My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2881 Going to a Good Place

Chapter 2881 Going to a Good Place

After Liu Mingzhi had dealt with the demands of the envoys of various countries, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the Minister of Rites with a relaxed expression.

"Department of Rites, Xiao Chengzi."

"The old minister is here."

"The old slave is here."

"Your Ministry of Etiquette and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will coordinate with you to handle the palace banquet tonight. Try not to neglect the envoys from various countries who came to pay homage to my dragon."

"The old minister obeyed."

"The old slave complies."

"Cabinet assistant Tong Sansi, Wuyi Wang Songqing, Honglu Temple Zhengqing Wang Hezheng."

"Sir wait."

"After leaving the palace, the envoys of various countries went to appreciate the local conditions and customs of our Dalong capital. The three of you will handle it together. As long as they don't violate the laws of Dalong, as long as they don't break the rules of my Dalong, the envoys of all nations will be in Beijing. Everything in the city is free."

"I will obey your orders."

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"In order to ensure the personal safety of the envoys of various countries in the city, you must send several more teams of guards to patrol the streets under your Ministry of War, and the time spent on duty by patrolling the streets will be cut in half.

On this day of great celebration, I don't want to hear that anything bad has happened. "

"The old minister understands, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"I've finished what I should say, all ministers, do you have anything else to report?"

"Report to Your Majesty, the minister is fine."

"Ambassadors from various countries, what about you? Is there anything else you need to appeal to me?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the ministers are fine."

Waguo Zhengshi Sakai He obviously wanted to say something more, but seeing that the envoys from various countries around him who came to worship with him had already saluted, he had no choice but to fall silent with a regretful expression.

In fact, Sakai He can't wait to ask Liu Mingzhi about rewarding military equipment right now, but he also knows in his heart that as long as Liu Mingzhi, the Great Dragon Emperor, doesn't talk about this matter, no matter how much he begs, it will be meaningless .

Sakai He secretly sighed with disappointment on his face, and he glared at Goguryeo King Jin Taeun who was standing opposite him with resentment, thinking to himself, if it wasn't for the bastard Kim Taeun who made a hindrance today, maybe Liu Mingzhi would He agreed to his request.

Even if the probability of this possibility is only about half, or even less, it is better than going back and waiting for Liu Mingzhi's reply now.

However, now that things have reached this point, there is no point in continuing to complain about anything.

Now I have no choice but to go back to Honglu Temple and honestly wait for the reply from the Dalong court.

As for forcibly begging Liu Mingzhi, the Great Dragon Emperor, to agree to his request, Sakai Kaga didn't even dare to think of such a thought.

Dalong is not a place where he, the envoy of the dependent country, can run wild.

But there must be someone responsible for this matter, so Sakai He put all the reasons for the failure of the request for military equipment to the Goguryeo envoy Kim Tae-eun.

In his heart, Sakai He silently greeted all the eighteen generations of Jin Taeun's ancestors one by one, and he felt a little more comfortable in his heart.

Liu Mingzhi looked around the silent court for a week, and with a smile on his lips, he twitched the cuffs of his dragon robe.


"Your Majesty ordered you to retreat."

"I send you off to Your Majesty respectfully, long live my emperor."

"Bang Chen respectfully sends His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the documents on the dragon case and threw them to Liu Song, turned around and walked straight to the apse of Qinzheng Hall.

After Liu Mingzhi left, the civil and military officials in the hall got up one after another and walked towards the outside of the Qinzheng Hall, followed by the envoys from various countries.

Liu Feifei, the little cute sisters got up and waved to Sakai Hoshino, Huaqi Yingzhi mother and daughter.

"Aunt Hoshino, Sister Sakurazhi, let's go to the harem to change into our regular clothes. See you at the banquet tonight."

"Bangchen Sakai Hoshino sent off the two princesses."

"Sakura Weaving is sending off the two princess sisters."

"You're welcome, see you later!"

