperor."

After the Goguryeo Kingdom envoy Jin Taeun thanked him a few times, he immediately took out a document from his cuff, got up and walked quickly to the center of the hall.

Jin Taeun silently stopped, and the position he stopped was about half a step ahead of Sakai He, and the provocative meaning in it was self-evident.

Especially when Jin Taeun passed by Sakai He, intentionally or unintentionally, he turned his head slightly and hummed to him in a low voice. Such behavior directly made Sakai He next to him grit his teeth instantly.

"The bastard who is a villain, let's wait and see.

After my Sakai family has received the military equipment bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor, let alone Cui Junen, who was in collusion with the royal family, even your Goguryeo court will have to pay the due price.

Bastard, there are times when you Goguryeo regret it. "

Jin Taeun directly ignored Sakai Ga who was gnashing his teeth at him, and held up the document in his hand respectfully.

"I report to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the ministers do not deny that our Goguryeo country has used weapons against the Sakai family of the Wa country, but the facts are by no means what Sakaiga said. Goguryeo secretly used them against them without declaring war regardless of the relationship between our diplomatic relations. There are swordsmen.

Your Majesty the Emperor clearly learned that the situation stated in the document by Sakaiga, the Japanese official, is completely slanderous against me, Goguryeo. "

When Sakai Hoshino heard Jin Taeun's words, his eyebrows frowned instantly, and he couldn't help but straightened his willow waist and looked towards Young Master Liu.

"Mr. tell His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the envoys of the Goguryeo Kingdom are simply confusing right and wrong. If they hadn't attacked the rear of our Sakai family allied forces..."

Before Sakai Hoshino finished his indignant rebuttal, Liu Mingzhi interrupted her.

"During the refutation of the Japanese envoys and Goguryeo envoys, you are not allowed to interrupt without authorization."

Sakai Hoshino's charming face froze for a moment, feeling the majestic eyes of Young Master Liu looking at him, biting his bright red lips with white teeth, and nodded unwillingly.

"I! Yes, the minister is following His Majesty's orders."

After Sakai Hoshino said these words to Young Master Liu with grievances, the resentment in those beautiful eyes was already self-evident.

It seems to be saying, Liu Jun, why don't you help Hoshino.

(End of this chapter)

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