My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2882 One Ritual Subjugation

Chapter 2882

Under the corridor leading to the harem from the Palace of Qinzheng, Liu Feifei looked at the cute little girl who jumped up and down as if she had picked up gold, and immediately quickened her pace to follow.


"Ah? What's wrong?"

Cutie slammed to a stop and turned to look at Liu Feifei who was walking towards her quickly.

"Sister Feifei, is there something wrong? You don't want Yue'er to review the memorial papers for you again, do you?
Yue'er has to explain to you, Sister Feifei, that Yue'er is busy making money these days, and I really don't have time to help you review the memorial papers. "

"My sister doesn't have many documents in hand, so I don't need to ask Yue'er to help you with official duties."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Liu Feifei looked at the happy little cutie with weird eyes, couldn't help raising her lotus root arm, and gently tugged on the little cutie's jade cheeks with her slender fingers.

"Oh, Sister Feifei, what are you doing pinching my face?"

"Yue'er, are you okay?"

"What's wrong with me? Sister Feifei, do I look like something's wrong with me now?"

Liu Feifei looked at the puzzled expression on the little cutie's face, and nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah, Yue'er, you were jumping and jumping for a while, making weird laughter for a while, and dancing with your hands and feet for a while, and you seemed to be following a demon. No matter how you look at it, you don't seem to be okay look.

If it weren't for broad daylight, my sister would have thought you were sleepwalking again! "

"What? Sleepwalking again? Have I ever sleepwalked?"

"Of course, you have sleepwalked several times when you were a child. My sister remembers one night when you fell asleep and suddenly sat up from the bed."

"Huh? What happened later?"

"Sister Yiyi, the two of us were woken up by you, and we were about to call you, but you muttered that there was a flood, and told me to run quickly, Sister Yiyi."

"Oh, in this way, Yue'er, I am really a good sister. Even when I was sleepwalking, I wanted to protect sister Yiyi and you two first."

"What, when we were both half asleep and half awake, we were taken aback by your babbling words, and we really thought there was a flood!

In the end, when the two of us dragged you out of the bed, Yue'er, we found out that there was a flood, it was obviously Yue'er, you wet the bed... ummmm..."

The cute and beautiful Shengyan looked at Liu Feifei who had her lips covered by her in embarrassment, and quickly turned her head around to observe the environment around the palace corridor.

"Sister Feifei, you don't know anything, you have forgotten everything, otherwise, even if you are a real sister, you don't have to do it."


"Huh - the weather today is really good! Even the sun looks so warm and bright.

Sister Feifei, what, let's go change into regular clothes first, I'm already uncomfortable in this dragon robe. "

Liu Feifei looked at the little cutie's erratic eyes, trying to cover up her reaction, and pursed her cherry lips and laughed a few times.

"Yes, yes, sister, I don't know anything, and my sister has forgotten everything, as long as you are fine, Yue'er."

"Yue'er is fine, of course I'm fine with Yue'er, what can Yue'er do?"

"Well, okay, it's fine, let's go and change quickly."

"Sister Feifei, please, please, Sister Feifei first."

"Let's go together, Yue'er, with that nagging look of yours just now, are you planning some tricks again?
My sister can warn you, you'd better calm down and make less trouble, otherwise, be careful of our old man, he asked you to use a training stick to explain the principles of life to you. "

"Oh, sister Feifei, what are you talking about? I am so obedient, Yue'er, how could I cause trouble!"

"Yes, yes, how good you are, you will definitely not go out and cause trouble, just remember what you said, Yue'er."

"Huh? Sister Feifei, what's the matter?"

"My sister can see that you have said those mysterious things to Aunt Hoshino before you got the look you were talking about just now.

Let me tell you, Aunt Hoshino might become our Aunt Hoshino one day, so don't play tricks on her.

In case something happens accidentally, Dad will be really angry, and no one will be able to help you. "

"Don't worry, don't worry, Yue'er, I have my sense of proportion.

Looking at the two cities inside and outside the capital, there is this girl I am covering, and no one dares to do anything to Aunt Hoshino.

Don't talk about it, don't talk about it, let's go and change clothes, Yue'er made an appointment with the Rouge girl in Cuiping Building yesterday, if I go late, I have to spend time coaxing her. "

"Hey, Yue'er, it's better for you to let my sister tell you what you are. It's not like you don't have any of those brothel girls. If you are curious about something, you can look in the mirror whatever you want when you take a bath, and no one will care about you.

I am also a big girl, can you tell me that you go to the land of fireworks every three days? "

"Hey, Sister Feifei, you don't understand, although Yue'er has what those beautiful sisters have, but sometimes, Yue'er may not have what they have.