The little cutie was about to turn around and leave with her sister Liu Feifei, when she suddenly thought of something, she hurriedly raised her flawless hand and grabbed Sakai Hoshino's sleeve.

"By the way, please wait a moment, Aunt Hoshino."

Sakai Hoshino looked at the little cutie who was holding onto his sleeve with a puzzled expression.

"Huh? Excuse me, Princess Yue'er, do you have anything to do?"

The cutie looked at Sakai Hoshino, who had a rather reserved face, and waved her hands cheerfully.

"Aunt Hoshino, it's all gone now, you can just call me Yueer, Princess Yueer, Princess Yueer sounds really awkward."

"Bang Chen dare not, Bang Chen dare not, in the palace, Hoshino really dare not call Her Royal Highness by her name directly."

The cutie's delicate face sank, and she looked at Sakai Hoshino with a reserved look pretending to be unhappy.

"Aunt Hoshino, this is the princess' order."

"Here, Hoshino obeys."

The little cutie's expression of pretending to be unhappy disappeared in an instant, and she grabbed Sakai Hoshino's white hand with a smile on her face.

"Hey, that's right, Aunt Hoshino, you don't have anything important to do tomorrow, right?"

Sakai Hoshino pondered for a moment, looked at the little cutie and shook his head gently.

"After going back, I will stay in Honglu Temple and wait for your reply from the Dalong court. There should be nothing wrong."

The little cutie had a happy face, and let go of Sakai Hoshino's hand, and patted it vigorously.

"That's great, Aunt Hoshino, if you don't have anything too busy to go out tomorrow, no matter what, you must wait for Yue'er in Honghe Temple. Yue'er will go to Honghe Temple after finishing her official duties at the Ten Kings Hall tomorrow." Looking for you."

"Ah? Princess Yue'er, are you in a hurry to find me?"

The little cutie looked at Sakai Hoshino's pretty face with doubts, the sly look in the depths of her bright eyes flashed away, and she stretched her waist with a smile.

"It's nothing serious, Yue'er mainly wants to chat with Aunt Hoshino, and by the way, take you to appreciate the customs and customs of our Dalong capital.

Aunt Hoshino, I must wait for Yue'er tomorrow, Yue'er will take you to a good place. "

"Huh? What a good place?"

"You'll find out tomorrow, Aunt Hoshino. Yue'er will go to the harem to change into her regular clothes. See you tonight."

"Ah! Alright, Bangchen will send Princess Yue'er respectfully."

When Xiaocuti left with her elder sister Liu Feifei, all the civil and military officials in the palace had already left.

Sakai He watched most of the civil and military officials walk out of the gate of the main hall, and glared angrily at Jin Taeun who was opposite him.

"You old bastard, you wait for me. Sooner or later, I will make you regret it."

Hearing Sakai He's cursing words, Jin Taeun flicked his sleeves nonchalantly, and walked towards the outside of Qinzheng Hall with a disdainful smile in his eyes.

"Hehehe, young man, don't speak big words too early, it's better to wait until you have obtained the military equipment that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor bestowed on you to your Japanese embassy, ​​before you say these arrogant words to the old man.

Otherwise, depending on the current situation of your Sakai family in the mainland of Japan, whoever will regret it may not be too late! "


"Hehehe, listen to the old man's advice, there is no such thing as a sure thing, try not to jump to conclusions so early.

The old man bids farewell, and we will meet again at the palace banquet. "

Sakai He looked at the backs of Kim Tae-eun and Goguryeo's deputy envoy gradually going away, gritted his teeth, shook his sleeves with resentment, turned and walked towards his aunt Sakai Hoshino.

"Auntie, the child has let you down."

Sakai Hoshino let out a long sigh of melancholy, raised his jade hand and took his daughter Huaqi Yingzhi's wrist and walked slowly towards the outside of the hall.

"It's not easy to talk here, let's talk while walking on the road."

"Yes, please, auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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