My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2880 Each holds a word

Chapter 2880

Liu Mingzhi pretended not to see Sakai Hoshino's resentful eyes, and turned his eyes back to the Goguryeo envoy Jin Taeun again.

Jin Taeun's rebuttal to Sakai He may lead to some unexpected situations. How could he change his mind just because of Sakai Hoshino's resentful eyes.

In order to be able to learn more about the situation between the Wa Kingdom and the Goguryeo Kingdom, it is of course impossible for me to just listen to the words of the Wa Kingdom Mission.

You know, only the enemy knows the enemy best.

In order to add insult to injury to the enemy and achieve the goal of harming others and benefiting oneself, both sides will definitely tell each other's real situation verbatim.

It is precisely because of this that what Kim Tae-eun said about the Wa country will be more credible than what Sakaiga himself said.

Of course, it's just more believable. As for how true or false it is, it needs to be carefully considered after the fact.

"King Tae-eun, envoy of Goguryeo, continue to argue."

"The minister complied, thank you His Majesty the Emperor.

Your Majesty, the reason why Bang Chen said just now that the words of the Japanese envoy Sakai He are slanderous words against our Goguryeo country is because I, Goguryeo, did not fight against the Sakai family without declaring it, and carried out sneak attacks from behind. "

When Sakai He heard Jin Taeun's words, he immediately gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"Jin Taeun, you fart, how dare you say that your Goguryeo general Cui Junen didn't lead troops to attack the rear camp of our Sakai family?
You despicable and shameless people who dare to be or not to be, do you dare to swear to the sky in front of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's Tianwei Longyan? "

"Hmph, Sakai He, did you take what I just said as wind?
Let me say it again, during the rebuttal of the Goguryeo envoy, you are not allowed to intervene without authorization. "

Sakai He, who was glaring at Jin Taeun, heard Young Master Liu's unpleasant words, his body trembled suddenly, and hurriedly bowed to Young Master Liu.

"Yes yes yes, the minister knows his mistake, the minister knows his mistake, please forgive me, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

When Jin Taeun saw that Sakai He was scolded by Young Master Liu, a look of joy flashed across his eyes, and he immediately covered it up again.

"Jin Taeun, go ahead."

"Bundemy obeys."

"Your Majesty, the minister has just reported it, and the minister does not deny that I, Goguryeo, used troops against the Sakai family, but the fact of using troops is by no means what the Japanese envoy said.

I hope His Majesty the Emperor clearly learned that our country of Goguryeo used troops against the Sakai family, not because Goguryeo secretly used weapons against them in spite of our diplomatic relations. "

"Huh? Then why did you use weapons against the Sakai family of the Japanese country?"

"His Majesty the Emperor, our Goguryeo Kingdom received a request for help from the Wa royal family, and then sent troops to the Sakai family of the Wa Kingdom to rule the land.

The Japanese royal family stated in the letter of request for help that there was a Sakai family under the royal family who refused to obey the royal family's rule and disobeyed the royal family's orders.

In addition, the patriarch of his family, Sakai Yizi, was even more rebellious. He first beheaded the envoys sent by the royal family, and then rebelled with his troops to commit treason and injustice, intending to seek power and usurp the throne and change the dynasty.

The state minister Goguryeo King Shangnian finally decided to send troops to the Wa Kingdom to help the Wa Kingdom fight against the rebellious Sakai family under the Wa Kingdom because of the friendship with the Wa Kingdom.

If His Majesty the Emperor doesn't believe it, here is the letter from the King of Wa to me asking for help from Koguryo. "

When Sakai He heard Jin Taeun's remarks, the anger in his eyes was clearly visible.

When Sakai He was about to open his mouth to yell at Jin Taeun's shameless remarks, he suddenly thought of Young Master Liu's warning words just now, and had to forcefully suppress the words that came to his lips.

After listening to Jin Taeun's rebuttal, Liu Mingzhi's eyes flashed with disappointment.

What Jin Taeun said just now, in Honglu Temple a few days ago, Sakai Hoshino had already told herself carefully.

Listening to Jin Taeun repeating the same content with minor differences now, I can't get any useful information at all.

Liu Mingzhi silently clasped the hilt of the Heavenly Sword with his fingers, squinted his eyes and thought for a while.

"Jin Taeun, besides what you just said, do you have any other arguments?"

"Back to His Majesty, the minister has no other objections.

Bang Chen said this, just hoping that His Majesty the Emperor will not be blinded by the despicable person Sakai Ga, and also proves that the Goguryeo Kingdom did not ignore the friendship between the two countries and waged an undeclared war against the Sakai family. "

"Well, do you need to think again if there's anything you've missed?"

"Go back to His Majesty the Emperor, the ministers are gone."

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"What do you want to say about Jin Taeun's rebuttal?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the Sakai family did indeed do what Jin Taeun said just now, but there is a reason why we did so.

It's not that my Sakai family doesn't know the dignity and inferiority, and wants to act against the royal family.

The people of the royal family are really greedy and bullying too much. The people of the royal family did not give the Bangchen Sakai family a way to survive, and the Bangchen family was forced to embark on the road of raising troops.

The specific situation has been stated one by one in the document, please read it Your Majesty.

The Sakai family has been accused of rebellion and usurpation of the throne. It is extremely wronged. Please, His Majesty the Emperor, give justice to the ministers, and justice to my Sakai family. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Sakai Hoshi who held up the document in his hand, and slightly glanced sideways at Sakai Hoshino, whose pretty face was full of anxiety.

"Sakai He."

"Bundy Chen is here."

"What you just said, your aunt Sakai Hoshino told me in detail a few days ago in Honglu Temple, and I already know everything about your Sakai family.

Now that you Wa Kingdom and Goguryeo Kingdom hold different opinions, it will be difficult for me to tell the truth from the fake for a while.

How about this, I will give you a judgment after I have carefully read the contents of the document. "

"Bang Chen Sakai He complied, Your Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

"Bangchen Jin Taeun obeys orders, His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."



Liu Song trotted down again, took the document in Jin Taeun's hand and turned back.

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

"Huh? Sakai, what else do you want?"

"Back to His Majesty the Emperor, the minister would like to ask about the military preparation we requested?"

"The truth has not yet been clarified. The matter of rewarding soldiers and equipment will be put on hold for later discussion. I will reply after I read your documents."

"But Your Majesty the Emperor, the situation of our Sakai family is already at stake, and we urgently need..."


"Bundemy obeys."

"Well, both of you take your seats."

"Bundemy obeys."

"The rest of the envoys, who will talk about their demands next?"

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, the vassal of Baekje is requesting to report back."


"Thank you, Your Majesty, the delegation of ministers came to Dalong this time to pay homage and brought a large amount of Baekje's special products. I hope His Majesty can give us a booth for the mission, so that we can trade goods with Dalong merchants or common people. needed.

Besides, Dalong Tianchao is full of treasures, outstanding people, and we are very eager to get the special products of Dalong Tianchao. I hope His Majesty will allow us to buy Dalong's special products in the square market by ourselves. "

"That's right."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong, long live long live."

"Household Department, Honglu Temple, Shifang Division."

"Sir wait."

"This matter will be handled in cooperation with you, and it will be facilitated with the diplomatic missions of various countries to the greatest extent."

"I will obey your orders."

"The missions of other countries, what are your demands?"

"Back to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, our appeal is the same as that of Baekje."

"That's right."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong."

(End of this chapter)

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