You won't understand anyway, Sister Feifei, our stinky father doesn't care about me anymore, so stop nagging. "

"Okay, as long as you think your ass is thick enough, you can do whatever you like."

"Hehehe, Sister Feifei is the best, let's go and change into regular clothes, let Yue'er check it for you, and see if the place where you should have grown up has grown, Sister Feifei."

"Fuck you, stinky girl, you're really getting more and more dishonest... Ah... hahaha... Stinky girl, if you dare to tickle me, stop and see how I deal with you."

The little cute sisters were fighting and fighting, chasing each other and running towards their bedroom, leaving bursts of laughter in the corridor of the harem.

In the Guangming Hall of the harem, Liu Mingzhi, who had changed into a normal uniform, picked up the carved jade fan on the table and moved his neck a few times.



"A few days ago, my young master promised Hoshino and Yingzhi, their mother and daughter, to take them to visit the beautiful scenery in the palace. You immediately go and invite their mother and daughter to the imperial garden. Master, I will go to the viewing platform and wait." looking at you."

"Yes, the little one retire."
"and many more."

"Yes, master, do you have any other orders?"

"When you meet little eunuchs on the road, ask them to inform the imperial dining room and prepare some food such as wine, vegetables and pastries for the young master and I will send them to the viewing platform."

"Hey, little one knows."


"Yes, the little one retire."

After Liu Song hurriedly left, Liu Mingzhi swayed his folding fan gently and went straight to the imperial garden of the palace.

Outside the gate of the palace, the red-clothed archbishop of the Holy See, Yelu Levi, led a dozen congregants under his command all the way away from the gate of the palace, and the expression on his face was still undecided.

"James, take a quick look behind us to see if there are imperial guards from the Dragon Palace following us."

"Archbishop, apart from the people of Dalong coming and going behind us, no one in armor followed us."

"Huh-huh-that's good, that's good, it's good if you don't keep up."
A group of congregants of the Holy See looked back and watched frequently, while escorting Yelu Levi towards the direction of Honglu Temple.

"Archbishop, the emperor of Dalong obviously doesn't believe in our Almighty Lord, so how can we preach in Dalong Kingdom?"

"Archbishop, the Almighty Lord will definitely punish the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom who dares to disrespect him, right?"

"Archbishop, we are the messengers of the Lord, and the Lord will surely bless us to return to the Holy See safe and sound."

Yeluliwei looked at the congregation with extremely pious expressions, and the panic expression on his face gradually calmed down.

"Everyone, the Almighty Lord will definitely bless us. We have all bathed in the Holy Light of the Lord when we went out to preach. He will always bless us to return to the Holy See safely.

The emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom does not believe in Allah because he... oh... ahem..."

The archbishop in red was preaching their teachings to a group of congregants, when he suddenly let out a painful cough, covered his hands and kept sucking in the cold air alone.

And in front of Yelu Levi, a little girl holding candied haws in her hand was rubbing her forehead with her teeth grinning, looking at the group of people in front of her with a depressed face.
"Hiss, whoops, whoops, what's the matter with you people? Don't you look at the road when you walk?"

"Bold, you little girl dared to attack our archbishop. Do you know who he is? Why don't you apologize to our archbishop?"

"Hey, are you still making sense? You were walking and talking at the same time, not looking forward at all. I couldn't hide from hiding, so I accidentally bumped into his belly. Why? It's my fault?"

"You little girl really has no rules, if this is in our Roman country..."

"James, we are the messengers of the merciful Lord. Don't scare this little girl, just ask her to apologize to me."


"Little girl, did you hear that our benevolent archbishop is not as knowledgeable as you, why don't you apologize to him?"

"You people can't even speak Chinese fluently, you must be Huawai barbarians, right?
I don't even think about asking this girl to apologize to the Huawai barbarians. What's more, this matter was not my fault in the first place, it was obviously that you walked without looking at the road. "

"Archbishop, what does it mean to be a barbarian?"

"Asshole, she's humiliating us."

"Hey, it's fine if you don't apologize, you little girl, how dare you humiliate us? I order you to apologize to our archbishop, otherwise the Almighty Lord will punish you."

"You guys are so brave, don't you know that after you and other barbarians entered my dragon..."

"Lianniang, since you bumped into someone, you should make an apology."

"Sister Yue'er, you are out of the palace."

"The Cardinal of the Holy See, Yelu Levi, right, my girl, let me remind you kindly, it's not that you can't accept her gift.

But if she continues to worship this one, then the country will perish! "

(End of this chapter)

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